Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Wiggly Slimy snakes!

NIBE is a Nibbler/Snake game by Marc Bourlon that features an ever-greedy snake who wants to chomp his way through lots of apples. However, this gluttony makes him grow longer with each bite so it becomes harder to protect him from bumping into walls or even his own tail. You get the idea, so it's our job to help him eat his way through lots of screens - and many are pretty cruel in their design. You can even change the game's speed (if you dare!!)

The graphics are humble and suit the retro theme perfectly. Plus I love its title screen which is actually a really good intro. Sadly, there are no sound effects so Mad Max music plays throughout - never a bad thing!! Overall, Nibe is pretty straightforward yet also extremely challenging thanks to a sinister design. Stick with it because the basic mechanics are spot-on and Nibe will certainly test your reactions, patience and concentration so prepare thyself to be tormented!!

Here are a couple of links for downloads, screenshots, and another game you might enjoy...

Floppy disk downloads appear to be quite rare.
And if you enjoyed Nibe then try N.o.B.I. - Racing!!

This is a level that looks so easy but it's completely the opposite! So tricky so be warned.

Oh yeah, I definitely think this is going to be easy. Ask me if I ever completed it...

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