Sunday, June 09, 2024

Nano Cave

Deeper dungeons!

Like a lamer, I always enjoy following events like Silly Venture and the latest unleashed incredible art, music, demos, and much more (for all types of Atari). It's mind-blowing to think these gatherings still happen today and for a computer older than most of my friends! Anyhow, it was a #roguelike game by Electric Dreams that caught my eye.

It's called Nano Cave and was programmed in GFA Basic, a product that has helped produce loads of ST games (Well 'Ard, Saboteur III, Mystic Realm, PouifOuf, and many more). Now, I'm a massive fan of the genre so news of a new "Rogue" was exciting albeit with a pinch of apprehension of how it might compare to the games already in our library.

So, who are Electric Dreams and the guys behind the daunting task of taking on Rogue? They are an indie games developer and all coding by Shaoth, who also programmed 'Space Zot'. Pépé Peekpoke drew the graphics and is a member of one of the best demo groups ever - Hemoroids. That beautiful chip music is by DMA-SC, who certainly needs no introduction as all my readers know how much I adore his incredible musical creations.

Nano Cave has one major difference I never expected to see in a game - graphical skins. These can change the entire game's appearance so it looks like it's running on other computers - C64, ZX81, Amstrad, etc. This is a fascinating concept and a wonderful addition albeit purely cosmetic. Regardless, I loved experimenting with the different skins!

Older gamers are drooling over the prospect of playing with this? Let's see a couple of funky screenshots...

The first dungeon defaults to the ASCII skin for an authentic touch (that the kids will hate).

Check out the super-cool Atari 2600 skin. A 5200 skin would be cool ;)

Gimme the blurb

Brace yourself for brutal originality; the story goes like this: a magical item called the Amulet of Zendor has been lost. Hang on, Amulet of Yendor, right? Erm, no. Anyhow, why this keeps getting lost I don't know. But I know this much, it's been lost inside a treacherous cave with a promise of mystery and danger. Who can resist that challenge? Not me.

Upon booting, a fantastic intro plays with superb music. Well, it is an Atari ST game. Okay, hit the spacebar for the main menu where you can choose from many different options and also play about with the different graphical skins. There are many to choose from - or you could leave the game to automatically cycle through them. It's up to you.

Note - this is a work in progress. There are some anomalies and missing graphics plus I also had more than my fair share of crashes in emulation. I had far better success on my real Atari STe. Thanks to Kev for his help :)

Okay, let's stop the chitter-chatter as we need to enter the dungeon! Oh yeah, let's see more pixels...

The main menu - as you can see, I've changed the skin. Which computer did I choose?

In this game, my ST thinks it's a ZX81 and the dungeon is scary in black & white.


Nano Cave is very similar to the original Rogue games in the sense that we're plundering a multi-level dungeon looking for an amulet. Of course, the dungeon is a labyrinth crammed with nasties and lots of traps. It's not all bad thanks to randomly discarded items we might find, everything from armour and weapons to potions and spells.

Ignoring the first level, the dungeon is randomly generated in terms of the layout and its 26 creatures lurking in the darkness. The game is viewed from an overhead perspective with the rooms and corridors gradually revealed - so items and monsters are only seen when close. Inside the dungeons are emus, kestrels, ice monsters, bats, etc. Later levels have zombies, aqators, crabs (these can be tough!!) and some I've yet to discover: dragons, medusas, and Quaggas.

Controlling our cute protagonist is a cinch using the cursor keys for a 4-way direction. Battling nasty creatures and picking up items is simply a case of 'bumping' into them. As you get close to an enemy, a pop-up appears detailing their stats. That might help you to decide whether to fight or flee. Just keep on bumping your foes until they are no more!

A "HUD" shows our current statistics and moves from top-to-bottom depending on our position. Pretty nifty but, if it bothers you, hit the "H" key to hide it. From left to right, it shows the following: our current level, hit points, strength, armour, gold, XP, and hunger. These are self-explanatory but note that HP improves as you explore as there is no rest key. Food is a remedy for hunger/fatigue. Any pickups can help to strength/armour and XP increases after a kill. Multiple ranks are awarded, but only when you've earned enough XP, which results in extra HP for a tougher fight.

A rudimentary inventory can be accessed by pressing any key but, oddly, I always press "I". This menu operates intelligently using the same cursor keys: Up/Down to select, Right to choose, and Left to cancel. This is superb but the Inventory itself is lite on function and missing generic features I would have liked. For example, there is no way to compare stats for weapons or clothing with what you currently wield. Just don't be silly and replace your sword with a dagger...

Hacking your way through the dungeon is great fun and a simple affair without depth. Heading further into the dungeon, the levels are more complex with extra traps and monsters are much stronger. Yes, Nano Cave is tough; the best I've done was reaching level 10 (on the previous levels I landed lucky with the right pickups - before being slain by a crab!).

If you ever find the Amulet of Zendor, you should retrace your path through the dungeon. However, I doubt I'll experience that as level 10 was cruel enough. Permadeath is featured so explore carefully. Hey, what did you expect?

Nano Cave offers the genre a new and modern twist and I'm loving it. Let's see some more screenshots...

In true permadeath, I died and restarted using the stunning Atari ST skin.

The inventory screen is rather limited but functional to a point.

Magic & stuff

After the initial level, all items are placed at random locations in a random maze - food, gold, weaponry, clothing, or something special like a scroll or potion. Sadly, not everything appears to have a function; many weapons didn't change my stats and similarly for armour much of the time. Food compensates for the fatigue warning that pops up regularly, a possible red herring I reckon. Gold is purely cosmetic and something those little Leprechaun fellas love to pinch!

The most interesting pickups are potions and scrolls that provide a wealth of positive and negative effects. However, there are some yet to be implemented so these will do nothing more than tease you with a dialogue box - it hints to wait for the next release. Argh, I hope that is real soon!! Okay, let's take a quick look at these two types of items:

Potions - come in a variety of coloured bottles (white, blue, green, pink, burgundy, clear, red, brown, plaid, yellow, grey, beige, and black). It's best to identify these or run the risk of a cruel gamble. Some might increase health or strength whilst others can show the locations of monsters/treasure/magic. However, those gamblers with little good fortune could find themselves paralysed or teleported into a dangerous place. Worst of all is blindness!

Scrolls - once again, these will need identifying as their description is a bunch of jumbled lettering. I thought that might have been an alphabet puzzle to solve but no code breaking worked. So, identify first otherwise you might hear the distant cry as a monster materialises nearby!! Interestingly, level one always has a scroll to reveal where the monsters are hiding. That is far too powerful to use on any opening level(s) so deffinetly worth keeping.

It's always a gamble - do you wait for an identification scroll or run the risk and take a chance? Personally, I think it needs more identification scrolls to balance it out. However, this does help to create massive stress and anticipation!

Yes, I'm so looking forward to future releases so let's view a couple more screenshots while we wait...

Some potions/spells are helpful. Like this - it shows where all the monsters are located.

A scroll to identify any item is well-advised. Otherwise, it's quite the gamble!


That's right, every game you play is a chance to complete some type of achievement. Everything you can imagine from the game is featured and archived into an alphabetical list. This includes all encounters you've successfully overcome plus silly ones like filling up your inventory, starving yourself, and a chest grabber (I kid you not). A superb addition!

Again, because it's WIP, some of the artwork is absent, I hope this is finished for the next release. It's a brilliant feature of the entire game and the artwork is glorious using a dark, gothic effect. Actually, it's jaw-dropping pixel art.

Okay, it's time to pause the boring reading for funky screenshots of my achievements...

I always felt mean killing kestrels! But here, it's a winged bloke so I don't mind so much!

Why are emus in a dungeon? That's weird but, let's kill as many as we can!


As you can tell from my enthusiasm in the previous section, I love the graphics. Thankfully, the game itself is also fantastic thanks to the sheer variety of the skins. It's funny, but when I first began playing Nano Cave, I was weirdly impressed with its authentic ASCII display. I hardly use that now because I can select older computers like the Apple II, PC CGA, Amstrad CPC, and Sinclair ZX81. These are gorgeous and drastically change the game's appearance.

The Atari ST skin is best - because it is. But you should still experiment and check out the others. I like the C64 graphics - please don't shoot me. Pépé has blown me away with these skins and it's great having this variety. This idea is far beyond great and I imagine it took some effort to fully implement. A monumental feature I never expected!!

As for the audio, there are no effects - not that I expected any. Instead, we have music composed by one of my favourite musicians, Mathieu Stempell (DMA-SC). Sometimes background music doesn't suit a game, sometimes it gets disabled, and sometimes it's rubbish. Not here. The background music is superb and perfect for a rogue's adventure.

Oh yes, not only do we have a new #roguelike but it has funky sounds & pixels!! Screenshot time...

The C64 graphics are superb using a clear design and stark colours!

Sadly, I had lots of quirks using an emulator. Ran a zillion times better on my real ST.


I don't consider myself an expert in the slightest but, #roguelikes are something I love. Rogue is one of my favourite Atari ST games and I've spent hours plundering its levels - I've accepted that I'll never come close to recovering the Amulet of Yendor but I have my fun. So, hearing about Nano Cave was a mixture of shock, worry, and considerable joy! I'm always eager to discover new ST games but I was apprehensive about how it would compare to what we already have.

Nano Cave might be a work in progress so there are a few niggles, but it does not disappoint whatsoever. Its gameplay is straightforward without much of a learning curve or pesky complications, so it's quick and easy to play. From the start, you are exploring, using items, and killing dungeon beasts. It's more of a #roguelite and I appreciate that.

Once again, the power and versatility of GFA Basic is proven by Shaoth & Co. who should be proud of Nano Cave. I've truly enjoyed romping through the dungeon and, one day, I hope to beat level 10. You should wait no more and download this wonderful game right now. My rating (for the current release) is 89% and I eagerly await the next update.

Let me know what you think of Nano Cave in the comments below. Happy dungeon crawling!!

Each level has an information panel about your current game progress.

This green PC skin is quite peculiar but it grew on me after a while!

The Apple II skin is probably the weakest of the lot thanks to its wacky colours.

Monster Detection has been used with the PC's CGA skin. Ugh, PCs!!

This is the NES skin. At first, I first thought it was plain but I genuinely love it.

Ironic, I own a Mac and hardly ever select this skin.

Along with the bats, Ice Monsters often don't care much about you. An easy kill!

Sigh, I finally got to battle a Quagga...


Friday, June 07, 2024


Gamblers Anonymous!

It's been far too long since I posted anything in our Box Art section! With that in mind, behold my latest purchase, and possibly my last (for a time). Belote is a card game, quite unlike what I would normally purchase but I'm always eager to try something new and support a company that loves the Atari ST as much as we all do.

As the box shows, Belote is by Jean-Stephane Martin for Côté Gamers, the same guys that published L'Abbaye Des Morts, Iceblox, Toogle, and the marvellous Democyclopedia book (use SEARCH on the right). Originally, it was to be released in 1989 by ESAT Software but they went bankrupt so it was doomed to wander the forgotten deserted wastelands.

Decades later, Cote delivers a boxed version with extra features and three bonus games: Le Pendu, Master Mind and Simon. The box is of the usual high standard that includes an exceptional manual - this is superbly written with loads of extra information I never expected about the author, his story, the history of this game, and much more.

The 80s and 90s are long gone but I don't care. These glorious times are still rocking in my 16-bit world!

  • Obviously, there isn't a download but you can see a video recording on YouTube.
  • You can view Jean-Stephane's entire catalogue on Atarimania.
  • I would also like to personally thank Cote Gamers for going the extra mile - despite the nasty intentions of the French postal service! Click here for all their other Atari ST products.

I look forward to getting my teeth into this game and hopefully, I'll learn a thing or two. However, at the moment, I have no idea what's going on and have lost every game (no change there then). Yeah, I have a mountain to climb!!

Okay, wanna see what's inside the box? Of course, you do so carry on scrolling...

The back of the box. This is gripping stuff, right? ;-)

What's better than buying a new product in the 21st century - and it's on a floppy disk!

Cote Gamers excelled themselves - the manual is a corker!!

Oh, if only you could feel the pages flick through your fingers. You're missing out!

The manual has a wealth of information about the history of the product and more.

What???  Hey Cote, I want my money back!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Tangerine Dream

It's often a pointless venture, without any real-world use, but I still enjoy emulating other computers on my Atari ST. Yes, I'm a geek! If you're as weird as me, check out our Emulation section here on AtariCrypt and watch as I painstakingly try to suss out how to emulate computers like the PC, ZX Spectrum, C64, Tandy, and ZX81 (plus other silly stuff).

I love finding programs like these and today, I shall turn my Atari ST into an Oric Atmos. The "Oric computer" is actually two machines - the older Oric 1 looks futuristic but (from what I've read) had many bugs. The Oric Atmos followed a year later and was basically the same computer with many of the bugs ironed out (more information online if interested).

I recall seeing the Atmos in Rumbelows (remember them!?) which they featured on a pedestal in the middle of the shop. Perhaps they had high hopes? Anyway, I still remember how cool this computer looked with a great design and proper keyboard. I wanted one but all my friends had ZX Spectrums and, that was that. What a fool I was? Unless a time machine is invented - very soon - I might always regret not choosing computers like this and the 8-bit Ataris.

Anyhow, I might not need that as there may be light at the end of the tunnel thanks to a program called Atoric...

The later release of Atoric boots to a Microdisk default with many different options.


So, here we are in 2024 emulating the Oric using my Atari ST thanks to this program developed by Christian Peppermueller. I managed to find a few different versions online but, for most of this article, I was using v0.3 until (ahem) I remembered that I had already downloaded v0.9 ages ago. But, somehow forgotten about it... Doh!

Actually, all versions work much the same with surprisingly accurate emulation albeit very slowwwwwww. Yes, the stock 8MHz Atari ST oddly struggles compared to the other emulators I've used. I would estimate its performance is about a tenth of the speed of the original Oric - which is shocking compared to the speed of the Spectrum emulator. Even the Falcon/TT don't perform well so I can only imagine (and hope) that the modded Atari computers do better.

Anyhow, enough whining! Atoric is an excellent piece of software and very easy to use. Depending on which version you try, it's easy to load games. Later versions can simply use the command CLOAD"" which uses the ST's file selector. Although you can also enter the command in full: CLOAD"MANIC" (for example, to load Manic Miner - which I renamed).

The latest version (that I found) of Atoric is v0.9 and it comes with Microdisk/Sedoric disk operating tool that features many functions. Use it to boot up in Atmos mode and "begin playing". Interestingly, there is a tool to amend the Atoric configuration file. This can alter how Atoric performs and more: default path locations can be chosen along with ST/Falcon displays (colour and high-resolution). It can use overscan which makes up for the Oric's resolution.

It's worth reading the documentation before attempting any changes...

The configuration tool is enhanced somewhat in the later releases and is very easy to use.

Let's get straight to the games!

In terms of the emulation, fantastic is the word because almost everything worked well. Sadly, in terms of speed (when running on my STe) I can only say that poor is a better description. My old 8MHz computer doesn't have the grunt and the emulation speed is shocking. Which I find odd, especially compared to the Speccy emulator. After all, the Oric is similar, with a slower processor, so I'm quite bemused by the sluggish performance. But, what do I know...

Okay, I booted up about 40/50 random games - I've never used an Oric so didn't know anything about its library. However, the Oric has Manic Miner so that was obviously the first game I tried. The quality of the emulation is superb and everything looks great. However, it's running at less than 1fps which means it's totally unplayable.
Booting into Hatari and configuring as a 32MHz ST improved things - but only slightly. The Falcon/TT configs didn't improve matters. Not that much - so I can only wonder what type of Atari computer would!
Okay, let's see some more games. Almost everything works perfectly, if you ignore the speed! There were one or two issues with a few other games where the overscan failed - so I couldn't see the bottom of the screen. Also, a couple of games appeared to work except the keyboard stopped accepting input. Very handy. Not!

It's now we declare defeat and admit that the Atari ST will never run an Oric game properly (I really need a Medusa). So, with that in mind, I plodded on and "playtested" a few games with the first being Manic Miner (emulated in both colour & mono). As a Willy fan, it's surreal to see the Oric version running on my ST!! What a shame it plays like a slideshow!

(low-res) Manic Miner on the Oric on my Atari ST. Fantastic stuff!! #geek

(hi-res) I thought the 
performance might be better without the stress of colours. It wasn't lol.

And it's now that I must plug the incredible Atari ST version of Manic Miner developed by Fede Pede in 2018. It's 95% complete and downloadable so give it a whirl. It's a cracking repoduction of the 8-bit original!!

Donkey Kong

This was actually called Honey Kong - to avoid the usual Nintendo troubles - and is a fun conversion. Visually a bit bland so I thought the performance might be better. It wasn't. Although not as slow as Manic Miner, it was still unplayable. Additionally, the display is quite fluffy with a few glitches - so make sure you enable the overscan option for better results.

Forget this one dear ST people. Has anyone got an Atari TT they want to donate? Hmm

Credit: V. Nicolas for Sprites.

I later enabled overscan and everything worked dandy. Except way too slowly!

Football Manager

Yes, Kevin Toms' famous face has even managed its way onto an Oric cassette. I'm not a footie fan but - stop the press - this was actually playable!! Well, with the acceptable performance expectation. So, with that in mind, it is playable. Yes, I use all of these terms lightly but, always positively. Forget the official ST game and play this one instead! ;-)

Credit: Addictive Games

I reckon Football Manager came out on every computer?


This isn't a game I had high hopes for but, I tried it anyway. I was shocked when I first booted it up as I thought the graphics had screwed up because it looked nothing like the US Gold release. But this game was programmed in BASIC so, I guess, the look and performance are as expected. Great results considering its BASIC but, it's best we move on...

Credit: Richard Juhel

I wasn't impressed but then I learnt it was programmed in BASIC!


This is a weird one that reminded me of a mix of Motor Massacre & Bugziacs. We drive around a maze looking for flags whilst avoiding enemy cars. The graphics are screwy (especially without overscan) and the scrolling is probably the reason for the poor performance. You know the story, it's one of those games that makes me wish I had an upgraded ST.

Credit: Francois Lionet (whaaaaat?)

The sprites look odd unless that's normal? As ever, far too slow to play...


This shooter is by one of my favourite 8-bit companies, Softek. It's another game that is fully playable and emulated extremely well with decent graphics and sounds - albeit only for the original Oric computer. Okay, I'll now stop mentioning the lack of speed when using an Atari ST because I'm sick of repeating myself. If only my ST ran at 128MHz lol.

Credit: Gordon Russell

I had a few issues with this game but it eventually worked with overscan enabled.

Ghost Gobbler

Hey, it may have a bizarre name but it's still Pac-Man and a great version too! However, I'm not sure what Ian was on when he developed this game. After all, those lavish colours will drive anyone insane after a few games. Perhaps that was his plan? Who knows!! Anyhow, I do know that this is a great version of the classic arcade game.

Credit: Ian Hothersall

Who doesn't love Pac-Man? This is a great version for those with the hardware to run it!


The file I found gave the impression this was a Defender clone but it's nothing like Jeff Minter's wondrous release. In fact, it's more of a Scramble, which is excellent news to this fan! It appears to be very good but the graphics are a little messed up. It plays well and I can imagine a faster Atari computer would be fine booting this up for a quick blast.

Credit: John Cumming, Gary Munroe, Ian Marshall

Something wonky has happened to the graphics but it plays well enough.

Road Frog

I wasn't expecting this to beat the ST's 2016 release of Frogger but I was expecting to play ... something. Sadly, this is one of the few games that crashes! Right after the loading screen, it pops up with this: "Syntax Error 500". Ah well!

Credit: Philip Hulme

This looked great but it's one of the few games that produced an error message.

Velnor's Lair

An adventure game released by another of my favourite 8-bit companies, Quicksilva. Originally a Speccy game from what the link tells me, although I have never previously heard of it. Now, don't expect graphics as this game is purely text and, as a result, is fully playable on the bog standard 8MHz Atari ST. Yippee, I am one happy bunny!

Credit: Derek Brewster and John Airey

There are no flashy graphics and it's still slow lol. Thankfully, it's not that (hmm) bad!

The Warlock's Mountain

Believe it or not, this game was originally a Your Computer type-in from 1984 (remember that magazine?). Of course, being programmed in basic means it worked well in the emulator and was playable, to a degree. Well, I'm being generous but you get like that after so much constant disappointment. Of course, play it on a supped-up ST for best results.

Credit: A.J. Edgington

This is a game I'm keeping to play using the Mac emulator. It's different and I love that.


Yet another game by the mighty Ocean and it's a cracker too. I loved playing the Speccy game and the ST has some odd remakes. Sadly, like their Road Frog, this game had troubles. It froze right at the start of a new game. Bugger!

Credit: Philip Hulme

I was looking forward to this one as the Speccy game is a favourite of mine. Sadly, it froze!

Xenon 1

Don't even think about it!! This shooter is nothing like the Bitmap Bros' ST game. No, it's more of a Phoenix clone from what little I managed to see. Yeah, it really needs a beefy computer to run properly - and is better when overscan is enabled.

Credit: John Sinclair

It's slow and impossible to play but I imagine it's great on a real Oric.

Wizard's Lair

Like our Atari ST, the Oric is getting new games released and, by sheer chance, I stumbled upon a #roguelike by Rax & Iss. This game is incredible but, arghhh, I couldn't get the controls to work. I don't know why because it appears to be running fine. Anyhow, I had to see more, so I booted up an Oric emulator for my Mac to take this screenshot.

(credit to Defence Force for the find:

I dare anyone not to be impressed with this Rogue game. It's a belter!!

The CryptO'pinion?

Oric computers are great and better than I expected. I mostly used the Atmos model as it's the same spec as the original computer but with many bugs ironed out. In many respects, the Oric is much like a ZX Spectrum, but, better. I wouldn't say it's as good as the C64 or Atari 8-bits but it's close. What a massive shame it flopped (outside of France).

Atoric is a wonderful piece of software and I've enjoyed tinkering with it. It's obvious that Christian put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into its production. The end result is impressive and complete - so it emulates the Oric remarkably accurately. He also included a configuration tool providing access to different features and basic defaults for hardware, paths, etc. The overscan ability is brilliant and eliminates the flickering due to the different resolutions.

Sadly, it's the speed that will disappoint. Oric games might be emulated accurately but are unplayable on an ST. In fact, the Falcon/TT machines I set up in Hatari faired only slightly better. If I'm honest, I don't understand why that is as the Oric runs at 1MHz, slower than the other computers we can emulate. Yet, the results are terrible by comparison.

However, that's not the point of playing with old software like this. A program like Atoric proves how vibrant and energetic the Atari ST scene was back in the '80s/'90s. Plus I've had a blast wading through the Oric's gaming library. Okay, I played very few games, but it was an adventure. And one I've thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, I am insane. I know I am!!

Atoric is a magnificent program that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I only wish I had a faster Atari ST :/

I expect somebody out there wants to try Atoric for themselves? I genuinelly hope so!! I have bundled together everything that I've been using which you can download off my Dropbox.

Additionally, if you're after a bundle of Oric games, then grab 'em from Emu-Land.
If you're mad like me and enjoy using emulators on the Atari ST, let me know how you got on using the comments below. My options were limited by my humble 8MHz Atari STe and also Hatari. I would love to hear from you guys with better Atari computers regarding the performance.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Black Lamp

Jack The Jester is back!

It's been years since I featured Black Lamp on AtariCrypt. As you all may remember, I said this was one of my favourite Atari ST games. Sure, it's not perfect but it's great fun (albeit with a cheat for extra lives) and features aesthetics to die for. The sprites alone are absolutely superb! Anyhow, you can easily check out my ancient review by clicking here.

It's always a joy to own a piece of history and, a while back, I got myself a copy of Black Lamp. It's in near-perfect condition so I figured I should take a couple of photos and share my warez with y'all. Nothing much more to it than that really!

Atarilegend has all the floppy disk downloads and I highly recommend Zuul #63.
> For those who use faster devices, check out D-Bug or 8BitChip for their awesome reproductions.

I've shared over 40 of my Atari ST games in our Box Art section which you can see listed on the right with everything else. Okay, I bet you're dying to see what's inside the box? It's not exactly bursting with goodies like a typical RPG so don't expect too much! Enjoy my photos and I hope you guys (re)play this fantastic platformer immediately.

Let me know in the comments below if you take on the challenge to free Allegoria from those nasty monsters...

Behold, the floppy disk in all its glory! lol

I'm getting a little arty farty with these photographs.

I love how the manual comes with a "map" of Allegorid.

The manual is excellent and right at the centre is a MONSTER GUIDE!

The loading screen is absolutely superb (and I love that it's not a black background!)

Another day, another onslaught of baddies to kill... and we love it!!

ARGHHH, he looks nasty? He is!! Run away from the slayer!!

Turning around might be slow but the firepower isn't. It's fast and furious!!

Oh no, just look at that big boy! The graphics and their movements are gorgeous.

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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