Sunday, August 04, 2024


Locked Doors, Keys & Demons

You may remember I mapped a platformer by Daniel Walton called Deluxe Nostram? That is the sequel to... wait for it... Nostram which he released a year earlier and many got it on an ST Action cover disk.

Anyhow, this earlier version features fewer rooms but the visuals, lack of sound effects, and puzzles remain very familiar. Sadly, there are quirks with the controls and I noticed several bugs. One forces you off the screen to displace us stuck in a distant wall. Another made it impossible to kill the boss if you got too close! Thankfully, I have listened to my own nagging (for once) and made sure I saved regularly.

I won't review this game because it's incredibly similar to the Deluxe edition so I would only come to the same conclusion. However, it is definitely worth playing and I loved the explorational element. Plus I completed it within a day (wow!!). Hmm, I might actually prefer this game because there are fewer empty rooms!!

Okay, the image below is a thumbnail of the complete map; to download the hi-res version click here. I've not labelled any spoilers (although if you get stuck feel free to comment for help). But let's be honest, the puzzles are easy - a lantern for the dark room and locked doors need a key. Yep, it is that tough.

Nostram is downloadable from these cool kids... [ Atarimania ] [ Atari Legend ] [ AtariUpToDate ]

AtariCrypt has other ST games mapped. They are linked at the top, or lazy people can click here :-)

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Cosmos Chronicles

Floyd is back!!

Did you think you had seen the last of Cosmos Chronicles on AtariCrypt? Ha, no way!! If you remember, on day eight I was close to the end. However, I hit a brick wall because the distances were too great for my fuel supply options. That was a cluster of embarrassment easily solved by something I had overlooked (DOH!).

So I returned with a fresh mind and continued my voyage. As you may recall, I was heading to a "mystery destination" at coordinates 470733-551942? What a ginormous journey through the heavens; fraught with much danger. Eventually, I made it. The ending scenes and battles were like nothing I expected.

If my play-through didn't convince you, maybe this final post has? Download Cosmos Chronicles on It's free but, don't be a lamer and spend a few quid to support Gamopat and the Atari ST scene.

I don't want to spoil the ending - so stop scrolling now if you are still playing...

Reference pages of previous articles

Original Preview - New game released with the download. [ link ]
My Video Recording - I made a brief recording for newcomers. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 1 - Storyline and keyboard controls. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 2 - The quest begins, and we eat meat! [ link ]
My Adventure Day 3 - I created a map of the spaceship. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 4 - Learning how to fight! [ link ]
My Adventure Day 5 - Health and trade. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 6 - Wealth. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 7 - A diary of progress. [ link ]
My Adventure Day 8 - The CryptO'pinion. [ link ]

Eventually, after enduring the journey, we arrived. Hang on, what's that?

It's a monolith, so let's land on it...

A virtual entity appears and it's talking to me with precious information!!

I needed to tell someone I trusted about this news. Lord British, of course!

I have the coordinates of a prison planet where my father might be held captive.

The space station was a Hegemony ambush! Let's head to the planet instead...

Manually scouring an apparently abandoned planet was tough going.
Eventually, I found the prison!! Can you see it?

What, my father has been inside that prison all these years??

I killed the guards and then the prison boss (that green mess!).

It's a stupid story but, I won and am reunited with good old Dad.

Yes, I really did complete the game!! #HappyMoment

Like what I do? Hey, do you wanna help support AtariCrypt??

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives