Friday, September 08, 2017


English translation, please?

PouifOuf is a French word (I imagine?) but no online translator seems to know what it means. Well, it's also the name of a unique platformer developed by Le Glod for the Atari ST using the old favourite, GFA Basic. Firstly, don't go off the familiar visuals because it really is nothing like you might imagine and there are no magic pockets too!

This familiar-looking kid must run around, almost like a headless chicken, collecting items scattered on each screen. The style is frantic, reminding me of a cross between Roger and CarVup. We can walk left or right but cannot jump, or use any weapon with our idle magic pockets. Thankfully, there are platforms with "springboards" to use. These propel us upwards to reach those higher places. It's now you realise the cunning thought needed to beat its design.

Curiously interested or have you already walked away? Well, here's a screenshot for those still here...

Hang on, is that the Bitmap Kid I see? The little fella is running around collecting everything!


This is a great platformer but also very different from what I expected to play. It's a little crazy and there are lots of silly enemies who love to get underfoot and make our life hell. They aren't lethal but will humorously bounce you around the screen like a pinball. The emphasis here is Zool-like speed and fun which is a breath of fresh air.

Sometimes, fruit items will fall from the top of the screen but don't appear to do much more than offer visual diversity for extra points. I'm not sure but I can only assume PouifOuf is an unfinished project, so I would love to know more about this hidden GEM. I have contacted Le Glod but heard nothing back as yet. Anyhow, gather all items because we can only move on to the next level once everything is collected. This is basic stuff but it's darn good fun!!

Glad you stayed? Of course, you are because this game is different and so playable. Here's a screenshot...

I was enjoying the game and then a giant face appeared in the middle of the level. Wonder how it is ;)


The visuals are lovely, everything scrolls very smoothly and perfectly complements the ultra-fast gameplay requirements. Okay, ignore the ripped graphics and enjoy the blistering speeds. Note, I cannot stress this highly enough, play using real hardware for the smoothest possible experience. Wonderful programming for a wonderful experience.

Sound effects or music can be activated at any time using the F-keys but I prefer the gorgeous chiptune.

It zips about like a drunk driver on a busy high street so let's check out one final screenshot...

Use the springboards but watch out for the baddies who will make you tumble!

The CryptO'pinion?

What a game!! Yep, I have really enjoyed playing this platformer which was a refreshing surprise - and nothing like I first imagined. It had me smiling like a Cheshire Cat thanks to the fantastic, zesty playability. I might not be able to pronounce "PouifOuf" but I know a great game when I see it - and this is a blummin' furious platformer!!

Simple gameplay that is incredibly fun. I cannot recommend it highly enough so grab yourself a copy now.


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