Saturday, July 29, 2023

Torvak the Warrior

Rastan the barbarian?

So, Torvak? Why do I love this imperfect hack & slash platformer? In this scrolling platformer, I'm transformed into Hercules with giant weapons (ooer) and is something I've kept returning to over the decades - whenever I'm brassed off and feel the need to hit something hard. Now, whilst the wife breathes herself a massive sigh of relief, I admit that it could have been better. But I still boot it up regularly because it's damn good fun.

The basic concept is incredibly familiar but it whiffs of a rushed port with a small screen, strange controls, and suspect collision detection. Additionally, attempting to kill something that demands multiple hits and you soon realise that this is definitely no Golden Axe. Having said that, it looks great, sounds great, and plays well. So, no matter how old I get, I'm always happy to boot it up, especially with a trainer enabled!

Torvak The Warrior was released by Core Design and programmed by Andy Green who developed a couple of stinkers but redeemed himself with Masters of the Universe, a game I think is unexpectingly excellent. The rastan visuals are by non-other than Lee Pullen of Chuck Rock fame and Matt Furniss produced the gorgeous chiptune bleeps that are nothing less than exceptional.

I bet you're dying to play this beastmaster wannabe? I hope so because it's a lot better than most people say! Just remember to hold down the fire button to use spells and grab that Broadsword (located near the beginning). Like I said, it's far from perfect but enjoyable and I'd love to know if you guys are fans too.

Downloads are available for your hard drive and floppy disk. Righto, I'll end with some nifty screenshots...

I love the first stage because it's not too difficult and the level I play the most!

The second stage is a lot harder and you'll get attacked from both sides.

The third stage is a lot better than my gaming skills might suggest!

Lots of jumps in the fourth stage and it's very hard with many hidden dangers.

The fifth level always felt a bit Castlevania'ish to me. It's good but too samey...

And this is the screen I see the most, so use your noodle and activate the cheats!

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