Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Final Frontier?

Attic finds

Another curious disk lurking within the darkest regions of my collection was this floppy with extra levels for Car-Vup. You may remember the game from what feels like many moons ago? What, you don't remember? Sheesh, there's a search option to the right where you can read more about it. Okay, Atarimania tells me that this disk was released by The One Magazine and, as my photograph shows, we have six new levels to play.

Car-Vup is a belting game and something of an automotive spin on Painter and Bristles (I loved that game). Core was very generous in stuffing this cover disk with loads of manic levels, silly creatures, and pointless driving. Not the best advert for any game is it? But I genuinely enjoy it, so it's a pleasure to find this disk.

I love finding oddities like this from the depths of the Atari ST's almost-forgotten history. Good times!

I can imagine this cover disk giveaway was a great way to advertise your game?

We have a job to do so ignore the helpless spaceman!

This is a brilliant level and possibly the best of the bunch?

Things are getting tricky now, especially that guy pulling a face at me lol.

Another successful and valuable mission was completed!

Oh no, my game ended the usual way - limping home to mummy!

1 comment:

  1. Im the one who played Car-Vup! *rises hand* I seem to have had a boring time.. (Vups)


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