Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Phantasie - Day 1

I've arrived on the Isle of Gelnor

Some of you might remember the fun I had sharing my progress in Cosmos Chronicles, Sword of Kadash, Galdregon's Domain, Uninvited, and others. No? Oh... Well, I enjoy RPG and Adventure games and was in the mood for something new to experience. Lately, I’ve spent plenty of time crawling through LARN, Rogue, Nano Cave, etc. All brilliant, but none offer that sense of a larger "journey" or long-term quest.

I was craving something fresh to really sink my teeth into. Then I remembered a video by Into The Vertical Blank about Phantasie, which I’ve never played. You’ve got to love Jeff’s enthusiasm! He made it seem like a grind worth taking on, and that was all the encouragement I needed to start on my own adventure!

So, let's embark on this new adventure, a journey I've missed out on for the past four decades...

I find myself on an island called Gelnor, which is riddled with danger at every turn. I can see an entrance to a distant dungeon amongst the lush woodlands as I enter the town of Pelnor. Seeking answers, I step into the local inn, where a hushed conversation unveils a grim truth. I learn that a sorcerer called Nikademus who uses Black Knights to wreak havoc across the island.

Should I rise to the challenge and seek to defeat Nikademus, freeing this island from his reign of terror? Of course, I will. Yet it’s only a matter of time before I come face to face with the Black Knights. So I need allies - strong and fearless - because no one has ever triumphed against them. To the Guild, then. Let’s see who has the courage to stand with me on this journey!

Hmm, I feel I should warn you that this won’t be over quickly, and I’m bound to make plenty of rookie mistakes. But rest assured, I'm enthusiastic and always welcome to receive any feedback along the way. So, over the coming months, I'll post regular updates on how I'm getting on. Unless, of course, I give up! O_o

Yes, folks, here I am, starting something new and daring enough to share it with the world.

Let’s hope I don’t end up looking like a complete knob.


  1. Have fun with the game. I enjoyed Phantasie III a lot back in the days. It was the only RPG where you could walk and loot and walk and loot without fulfilling quests. Years later I found out, there were quests and I did not managed to solve one. Therefore I had a strong party (ok, one missed two legs). And walking and looting was so much fun.

    1. You sound just like me. I'm the same playing Hunter, Elite II, etc... I tend to wander off and do my own thing. The game? The plot? The quests? Nah, I'm too busy exploring to care! :D


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