Monday, January 29, 2018


Spinning in space

Whirligig was developed by Maelstrom Games of Midwinter fame for Firebird and I've recorded a short video which I thought might be fun to share. Why? Simply because I cannot play Whirligig for love nor money - zipping about in space without ever being able to properly control my direction is agonising. If I happened to kill one of the baddies, it was pure luck because I usually end up killing myself instead!! This is a good game but could so easily have been great with a bit of thought... I don't know, but I appear to be grumpy today?

Technically, Whirligig is impressive and I could have dug my heels in and mastered the controls. But I couldn't be bothered which is my mood today. Enjoy my video recording and I promise to try harder next time :o)

* Floppy disks can be nabbed off Exxos [Automation #10] and via Stonish [Klapauzius #1].
AtariMania has links to reviews and the manual. In hindsight perhaps I should have read that? lol

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