Friday, February 16, 2018

Astro Marine Corps

Creepy monsters are coming to get you!

Sometimes a game doesn't need a longwinded storyline, puzzles, or life-sucking RPG elements. Sometimes all you want is a huge mother of a weapon (with unlimited ammo, of course) and lots of baddies in need of urgent annihilation. Be happy because Dinamic's AMC fits the bill with lots of gratifyingly brutal violence!

This multi-level scrolling shoot 'em up involves nothing more than walking grim alien landscapes to hammer down the fire button to kill everything in sight. Upgradeable weapons use a directional-firing technique and our marine can crouch and leap high into the air (with wiggly legs). We are equipped with powerful bombs, which are needed when the main gun isn't effective. (tip: perhaps you can drop a few into the crater?)

The aliens are an obscene bunch of misfits ranging from man-eating plants to mechanoids that even Robocop would run away from. Don't get close to the unassuming caterpillars, these will suddenly grow in size - with teeth!! I think AMC has some of the best enemies and the monstrously huge Guardian proves it.

Technically, AMC could have been better as the scrolling could have been more energetic, plus the landscapes look rather "unfinished". Thankfully, the joystick controls are excellent. However, it is awkward reaching for the keyboard to throw a bomb - especially when mechanoids are chasing. With a bit of spit and polish...

AMC is crude and predictable but it's thoroughly entertaining with great baddies, crunchy sound effects and tons of action. Loved it and being an Astro Marine is ace because it's fantastic killing alien scumbags!!

Waste no more time! Install AMG onto your hard drive or grab the floppies as Stonish has great Menu disks: Dodgysoft #81 and Flame Of Finland #25.

Even the plant life is out to get you in this crazy game so watch out where you walk!!

Awe look everyone it's a strange little worm... No... Wait... ARGHHH it's growing!!

This thingamabob is absolutely superb. Look at the detail in his eyes and teeth. Love it!!

AMG has some huge monsters but the bosses are even bigger. This beast is ginormous!!

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