Saturday, August 03, 2024

Cosmos Chronicles

Floyd is back!!

Did you think you had seen the last of Cosmos Chronicles on AtariCrypt? Ha, no way!! If you remember, on day eight I was close to the end. However, I hit a brick wall because the distances were too great for my fuel supply options. That was a cluster of embarrassment easily solved by something I had overlooked (DOH!).

So I returned with a fresh mind and continued my voyage. As you may recall, I was heading to a "mystery destination" at coordinates 470733-551942? What a ginormous journey through the heavens; fraught with much danger. Eventually, I made it. The ending scenes and battles were like nothing I expected.

If my play-through didn't convince you, maybe this final post has? Download Cosmos Chronicles on It's free but, don't be a lamer and spend a few quid to support Gamopat and the Atari ST scene.

I don't want to spoil the ending - so stop scrolling now if you are still playing...

Reference pages of previous articles

Original Preview - New game released with the download. [ link ]
My Video Recording - I made a brief recording for newcomers. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 1 - Storyline and keyboard controls. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 2 - The quest begins, and we eat meat! [ link ]
My Adventure Day 3 - I created a map of the spaceship. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 4 - Learning how to fight! [ link ]
My Adventure Day 5 - Health and trade. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 6 - Wealth. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 7 - A diary of progress. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 8 - The CryptO'pinion. [ link ]

Eventually, after enduring the journey, we arrived. Hang on, what's that?

It's a monolith, so let's land on it...

A virtual entity appears and it's talking to me with precious information!!

I needed to tell someone I trusted about this news. Lord British, of course!

I have the coordinates of a prison planet where my father might be held captive.

The space station was a Hegemony ambush! Let's head to the planet instead...

Manually scouring an apparently abandoned planet was tough going.
Eventually, I found the prison!! Can you see it?

What, my father has been inside that prison all these years??

I killed the guards and then the prison boss (that green mess!).

It's a stupid story but, I won and am reunited with good old Dad.

Yes, I really did complete the game!! #HappyMoment

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