Thursday, March 08, 2018

Games I hate!!

My ST love is DEAD!!

I decided it might be 'fun' to play a handful of games I have always hated. Good idea, right? As it turns out, there are many games I absolutely loathe! Perhaps I'm just being a miserable guy (there's a shocker) but let's do this! Here is a handful of dreadful games...

1) Lemmings is a game everybody went crazy for but I couldn't find any joy in herding those docile and idiotic critters. A few screens in, I would soon discover that I had no tolerance for their stupidity and thus, found it irritating. Instead, I would deliberately watch them plummet to their death or explode. Now, that was fun!!

2) Next is a conversion of the monster arcade hit, Hard Drivin'. This sure looks the part with its fancy polygons and whacky stunts enticing you to try your luck. However, it never goes to plan for me as I cannot steer the car in anything that resembles a straight line. In fact, I drive and corner worse than a drunk Stevie Wonder.

3) Next is Strider, a game I saw in ST Format and it looked amazing. They gave it a glowing review so I went out and spent all my pennies. Well, I certainly won't be giving it a glowing review because I cannot stand this platformer for more than a few minutes - without throwing down the joystick!! A terrible Tiertex port. (UPDATE) < < < < <

4) Yolanda is a platformer that I've always thought was curiously interesting. The sprites are superb and it has a funny title screen so I've often wondered if it played as well as it looked? Well, this is my experience:

Start the game... Wonder what to do. Die. Start again... Run left. Die. Start the game again... Run right. Die. Start for yet another go... Panic. Die. Reboot the Atari ST as that's all there is to it!!

The CryptO'pinion?

In case you're wondering, this article was for a bit of fun. Except for the part about Lemmings as it's another lame Amiga port by Psygnosis (explain its intro if you can). Okay, ignoring the odd game like Blood Money & Anarchy, they sucked with their rushed ports. My apologies to their fans throughout the world.

Sorry, not sorry. :p

Are there any Atari ST games you hate? Let me know in the comments below...

This is a recording of my typical game. All over the road and driving like a drunk!

A typical game. Seriously though, I need to play this again to see what it's all about.

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