It looks like Ricky D. has a new bandana?
Switchblade was released in 1989 by Gremlin Graphics and programmed by Simon Phipps. Yes, he of the Atari ST classic Rick Dangerous. Okay, we are a little dude called Hiro who wears a bandana and can kick hard. He must explore the UnderCity to locate sixteen broken fragments of the Fireblade to reap revenge on today's evil entity - Havoc! This beast has been on a savage rampage, after being dormant for 10,000 years. So it's time for us to save the day... again!
I'm always worried when a big name makes something that is along similar lines to what they're famous for. After all, this is another platformer so, will we get another carbon copy of Rick Dangerous or will it be different?
I'm always worried when a big name makes something that is along similar lines to what they're famous for. After all, this is another platformer so, will we get another carbon copy of Rick Dangerous or will it be different?
Hmm, I worry too much so let's begin with a couple of cool screenshots...
Get ready for a great adventure
We begin on the planet's surface before taking the leap (fall) into the orientally inspired UnderCity. This labyrinth is made up of lots of individual rooms and exploring each is fascinating and enjoyable. Tread with caution because you never know what baddies might materialise from out of thin air. Your route is completely "free-roaming", which I love.
Look out for dodgy blocks that might crack with a single kick: these can unveil health and weapon power-ups or may even lead you on into hidden rooms of even more goodies. Boss characters appear regularly, the first is easy to kill whereas later ones can be quite frustrating and beaten only with patience and lots of well-timed jumping. The only negative is the immense size of the map which isn't - visually - diverse so I often needed to backtrack after getting lost.
The controls are superb with the usual movements like running, jumping and climbing ladders but there are also three kinds of attack. Tapping firing allows you to punch like a weak Arnold Schwarzenegger but you should notice a white combat meter along the bottom/right? This helps with two kicks: holding the fire button for a mere second (so the meter isn't at full strength) will perform a high kick Jean Claude Van Damme would be proud of. Holding it down indefinitely performs a powerful Chuck Norris sweeping kick. Master these moves before you begin exploring!
The controls are superb with the usual movements like running, jumping and climbing ladders but there are also three kinds of attack. Tapping firing allows you to punch like a weak Arnold Schwarzenegger but you should notice a white combat meter along the bottom/right? This helps with two kicks: holding the fire button for a mere second (so the meter isn't at full strength) will perform a high kick Jean Claude Van Damme would be proud of. Holding it down indefinitely performs a powerful Chuck Norris sweeping kick. Master these moves before you begin exploring!
Stop drooling!! Yes, I can see you. Okay, let's view a couple more screenshots...

Wake up, there's something creeping up on you mister!

Tighten that bandana, Rambo. Now, go and kick his monster ass!

Wake up, there's something creeping up on you mister!

Tighten that bandana, Rambo. Now, go and kick his monster ass!
Visually, I doubt Hiro will blow your socks off but it's clean and well-designed with a great 8-bit Nintendo style I thought. Underneath its unassuming graphics is a rather functional design with mysterious rooms. The characters are excellent with nice details that I adored. Also, the game self-maps in a similar fashion to Ranarama or even Rogue.
Switchblade has killer audio with brilliant chiptune from none other than Ben Daglish. Or you could decide to hear sampled sound effects? I love both and couldn't decide which I preferred in the end (a good predicament to be in?)
In most respects, Switchblade looks and sounds different and superb. Love it. Screenshot time...
The level guardians are either daft or just plain awkward to hit - I wish they would keep still!!
The CryptO'pinion?
Switchblade is awesome. It's got a great adventure element that blends well with the action. Plus the lack of a linear structure is perfect for an explorer like me who is eager to see what's around the next corner. Thus it keeps you enthralled throughout. This is one of the few games I've completed and I will definitely come back to it again (and again).
As with Rick Dangerous, this is certainly one of the best platformers available for the Atari ST.
Fancy picking up the gauntlet to help Hiro find the scattered fragments?
It will involve deep exploration, fighting lots of silly monsters and several freaky boss dudes?
Tip: you might find these maps useful to properly enjoy this beautiful platformer.