Showing posts with label Quest - RPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quest - RPG. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Temple of Apshai Trilogy

Sigh, another aged RPG?

Temple of Apshai Trilogy was released in 1986 by Epyx with the Atari ST conversion handled by Westwood, of Command & Conquer fame. The package features the original plus two expansion packs "Upper Reaches Of Apshai" and "Curse Of Ra". However, Hellfire Warrior is oddly not included here (does anyone know the story behind that?).

This is a turn-based RPG with few expected similarities to Rogue. Each of the three realms has four distinct difficulty levels but, unlike Rogue, each dungeon has been designed rather than randomly generated. Curiously, there is an almost nonexistent storyline beyond the point of killing and treasure hunting. Understandably, this might disappoint some adventurers but, for me, I enjoyed the freedom to roam without a bothersome objective.

Firstly, let's hit you with a couple of screenshots. Just to get rid of those who care only about pretty visuals...

Yep, you're probably wondering about the graphics. Right?

Please don't do that. Graphics never make the game and this game proves that fact.

Monsters, weapons and freedom to roam?

First things first, we need to build ourselves a character using a combination of different attributes that will affect strength, dexterity, intelligence, and so on. Thankfully, you can save and reload your character at any time. Either keep it real and roll a die or fudge the numbers to get playing. Personally, I wouldn't restrict myself at all.

You can venture naked with only your pride as a weapon but it might be best to visit the Innkeeper and get yourself equipped. He has everything you need, even if you must haggle for the best price - if you can be bothered? Armour, weaponry, arrows and more all come with a financial and weight cost. So try and be very wise and savvy.

Let's take a deeper look at some screenshots that detail much of the RPG side...

The InnKeeper seems to have everything you need to get started. Well, for a price...

He's not a generous man. I tried to explain that I couldn't pay, so his heavies broke my kneecaps!

Role-play like it's 1986!

Playing the Temple of Apshai is fantastic but I recommend starting on the first level of the temple rather than foolishly jumping in at the deep end. When you begin, your world is viewed from a top-down perspective with some helpful information listed on the right for health, ammo, information, etc. And yes, it's running under GEM :)

It's odd that there isn't any real point to these dungeons - other than killing the baddies and collecting loot. However, Upper Reaches does (umm) attempt to give your adventures some purpose. Well, it tries... For example:

Level one takes place behind the Innkeeper's Backyard which needs tidying up. Yep, we're on cleaning duties but at least he's warned us of a bandit in the area. Come on, this has to be the strangest tasks ever?

Level two, Merlis' Cottage is quite odd. We're in Merlis' home looking for cash because he failed to cough up after we painted his fence!

Level three is Olias' Cellar but nothing is mentioned in the manual so I assume we're back to killing and looting without reason? Fine by me!

Level four is set within Benedic's once peaceful Monastery which has been turned into an unholy Romero movie thanks to an evil vampire!

Start slow. Why not fire an arrow at your first opponent and don't forget to search everywhere...

I found a secret room inhabited by a swamp rat. I killed that and took the Magic Sword. Bonus!!

Stay Awhile and Listen

Whatever realm you're in, each room has a design that includes a written description detailing what you see and hear. There's no need to pick up the manual for the ST game just hit [return] to read about your environment. Also, the rooms are numbered so it's possible to map your adventure noting routes, traps, hidden doorways, etc.

Getting around the dungeons is done using a keyboard command system, quite similar(ish) to something like Ultima. Predefined keys are used to walk, turn, fight, talk, search, and much more. You can use the mouse - but it's a bit of a mess - so stick to using the keyboard. This is perfect and also a lot better than you might first initially assume:

RETURN = Make sure you read each room's description!

0 = Use this to rest and recover from some of that nasty fatigue.
L/R = This is pretty obvious and makes turning around easy.
V = Swoosh, you've just made a complete 180°
1-9 Let's go for a little walk, under the moon... Erm, never mind!

A = Hit 'em hard when you're up-close!!
T = Thrust a lunging attack which might leave you vulnerable?
P = Defend yourself with a countermove, you wimp!!
F/M = Take 'em out from a safe distance, sniper-style.

E = Budding adventurers will look under every stone.
O = Doors won't just open themselves you know!
S = Don't rush through, search for those hidden thangs...
I = Inventory (there's a shock).
G = Grab any treasure you find.
D = Ugh, drop that heavy trash.

Q = Shushh, did you hear something?
! = Dr Dolittle, he talks to the animals!

H = Heal yourself before you croak it.
Y = Ohh, gimme some of that fancy Elixir healing.

An RPG needs characters, with character!

Yep, characters make any adventure fun and interesting so it comes as no surprise to find out that this Trilogy is stuffed with many exotic creatures. Many spooky delights are waiting around every corner with the first being a skeleton - a classic encounter. This guy is pretty tough so I wouldn't let him get too close if I were you. Challenging from the start!

Brilliantly, we have the option to listen out for distant sounds and even talk to some of the nasties. I doubt you'll get much sense from most but sometimes a creature might respond. They might just let you pass or maybe reveal something of interest. Attempting a dialogue is something unexpected, mind-blowing, and pretty funny too.

Each of the 3 realms has a myriad of ghoulish creatures and some unexpected ones. Battles are fought using few weapons but victory comes to those prepared. Press [A] to attack when up close and personal but you could use [T] to execute a ravaging thrust? This might plunge your sword into a beast's heart but at what cost? Those carrying a bow can use arrows to pick off their prey from afar. Just make sure you're facing them otherwise you might look a fool.

Come on, you must admit that this is different and very amusing? So let's view more (clickable) screenshots...

There are some fantastic enemies within the dungeon. And ants and mosquitos too...

Upper Reaches is so different but can you find the bandit? Whereas Merlis' home has ... a cat!

The Antmen are incredibly tough blighters but oddly, the Ghoul was an easy victim of mine!

Bears and Giant Bats, whatever next? You'll be telling me there are Vampire Bats around the corner!

Mind As You Go

Playing any part of this trilogy is an amazing experience but it's a good idea to experiment with your newly-created character, just to see how clothing and weaponry feel to your own preferences. Experience is gained as you progress deeper into the dungeon and it's always good practice to take it slow at first. Remember to search/examine/listen no matter where you currently are. You never know what might be nearby - be it a treasure chest, a trap or something lurking in the dark waiting to pounce. It's never a bad idea to read the room's written description. Some might say that it's essential!!

Always keep an eye on your fatigue level, which can take a hit whether you're exploring or battling something freaky. Walking isn't free and multiple movements will cause a little tiredness that adds to your fatigue. Hitting [0] now and then can be rewarding. As is purchasing a box of bandaids before heading out into the unknown...

Remember, we're not God and any demanding battle might result in severe wounds, possibly leading to death. Thankfully, not all is lost - roaming these dungeons are three peculiar helpers who may help. Bendic is a lost priest who can revive your broken body. Ahem, all he asks in return is a financial donation. However, others aren't as kind, watch out for a dwarf or wizard who yields greater sacrifices - you might wanna keep your hands in your pockets?

During those desperate moments when all has gone wrong, this is the message I prefer to see!

Graphics & Sounds

Visually, this is pretty lame by ST standards yet faithful to the barebone originals on the 8-bits. The backdrops are rather basic but the sprites are detailed and can look pretty good. Personally, I prefer the visuals in other RPGs, of the time, but Apshai still has its own unique charms. Also, it's GEM-based, which I think is crude - yet it works well.

Audio features a chiptune on the title screen but only spot effects during the game. However, I do love the little clipping that plays when a monster appears - scary stuff! lol. Overall, more than good enough for an RPG. So no complaints. If ever there was a game that proved fancy aesthetics aren't needed, this is it. In two words, authentically pleasing.

Hey, let's see another screenshot and this time one with a woman in it...

Please remember what I said, graphics never make the game. Play this RPG!!

The CryptO'pinion

Temple of Apshai Trilogy is surprisingly brilliant albeit with lame graphics. It's also possibly a forgotten (and much-underrated) RPG and that's a shame because the original was a massive success. Dare I say that our Atari ST conversion captures the original's essence perfectly whilst also making many more improvements I appreciated.

Whatever adventure you choose to play first, each one is huge with loads of rooms to explore. Most of my time has been spent within the realms of the temple, which I'm still battling through as I write. The theme is compelling and captivating. Plus, I adore how each room has been pre-designed yet still feels fresh and novel. That, I did not expect.

I've been making a map with notes of hidden doorways, along with any curious hints described for a room's description. This took me back to the 80s when I was a geek. Of course, I'm no longer a geek. Honest. Anyhow, I feel I've only scratched the surface, especially with Upper Reaches and Curse Of Ra. So I need to change that asap.

If you wanna relive an age of exploration, treasures, secret passages and monsters then this old-timer is definitely for you. Ignore the graphics, don't use the mouse, read the descriptions, and remember to save regularly! A whole world awaits you so expect lots of late nights. One of the best olde styles of RPG that the Atari ST has. Looks bad, plays greatly!!

Grab a copy of this brilliant RPG

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny

Santa has come early!

Atari Legend is playing Father Christmas with a fantastic run-up to Christmas by releasing something special every day throughout December. It wasn't until the 7th when they released an HDD-patched download of Ultima 5 did I become intrigued. I've not played any Ultima before and this looks especially interesting so I had to try it!

The land of Britannia has lost its king, Lord British (cool name dude) and is now ruled by a tyrant called Blackthorn. Okay, it all sounds corny and the visuals might not rock the Bitmap Bros off-top spot (but when did great graphics ever matter to the gameplay?) I mean, just look at Rogue which I found to be a breathtaking experience. Nuff said.

Okay, I take that back, the graphics are really very nice so let's check them out in these screenshots...

Looks like I'm in a pretty cosy place and very glam too.

Okay, let's get out and explore the lush countryside.

Oh no, a two-headed Ettin has found me when walking over the hills...

I'm too weak and need better weapons - I should have run away!

First Impressions

Creating yourself a character is an unusual affair. It's something I didn't expect, but this process eventually got little Stevie configured and straight into the thick of it. Boy, are there a large number of keys to learn for each and every additional action - which basically means the interaction within your world at large. In fact, the world is huge and the battles are very hard so exploring Britannia is going to be lots of fun (or agony?). But, I can take it!!

I am genuinely enjoying my first couple of games: a lovely country walk through grasslands and forests until I found a small bridge - with a Troll. Luckily I made it across without him noticing me but I then ran into some red demons who decided that they wanted a piece of me. You know, those pieces that I need to stay alive... Yep, my first battle didn't go down well if I'm honest - DEAD! But wait, I think I've been resurrected for another bash! Let's hope I can do better?

This is one seriously addictive and immersive RPG. I'm talking months of my life, gone...

Vicious snakes decide to spit venom at our plucky adventurers.

Now I feel Ultima V is finally starting to show its true colours.

What a game and I must say that I adore the graphical style and detail. Amazing!

Hey look, I've just found a map! Time for a drink before leaving...

Have my plans changed?

Yep, they sure have. I now plan on spending the Christmas holidays in the world of Ultima V - which also includes whiskey, turkey butties and mince pies!! I'm really looking forward to learning more about Ultima V and have enjoyed a few interesting attempts (aka failures). So I'm excited to take this game seriously and see how my next adventure plays out.

Thanks to Atari Legend for the daily treats!!
STay Atari. Or die!

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Stay Awhile and Listen

Shadowlands is an RPG released in 1992 by Domark that was developed by Barry Costas who created another personal favourite of mine Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters. I've wanted this game for years, and I finally have it proudly displayed on my ST shelf!! Will it live up to my expectations after all these years?

The story is based on an ancient legend of a warrior prince who was slaughtered on the battlefield. Somehow, our dead dude has magically awoken to find himself alive and kicking with the nifty ability to mind-control. So he went out and selected four loyal subjects to venture back into the Shadowlands and wreak his vengeance!

I don't know about you, but I'm excited already and need to see some screenshots!! Onwards we go...

Earlier messages may appear rather obvious but reading them can be rewarding later on...

Don't be so quick to begin your adventure - take the time to look around this open area!

The graveyard proves a little clumsy for our warriors to navigate but the dungeons are fine.

It's that time... Dungeon Crawl time!

As with any RPG, everything is in real-time with lots of puzzles to solve and beasts to kill. We begin with the option to use the default characters or manually generate their attributes, which I suggest you do. The first level begins outside in a woodland graveyard with some useful pickings before taking the plunge down into the depths.

Our adventure really begins once you're inside the creepy dungeons but the first thing that hits you is the lighting - it's absolutely incredible using a technique called Photoscape. This adds a gradual gradient to the level of light around any character carrying a lit torch for a disturbing experience. The audio isn't too shabby featuring lots of sampled sound effects throughout, however, I wish that fantastic title music was present during the gameplay.

Perhaps I'm picky? I think a chiptune might ruin the atmosphere? Let's crack on and see a few puzzles...

I love how subtle many hints are! They nicely use silly wording to give you a hint.

Sometimes it's far too subtle but at least it tries to help you and I love that!

Now it's time to spend a quid... All brilliant puzzles help make this game so interesting!

Bring friends... and a torch!

Playing Shadowlands is an instant, and fascinating, experience. In fact, I couldn't wait to leave the graveyard to venture into the depths to see what nasties lurked. As you can see, we're in charge of four characters and each can lead and be controlled independently using their avatars along the bottom of your screen.
It's not always necessary to remain as a group. Sometimes, it's best to go alone when scouting in search of items. However, idle warriors should still be vigilant for critters that like to nibble!
Your four loyal subjects will need replenishment so don't forget to eat, drink and rest whenever possible but be wise and use your stock sparingly. Flasks can always be topped up from fountains but there's nothing stopping you from having a sip or two while there. Torches are most helpful as it's so dingy plundering through the grim levels but, once again, use these sparingly and extinguish any idle ones in your inventory to make them last longer.

Look out, something hideous is creeping up on you!!!

The warrior is now a bag of bones... Perhaps he should have read the notice below?

Well, come on, it does say in plain English what not to do. He asked for it! lol

Run, think, shoot, live!

It's now that you begin to realise how awesome the user interface actually is when controlling your A-Team. The inventory screen can be accessed at any time with a single right-click and is a cinch to use with extra functions like swapping items or grouping the adventurers into structured squads rather than a clumsy mob.

Each level has a superb design that is interesting but without losing your bearings. It's a good idea to read everything you come upon because not every puzzle is obvious; it might be a masked trap that conjures something nasty. Always beware!! Also, look out for switches, wall slots, or even rickety floor panels. Other puzzles are a fun play on words such as "weight and see" (a great way to get rid of any useless items).

Weapons vary and can be just about anything you're able to carry and there are many impressive items just waiting to clobber your foe. Look around right at the start for something very helpful... However, it's always good practice not to feel like you need to fight everyone all of the time - sometimes it's best to simply walk away.

Okay, I've got the key to the teleporter. Where is that?

Here it is. Okay, you first! No way!! (this is how my mind would work if I was there!)

The Magician finds three suspicious holes - will he choose the correct one or will he perish?

The CryptO'pinion?

Shadowlands has a few niggles and I failed to get the save game function to work no matter what I tried. But that's not much of a problem today when using the snapshot feature of your emulator or the hard drive version. Also, guiding our loyal subjects can sometimes be awkward as they struggle to walk around the graveyard or through an open doorway. Yes, they're a sandwich short of a picnic and often need a gentle push to help them out.

I've featured a variety of RPGs over the years and I genuinely thought nothing would live up to Dungeon Master or Ultima yet here we are addicted to another one! Okay, it's a different isometric take on that same RPG format and there are a couple of quirks but Shadowlands offers a compelling adventure. A wonderful experience you should not miss.

This is truly one of the most rewarding games I've ever played. Therefore it's one of the best Atari ST games.

Install to hard drive with the snapshot-save feature!!
Are you stuck? AtariMania has some game tips.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chaos Strikes Back

More audio clarity?

Following on from yesterday's wonderful news of the Atari STe enhanced update of Dungeon Master, Peter Putnik has now improved the audio for Chaos Strikes Back. Once again, this news is making me jump up and down with joy!!! So why not make your Atari STe just as happy and download this DMA audio upgrade right now? Enjoy!! :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dungeon Master

Crawling with audio clarity

Peter Putnik has just updated Dungeon Master to use the DMA Audio hardware lurking inside the Atari STe. This is huge news for fellow adventurers! Playback is now much clearer and this won't impact on the computer's performance. Peter informs me that Chaos Strikes Back is next in line for the STe treatment - and I cannot wait!!

Download the new upgrade from 8BitChip.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Legends Of Valour

Swashbuckle in first person!

Legends Of Valour is one of the last Atari ST games that I bought. It received relatively favourable reviews as I remember with its first-person engine getting lots of praise for a 16-bit computer. Personally, I loved it and was smitten by its storyline, depth and longevity not to mention playing in what felt like a cross between Wolfenstein and Dungeon Master!

Our journey begins in the city of Mitteldorf as we are in search of our missing cousin, Sven. He previously set out to find his fortune and is now missing - what an idiot. Anyhow, it's been far too long since anybody heard from him and thus, our adventure begins. Yes, that storyline is a little lame but it leads you into a world fresh and full of strife.

Firstly, you should design your character's appearance that includes clothing and armament. This means you can choose to be human, dwarf or elf and each type offers a different gameplay style and alternative outcomes. Select hair, eyes, nose and so on to create your demi-god or perhaps your character will end up looking like a freak?

Before we begin, ignore my poor capture above as this game is smooth. Right then, let's see a screenshot...

It isn't long until somebody nice and welcoming pops up to greet us, as a new traveller.

Get lost an amazing world!

Once you're dandy, enter the city and heed the advice from the friendly local who pops up for a chat. I would first advise you to take the time to explore and familiarise yourself with your surroundings because this is such a massive place and you will need necessary amenities, like safe lodgings, income, beer to sup, and grub to nosh. It's pen & paper time!

Mitteldorf is a fortress city, populated with interesting characters, secretive guilds, curious places, and even a labyrinth of dungeons hidden deep underground. Of course, these are waiting to be explored, but be careful because you might not like what you find down there. Your cousin wrote a letter which nicely explains his story, why not take a read? Perhaps that might feature hidden clues that could help you out along this quest. Heck, you never know?

All exploration is through a first-person engine not too dissimilar to a shooter like Wolfenstein with fully texture-mapped graphics - a testament to what our 16-bit computer can knock out. This can be configured in three sizes, small, medium and large. Any ST will perform well but the largest setting requires a 16MHz computer or an upgrade.

Initially, the interface is scary due to the huge number of icons but soon becomes intuitive and easy to use. Wandering the city is feasible using the GUI's icons but it can become a little laborious due to the immense size of the play area so a right-click will activate mouse control to unlock its full potential. Which is a tremendous way to explore.

Only some people you meet are nice and helpful. Many are nasty, like this guy in the next screenshot...

Wow, there is no need to take that attitude with me. A festering sore? lol excellent!

Chill, relax, chat with the yocals

Legends Of Valour isn't something you simply play for a few short moments - you live it. Life here is completely open-world, a "sandbox" adventure if you like? Yes, you are free to roam and do almost anything you want, day or night. This genre has always been a fascinating concept for me and, although it's an early example, it works extremely well.

Exploring Mitteldorf is exciting and bursting with fun characters, monsters, temples, stores, taverns, employment and more. I love the Olde English medieval setting which is portrayed and experienced in real-time, so day and night pass by with their own consequence. All the requirements we have in life exist here: eating, sleeping, health and personal safety when in dodgy locations - especially late at night. I find refuge (and a few ales) at The Hanged Man tavern is a good idea, but perhaps that's me? Just don't get too tipsy and end up in lockup. Ohhh, yes this is a game offering massive potential!

Mitteldorf is bursting with places to eat, shop, trade and read messages...


Mitteldorf has many interesting places to explore so don't rush and miss a thing.

Explore and turn over every stone

This game is humungous and not something to play on one boring afternoon for an hour. Learning the city of Mitteldorf alone can be overwhelming, so make notes and a basic key to complement the official map. So much can be understood by communicating with your fellow citizens - so get chatting with them over a beer. Don't forget those strange folk who appear to aimlessly wander the streets. Remember, you're living inside this 'RPG' so experience its weird world.

However, be prepared to defend yourself when set on by anyone from the King's faithful knights in shining armour. Even a little old lady can throw a barrage of humorous insults before giving you a good slap which is rather unexpected, I can say. There's only one thing left to do - slap her back!! (tell me you're not tempted?). That's right, why not hit an old lady? Yes, you are limited only by your own imagination and fiendish desires. Explore and live the game.

That is great advice for such a wondrous place. Also, it's a good time to pause for a couple of screenshots...

Arghh!! I've been caught again. I guess I look too dodgy?

 This means I've been thrown down before the King's mercy. Sigh...

The CryptO'pinion?

Legends Of Valour is something special and offers a vibrant and exciting place to live a life of intrigue. So many cool characters, taverns to frequent, secret guilds to master, monster-infested dungeons to plunder, and then jobs or missions are always on offer. This game has it all and, as you begin to make progress, and delve deeper, you soon realise just how much more potential there is just waiting to be discovered. Heck, I had almost forgotten to search for Sven!

Oh yes, I love wandering Mitteldorf but, nothing is perfect and I feel Legends Of Valour lacks in a couple of areas: the battles could have been executed better and it's disappointing to discover most buildings are (visually) empty. Also, audio is limited to spot effects which is a shame considering the number of disks in the box - a few ambient samples or more varied chippy fx could have tremendously improved the atmosphere, especially during the night scenes.

Legends Of Valour is incredible and massively enthralling. Allow yourself to get lost in this advantageous world because there is so much to see and do. This is certainly one of my favourite Atari ST RPG/Adventure games, ever. Play it.

Grab the hard drive version by 8BitChip.
Poor old floppy folk should use Old Games Finder.
A city map and clue book ... and I had "fun" in October!!

Like what I do?