Tuesday, August 13, 2024

1943 Cracktro


I'm in a nostalgic mood, which is something of an odd thing to say considering the website you're looking at right now! Anyhow, this is one of the earlier cracktros. It might look lame but, it is legendary. Blade Runners used this intro several times and it takes me right back to my early ST days in the 80s. Ah, simpler times :-)

Grr, now I cannot get that chiptune out of my head...

More Information & Downloads

ST Computer Service [ Demozoo's group page ]
Blade Runners [ Demozoo's group page ]
The Gigabyte Crew [ Demozoo's group page ]
Music by David Whittaker [ Atarimania's game list ]
Scroller text by Harrie [ Swapper! ]
Garfield game download [ Atari Legend's menu disks ]


  1. Hi,

    Sorry for this unrelated comment, but something changed on your site I think and the articles are not fully visible to me anymore. I'm using RSS, and it used to be that the RSS entry pointed to the full article. Now it looks like it points to a mobile version, with only the intro text. It's the same if I access the site directly, I get redirected to a url with ?m=1, and only article summaries are visible. If I click on an article I only get the summary again. Basically the site is unusable for me on mobile 🤔

    1. Hi "anon" ;) I'm not sure about this as I've never used RSS feeds. The settings have never changed here fwiw... I did some googling to check things over and the URL should be: https://ataricrypt.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
      Otherwise I'm not sure, sorry.

      I've disabled the mobile version of the website fwiw as this was rubbish anyhow.

      Hope this helps? Otherwise I'm gutted things aren't working properly for you :(

  2. Thanks! Yes it works now, I'm not getting the limited mobile version anymore! Thanks a lot!

    It would be nice to adapt the site to display better on mobile, but I can live with it.

    1. Well, according to the stats, it's 50/50 between tablet users and computers. There's only a tiny % using phones, so probably not a big deal if it fixes the RSS feed problem. Glad you're sorted :)


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