Thursday, August 01, 2024

Doom Slideshow by Effect


As a huge Doom fan, I was shocked and saddened I had never previously seen this slideshow. Perhaps because it was released in 1996 - ST's dark age! Who knows but I do know that this is a belting slideshow.

It begins with the Doom title screen, tracker music, and a scroller that we must always read. I must admit, the olde ST sounds great which is high praise from me - as I'm not a "MOD" fanboy. When you're done reading the scroller and listening, hit the spacebar to hear a fantastic Mad Max chiptune. The slideshow begins and is powered by one of my favourite programs, Deluxe SlideShow v2.0 by the late John Brochu.

There are over 30 Doomy pictures which, might only be of interest to fans. For me, it's never a dull moment seeing ID's legendary game displayed on an Atari monitor. Now I feel the need to play Dread/Grind!!

I shouldn't need to end without saying this but, I will anyhow... Nothing beats using real hardware. Enjoy.

Slideshow Credits
Cyrax - Code, Text, Other (Compilation)
Jochen Hippel - Music
Liquid - Music
Trantic - Code


Doom Slideshow download -
Effect's profile page -

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