Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Musical Wonder

Groovy beats

It's been a while since I found a great music disk so I was pleasantly shocked to discover The Musical Wonder by Offbeat. This is their second 'Musical Wonder' and is apparently described as a demo delight. Well, it is actually!! The floppy disk boots with a mesmerising intro before offering different types of music.

This disk is impressive and, from the moment I saw that initial intro, I was hoping it wouldn't disappoint. Thanks to a humungous library of tunes by Big Alec, Mad Max, and An Cool, it doesn't. But it's not just the cool tunes I loved. This production uses gorgeous visual effects in ways your eyeballs will relish!

Additionally, there is a hidden screen that features high-quality audio. Hitting the right keys helps wonders but, if you don't want to experiment, beware of this spoiler... Hit the tilde key during the menu screen, then press the Clr Home key for the image. Scroll down to see the picture (without the cool audio, of course).

Okay, let's state the obvious once again. I know it's harsh to hear this but, no emulator or video recording will do justice to any Atari ST production. Use a real Atari computer to appreciate this disk fully.

I am taking a short break due to personal reasons... Hope to continue the ST talk soon... TTFN.


An Cool - Music
Big Alec - Music
ES - Graphics (Font)
Flix - Code, Graphics, Music, Other (Concept)
Jacky - Other (Music Ripping)
Mad Max - Music
Ramses XIII - Other (Music Ripping)
Ray - Code, Graphics, Other (Concept)
Slime - Graphics
Titan - Other (Music Ripping)

Grab the download off Atarimania  -
Offbeat fully archived on Demozoo -

After the glorious title screen, we have three options...

The first is typically old school with loads of colours, a moving background, and all in overscan!

Overscan is used once again with a shedload of tunes to play. This section is my favourite.

Don't go off how it looks for the third part!! Sit back... listen... read...

>>> Spoiler Alert <<<

Not much to see, but the audio is outstanding. Scroll back up to learn how to access it.

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