Saturday, July 08, 2023

Geeky memories

The biggest games club in the world

Today I was going through a few games from my collection, deciding what I should keep or (sigh) get rid of. Apparently, there's only so much space a married man is allowed for this "old junk", as she calls it. She's a cruel woman!

Anyhow, inside one of my game boxes was a flyer from Special Reserve - these guys were superb and sold many discounted Atari ST games. I've not seen this advert before so it was an exciting find for this old man. I remember joining them and getting many great deals that our one-and-only local computer shop couldn't compete with. I think I was a member until the mid-90s when our gaming era was drawing to a close. A sad time but, with many mega-cheap deals!

You know, I absolutely love finding geeky stuff like this! It makes my day and is going up on my ST Wall because it's something to treasure! Does anyone else remember this catalogue company? Let me know in the comments below.
Oddly, there were two copies of the same flyer inside my game box - I'll freely send the other to anyone who is interested in this tiny slice of ST history (sorry, UK only). I've taken a few photographs...

Can you imagine ringing their helpline for a game like Dungeon Master or another RPG?

Rubbish! All games worked on the Atari STe. Well, if you used a menu disk hehe!

Even the then-new Atari Lynx gets a little support. I miss my Lynx...

The prices are pretty darn good. I'll take North & South, please!

The mega blaster sounds cool, especially with its steel shaft. Stop it!

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