Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Things That Made Us Go Hmmm....

Almost a Megademo

Every so often, I come across a demo I have not seen before, and today, I’ve got a rather good one - Things That Made Us Go Hmmm by The Watchmen. It starts with the above screen, cycling through a range of psychedelic colours that look absolutely stunning!! The main menu plays an original (ahem) tune and also reminded me of Life’s a Bitch by The Lost Boys. From here, you can access a selection of five demos…

> Now There's A Frood. This one features multiple background layers scrolling in different directions, along with a scroller that you’d struggle to read unless you’re an owl! It’s packed with proper old-school effects, executed brilliantly, and paired with some super-duper music.

> A Toaster Called Zippy. I first came across this a while back and absolutely loved it. I even recorded it because I was so taken with its simple yet stylish 3D presentation and that (Mmmm) compelling chip music. Thanks to a couple of cool chaps, I later found out the music is from the movie Fletch - how did I not spot that straight away?

> There's A Flower Dying In The Vase On My Shoulder. Quite possibly one of the strangest title ever! It starts with a simple screen featuring a massive logo and a sweet chiptune. Then, the full-screen scroller kicks in! It’s been done a million times before, but this is still a fantastic screen.

> The Joy Of Sex. No, not what you’re thinking! But if you’re expecting swirling, sexy 3D visuals, you’re in for a treat. This was easily my favourite demo of the lot - not because of full-screen effects or flashy extras (because there aren’t any), but because the 3D itself is superb. The thick, vibrant lines give it a laser-like effect, making it look absolutely stunning.

> The Fifth Screen. This one is a greetings demo packed with... well, greetings and lots of stars!

One more thing I must also mention is each demo's loading screen which has incredible artwork. Overall, this is a superb demo and I tip my hat to The Watchmen because I've enjoyed it as if it were 1992.

Demozoo has the download and also a dedicated group page for The Watchmen.


Chris(tophe) - Code
Ian - Graphics
Mad Max - Music
Zogg - Graphics (additional graphics in 'A Toaster Called Zippy')

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