Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mr. Do! Run Run

4-bitplane sex appeal

It's been a long time since I added something cool to our Pixel Art section so let's fix that with what I personally consider to be a visual feast. Also, a fantastic arcade conversion with utterly gorrrrrgeous gameplay. Yep, it's Mr Do! Run Run which was released in 1990 by Time Soldier dudes, Electrocoin. (actually, I quite liked that quirky shooter).

Yep, I love the graphics and the sweet pixels were created by Gary Felix who was responsible for Exolon and Future Sports. Now, ignoring the rather lame animated intro (sorry Gary), the title screen that follows demonstrates what to expect. And that means peculiar and freaky pixels - especially if you hate clowns? Meh, I don't see what all the fuss is about.

It's the in-game graphics that score the most points because they are authentic to the arcade original using a rich, bold style with cutesy sprites. Lovers of Mr Do and PacMan are instantly going to feel at home in this world of colour. In fact, it almost makes Rainbow Island look drab. Well, no it doesn't, but this game is every bit as glam.

What, you don't believe me? Okay, check out the title screen and a couple of in-game screenshots...

This is the campest title screen I've ever seen. It's absurd but very colourful.

The overhead display is superb for a clear view of the task ahead.

Check out those melon monsters! But look, I can see logs just waiting to be knocked.

Shockingly awesome conversion!

In this top-down runaround, we play the part of a clown who dashes around the screen collecting fruit whilst trying to avoid various nasties that are chasing and getting in our way. We're armed with one ball used to defend ourselves but this can be replaced by picking up several smaller balls off the floor. Heavy logs have been precariously propped and require only one well-timed nudge to see them roll down squashing anything in their path. Just don't get in the way!

This gameplay is fairly similar to PacMan but Mr Do is also writing a line as he moves (think Qix). Use this to draw a box and turn the pills into fruits: repeat the process to flip them into oranges, lemons and eventually pineapples for extra points. Yes, it is 'familiar' but the gameplay mechanics are excellent and provide a frantic adrenalin rush as you busily race around the screen. The level is completed once all the balls are collected or the baddies are dead.

Basically, this game looks and plays as old-school as it can get but, it works. In fact, it works brilliantly with zany gameplay that's as crafty to master as it is stunning to look at. Yes, I am shocked by how much I enjoyed this game but what shocks me even more is never playing it back in the day. What was I thinking? Where was I? How did I miss this game?

We're here for the pixels so I think it's time for some more sexy screenshots...

Oh, I love the design of each level and how colours are used to enhance that.

Lots to do and many monsters to kill. This game is an action fest and I love it!

Another level of pixel beauty which honours the arcade game perfectly.

Hang on, do we have more?

Now, although this is a Pixel Art feature, I feel I cannot continue without mentioning the music by Wally Beben. I'm often amazed at what the YM can produce but I feel he knocked the ball out of the park with truly outstanding arcade-style sounds. His chip music truly does suit the gameplay and sounds ace. Check it out and click on the green arrow below...

The CryptO'pinion?

Mr Do! Run Run is a challenging game with the first level being an absolute butt-kicker!!! Stick with it. The joy I felt when reaching the second level was an ecstatic moment indeed. My advice: ignore the Qix elements and concentrate on the controls and then how to kill the monsters. Once comfortable, learn how to farm fruits and collect the bonuses.

Personally, I think this is one of the most overlooked arcade conversions for the Atari ST. And it looks superb too!!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Line Of Fire

We're going to war, bring a mouse!

Line of Fire was converted from the arcades in 1990 by Creative Materials for US Gold and is basically a "crosshair" shooter. It begins from behind enemy lines as we're trying to escape never-ending hoards of angry bad guys. They're annoyed because we've sneaked in and pinched their brand-new toy - a Rapier Gun. Of course, we have no intentions of returning it so must now escape in a blaze of glory. A-Team style!

The gameplay is really simple: move the mouse onto the enemy soldiers and hit fire to send 'em to hell. Kill anything that looks mean, including the hardware that they use: a truck, plane, boat, or even their incoming missile attacks. Well, that's about as technical as this shooter gets - lots of frantic killing and loud explosions. Great stuff!

Oh yeah, so let's start by taking a look at the first screenshot...

The map shows our escape route through the base, jungle, rocky canyon, town, etc.

And bring a friend too!

One or two players is supported for a single or a (much-needed) co-op onslaught of pure adrenalin. Solo is controlled using the mouse which is perfectly precise but I felt the crosshair should have been bigger because it sometimes got lost among the action and explosions. Try it - hit the SHIFT key to spark a nuclear explosion (aka grenade) but be thrifty because these are best left for the end-of-level bosses. Trust me, you'll need 'em all.

We begin trapped inside the enemy compound with lots of baddies lining up the corridors all ready to kill us! The display shows our health and the number of grenades - both of which can be topped up by shooting the corresponding supply boxes left lying on the ground. There's a boss waiting at the end of every stage, be it two ugly brutes firing missiles, a plane stuffed with a cargo of airmen, or a ghost train and its endless supply of soldiers.

Okay, shall we take a stroll through the many levels of this crazy game? Yes, a good idea...

- Eight Stages To Freedom -

Level 1 - The Enemy Camp

This is where we broke into the enemy camp, kicked in their sandcastle and make the bad guys cry. However, tons of smurf-looking soldiers were alerted (very odd) and they're mean and sneaky - some even hide inside the floor panels and ceiling vents. Once you reach the end it's time to battle two enormous bad guys who are just asking to eat those grenades.

Overall, I really enjoyed this opening stage albeit very short. Should have been much longer!

Level one kicks in with an assault of smurf soldiers!

It's not long before a couple of bosses appear but I brought fire!!

Level 2 - Destroy The Enemy Jungle Base

Those smurfs failed to stop us and we made it outside to jump into our jeep and head for the jungle. Lots of enemies are lurking in these muddy waters, along with choppers and planes dropping bombs of mass destruction! The action feels unbalanced for solo gamers but the helicopter boss is pretty cool and a good fight without being too complicated.

Overall, this stage proves the developers used ST Basic and had no beta testers! Let's take a look...

Chug...Chug...Chug... alongside an unused Blitter...

Be quick and get blasting everything you see on the screen. Gun love time!

Level 3 - Exit By Speed Boat

Pretty much more of the same as the previous level - but this time we're riding through the soggier parts of the massive jungle. Watch out for the soldiers hiding on the river banks and you might even see the odd Rambo impersonator. The two bosses are back but this time they've brought some help for what is quite a fatiguing battle.

Overall, this level is more of the same which isn't great unless you have a faster computer?

It's good fun actually. Essentially, my pessimistic attitude is because of the framerate.

Okay, the two guys have brought in some help. It's very tough so expect to lose lives.

Level 4 - Fighting In The Canyon

Like the jungle, this time the graphics have changed to an odd-looking rocky canyon. Hmm, those walls don't look right, especially when you see soldiers hovering in mid-air! Anyhow, this level is another which is stuffed full of gun love and there's even an aeroplane boss that lunges rockets at your face.

It's probably better than the jungle stages but just as crazy with too many enemies eating away at your credits.

Enemies everywhere! Shoot - quicker - shoot some more. No, be quicker!

Gotta be impressed by the boss scenes, especially as no Blitter is utilised.

Level 5 - Do Or Die Battle In The Desert

Landscape graphics are gone and the display is reduced to objects and sprites. It's now that I noticed the odd blue background - it really stands out because there's nothing else. Looks very strange. However, the benefit of this sudden change is a decent framerate which means it plays better than all the other levels. The boss stage is a train, which is something solo players should fear!

Overall, a great level and I wish the others were as fast and responsive as this one. I enjoyed it :o

It looks... odd... but fear not there's a bunch of fun to be had here!

The train level is great actually, but there's a lot to do and it seems to last forever.

Level 6 - Foes Await In The City's Ruins

Finally, we've made it into a rough shantytown for a terrifying urban siege. Terrifying because that horrendous framerate has returned with a vengeance - I think this stage is the most sluggish of all? To be honest, it's a bit boring and also far too tough in solo. Where's the boss stage?

Overall, it's okay but all a bit... meh because of the dreadful framerate.

The idea behind this stage is actually very good but poorly implemented.

I'd had enough by the time this screenshot was taken and that's not good, is it?

Level 7 - Evade The Enemies Aircraft

We're on the runway and zoom off into the skies for aeronautical hell. However, this stage is tacky with a lame submarine boss - which is rubbish. Overall, this feels like a stocking filler and is the worst level so far.

Wow, I said that after playing the previous stage? Dang!

I've really had enough...

Oh, go away! (Yes, I've really really really had enough of the game now)

Level 8 - Fly To Your Base By Helicopter

Glad I didn't throw in the towel because Howling Mad Murdock would have loved this stage! The enemy chucks everything at you for one final attempt to get their fancy gun back! Don't get defeated because the end is very near. Sadly, I did, because it's insanely difficult! Which means I failed to save the Western World from the dreaded Terrorists.

Ah well, at least I tried...

That blue background might look daft, but imagine it black. See, it's actually a good idea!

No matter how much I tried, I failed to complete the final stage by my lonesome.

Graphics and Sounds

Visually, Line Of Fire is an oxymoron because it impresses and shocks in equal measure. Overscan is utilised with both top and bottom borders removed to provide tons more pixels. I also loved the palette which is comically bold, the sprites are huge and those explosions are just ginormous! Sadly, the sprites look like I've drawn them and the framerate shocking. In fact, it's possibly the worst performance I've seen from an Atari ST which is a sad thing to type.

The audio failed to impress. It begins with a nice title screen chiptune with a humorous intro but it's all downhill afterwards. In-game sound effects are basically your gun and grenades. So it's your gunfire that you're constantly hearing, which sounds like a room full of dancers shuffling their feet. Ugh, turn down the volume.

A mixed bag of goodies alright but the Blitter would have helped a lot... sigh... Time for another screenshot...

Gotta take my hat off to the developers for using overscan albeit at the expense of framerate? :/

The CryptO'pinion

I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of crosshair shooters but Line Of Fire shocked me. There's no 2D landscape with pop-up cardboard soldiers waiting to be shot. Instead, we have a first-person perspective similar to something like Narco Police but in overscan. Which is kinda cool for a machine with only half a meg Ram!

However, this conversion is screwy and appears to do everything it can to make the Atari ST perform like a Vic-20. Okay, I would never compare a home computer to the specs of an arcade machine with its faster processors, sprite scaling hardware, etc but this feels rushed and should have been better. I don't understand what Creative Materials were thinking. Then again, aren't these the guys that gave us Street Fighter 2 and Days Of Thunder?

Overall, I enjoyed Line Of Fire because it's something different from what I usually play. It's better with a friend as it's not balanced for solo play, but at least it provides a few continues to keep you interested. I'm glad I didn't buy this terrible game, but I still enjoyed rampaging through the various levels. Worth playing - but only with a friend.

- Downloads -

Floppy - Bad Brew Crew #33 (Stonish)
Hard Disk - 8BitChip (w/ extra credits)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Nightbreed - The Interactive Movie

Back when they knew how to make great horror movies

I remember watching Nightbreed back in the day and absolutely loved it. Okay, it was a little cheesy but I'm a fan of most horror genres and Clive Barker never disappoints. It had such a different twist to its style and atmosphere and I loved the idea of Midian with its freaks - being the good guys. Something I didn't expect at the time.

Being the weirdo that I am, I would have loved to see Midian for myself one dark night - of course, armed with nothing more than a flashlight!! Alas, it was never meant to be... well... until now that is!! Thanks to Ocean, and their amazing dedication to movie tie-ins, I finally have their Nightbreed which tries to follow the original plot as best it can. This time it's what's called an interactive adventure, umm, with some arcade action thrown in for good measure.

Right then, let's stop the natter and check out some of the screenshots from this scary game...

Don't listen to the bad man...

Hey, check out that 90s hairdo (and Aaron's nipples! lol)

The gameplay area is pretty large and feels a lot bigger thanks to the laborious car journey!

Armed with a torch, we head into the dark woods!

As you can imagine, we play as Aaron Boone and begin our adventure in the doctor's office listening to his lies. Yup, he's trying to trick us into a confession for something we haven't done - our world is collapsing in on itself. After this introduction plays through, we're presented with a map of the area which has many roads. Here you can travel to three possible destinations: the redneck police station, an ever-attractive asylum, and the mysterious Midian Town.

To drive, we use the overhead map of the area using the mouse and click each intersection of any road. However, watch out for hidden roadblocks that present a decision: do you smash through like a rebel or turn around to find an alternative route? Keep your eyes on the fuel gauge, I wouldn't like to get stuck on these roads at nighttime...

Deciding where to go is completely up to you but take a look at this map first, before you start burning unnecessary fuel. And then think to yourself what would Aaron Boone do? Everything may look very similar but each action you make (generally) has a different outcome: I made my way to the hospital in my first game, but (ahem) that didn't go very well.

Not well at all, actually! Check out the screenshot I got to see on my first game...

What a nightmare it is to be shackled and caged like a beast!

Arghh!! Caught and locked away in a padded cell for the rest of my days!

Just listen to his howling!! Wow :o

I've been eaten, again!

Of course, being the eager adventure, I restarted and headed straight to Midian. Here I was given three options: I chose to enter Midian itself which is something I was really looking forward to. However, I think this was a bad choice because I was instantly torn to pieces by a Berserker without any possible chance to defend myself. What an ending!!

I never gave up and tried again with my foolish venture into Midian but, this time, I was set upon by something else that was extremely vicious. However, this is where I finally got to see Nightbreed's action scenes as I ran away like a scared chicken. This part has you banging on the mouse button to separate two sprites at the top of your screen - one to represent you and the chasing monster. I escaped but trigger-happy cops were waiting and I found myself in the morgue!

As you can see, my fortune in this game is pretty terrible. Let's see some screenshots...

I made a poor decision and the doctor was waiting for me...

He brought the cops. Who shot me into pieces!

Midian is full of freaks... but I gotta admire the artwork and a dodgy game of chase!!


Visually, Nightbreed doesn't fail to impress and features many screens with gorgeous artwork. I love the eerie tones that make use of great palette choices to honour the movie's atmosphere nicely. However, the animations are pretty lame and I dare you not to laugh when being chased However, it's this part where I thought Aaron looked like David Boreanaz [remember the vamp Angel] as his image wobbles back 'n' forth. Or is it just me?

The audio is also excellent. Okay, I'd have liked more background sounds but, what we have, is sampled and pretty darn awesome. Easily my favourite sound effect is when we're captured and held captive in the asylum: this is probably one of the scariest samples I've ever heard in any game. It's incredible. Listen to it!!

Remember when I said I found myself in the morgue? Well, that doesn't necessarily mean game over...

Oh no, I'm not doing too well... Well, I did end up in the morgue so that's never good!

Well, I never expected that... this is turning into an old Hammer House of Horror movie!!

The CryptO'pinion?

I've enjoyed Nightbreed with its weird storyline and freaky aesthetics that I'm sure Clive Barker would appreciate. The game is big and offers quite a challenge but I was left a little disappointed - considering this is an interactive adventure - as I imagined a lot more actual "interaction". Also, I felt blindly forced into following a predetermined and limited plot - one wrong move and you're dead. Which isn't brilliant for what is supposed to be a free-roaming adventure scenario.

Don't get me wrong, this is no Dragon's Lair and I'm sure fans will get something from this interactive movie tie-in. I loved the ability to venture into Midian for myself but I simply feel more could have been done to exploit the setting and storyline with its wide variety of Midian monsters. I enjoyed it as it's not a bad game just not a great one.

Here are a few screenshots to tempt you into downloading Nightbreed for floppy or hard drive!

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Chicken, fight like a robot!

Once again, we find ourselves in deep space on board a ship which has been invaded - by robots. However, they are the most sluggish robots I've ever known so how these brutes managed this is anyone's guess. Anyhow, as the last surviving crew member, we must eliminate them before they take over. This won't be easy because each room has electrified walls for instant death! (Hey, let's find some rubber gloves before we begin! No? ...sigh...)

Developed by P Fox of ProjectX, Robotz is kinda like a tactical remake of the Berzerk genre. Each of the rooms is different and populated by a number of randomly placed robots which follow your movements in their own specific order (use that to your own advantage). We are armed with a one-shot gun which is my only gripe because it's rather restricting! Especially as each robot is protected by a shield so your shots cannot destroy them but will stun them for a few seconds. Ultimately, blast each generator into smithereens to leave the invading robots helpless!

For a homebrew release, I must say that I adore the visuals which personally remind me of a cross between Xenon and Leavin' Teramis. The palette is gorgeously metallic and I love those shadows which add so much depth to the scenario. All sprites are simple but nicely detailed with good animation and I giggle at our protagonist's legs as he walks. Yeah, it's funny but nowhere near as entertaining as his "ouch" scream when losing a life (Grrr!!)

Thanks to ST Format, I think many have played Robotz back in the day - but how long did you last before hitting the ST's reset button? Personally, I think this is a cracking example of 16-bit Marmite, but whether you will enjoy the stress and tension as much as I did is debatable. Yeah, Robotz is cruel yet tremendously addictive. Highly recommended.

Each level has a design that demands lots of time to master the tighter areas.

Those robots are indestructible! Surely there's a way to kill them?

Some levels have more freedom to move, but that doesn't mean they're easy!

This level is extremely tricky. When I say tricky, I mean agonisingly difficult!!

Hmm, this appears easy? One generator... but... three droids!

Oh no, this level features TWO generators to destroy BEFORE the robots are killable.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Yomo is an oldskool-styled shoot 'em up by Aaron Fothergill for Mandarin Software. It was runner-up in The 1989 Games Writer Of The Year Award competition which is pretty cool. I've had this on my bucket list for a while because I always admired its 8-bit feel which reminded me of games I played as a youngster back in the early 80s.

The world is viewed two-dimensionally with a landscape populated by many destructible buildings and whacky vehicles which use the most frustrating mechanics. Our character is a tiny stickman who's on a mission to recover a dodgy nuke dropped behind enemy lines. However, this won't be easy because the baddies are constantly attacking so why not fire off a few heat-seeking missiles before jumping inside something probably stolen from the 1960s? On foot isn't fun, but if you see other stickmen wobbling across your screen then hit fire and gun 'em down!!

Visually speaking, you better not have high hopes because this ain't no glamourous Bitmap Brothers product: the graphics are lame with titchy sprites and ugly scrolling that had my Atari STe crying out in agony. However, I must admit that the sounds aren't bad thanks to lots of crunchy samples - lightning is oddly my favourite!

Yomo is pants but it's also surprisingly a lot of fun and the ability to jump into any aircraft is genius. However, there isn't enough ammo and collecting extra supplies is laborious and very tricky during the heat of battle. Overall, Yomo is frustrating and overly difficult but if you enjoy blowing stuff up then it's possibly worth downloading.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Wings Of Death


Wings Of Death is a vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up that even supports the extra bits 'n' bobs lurking within the Atari STe for a stunning production. Gorgeous graphics and beautiful audio are matched by the killer gameplay. Yet, despite my joystick skills, I've recorded another video. I love this shooter even though I'm terrible at it!!

And here are some screenshots to drool over. Okay, convinced now? Right then, download WoD!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 Random Atari ST Games

Something new, something unexpected

I thought that it might be a nice idea to randomly select a handful of Atari ST games - something different from what I might normally choose. So I picked five games from the Dream Weavers menu disks catalogue. Everything is available on a floppy disk from Atari Legend but all can be installed onto a hard drive thanks to D-Bug and 8BitChip.

Anyhow, this idea proved fun and with a few shocks too: I had a blast playing four totally new games (and Golden Axe). The video recording shows my first attempt at each game and I hope you enjoy watching it? Not a walkthrough ;)

Let's take a quick look at each one of these random Atari ST games. This was a fun play I gotta admit...

 The Amazing Spider-Man 

Update: I have since reviewed and featured a high-resolution map. Check it out here! :-)

Okay, the first up is The Amazing Spiderman by Empire Software. Now, I think that I remember playing this a few years ago but wasn't too impressed by the fiddly controls and lethargic pace? However, I must say that this "platformer" has genuinely shocked me because it's an incredible adventure which puts a different spin on the expected genre simply because of Spidey's mechanics. This means we have the expected superhero abilities along with being quite the sneaky saboteur - it's superb walking on the ceiling to creep by our enemies or punch switches with our webs.

There is also a fantastic 8-Bit vibe going on. Especially visually, which might not go down well for those looking for a classy 16-Bit quality, but I think it's perfect. Overall, this is now literally one of my favourite Atari ST games and I cannot possibly explain just how much I've loved being Spiderman!! Makes for a boring recording but this is an absolute GEM.

The opening screens are excellent giving the player a chance to learn the control mechanics.

Watch the giant Spider-Man on the right. The game ends when he's a skeleton!

 Edd the Duck! 

Next up is Edd The Duck which was aimed more at kids and isn't something I would normally choose. It's basically a poor man's Rainbow Islands but it does a good job trying to live up to that class act. Actually, this is also a cracking game and a lot better than I had expected. However, I found the jump mechanic a little off and the difficulty high.

Overall, it's a good platformer but it's probably a better idea to boot up Rainbow Islands?

You've gotta admit that the graphics are superb, especially the sprites.

There's a lot going on which makes this game quite tough. Practice makes perfect?


Audiogenic's Exterminator was developed by The Assembly Line and is something I've wanted to play for a while - because it reminded me of Trashman on the ZX Spectrum. This game is about pest control as the entire street is overrun with critters: wasps, spiders and many others. We won't be laying traps or leaving poison because we're quite the hands-on guy.

Yep, using a BIG hand, we crush, pound or shoot the critters that emerge from the darkest corners of each room. It's kinda like a nightmarish mix of Klax and gets even sillier with support for two players - which is actually tremendous fun. This game is pointless, yet something every Dad needs to experience with his kids - they will love it.

A good bug-crunching game that excels in two-player mode and I'm shocked at how much I enjoyed Exterminator. Finally, I must add that The Assembly Line makes us proud by supporting the Atari STe with cool DMA sounds!!

I really enjoyed this game. It's silly and great fun but best experienced with another player.

I instantly got Trashman vibes from my old Speccy days.

Everything comes at you pretty fast. Can you squash or crush everything in time?

 Golden Axe 

Golden Axe is a beat 'em up that needs no introduction. Such a fine arcade conversion but it's also one of those games that could have been a great chance to show off what the Atari STe was capable of. Sadly, there's no STe support, an opportunity lost [IMHO]. That is where my criticism ends because this "platformer" is pure gold and tons of fun. I also love the graphics and sounds too!! They have done a good job here, so if you're after an awesome hack 'n' slasher - this is it.

I should make a proper article here on AtariCrypt for this amazing game. A superb game, play it!! :-)

Slam the dude on the head whilst his friend sleeps. Brilliant action!!

Ah, it looks like these two got the better of me (again!)

 Ivan Ironman Stewart's
Super Off-Road 

Virgin's Super Off-Road is another game I wouldn't typically have considered because it looks like a shameless Super Sprint ripoff. However, I am kicking myself because this is fantastic, and I immediately took to its bumpy racer style. It's so much fun tearing around the mucky tracks - but it was odd being asked for my date of birth. Anyhow, the game has superb controls and the physics performed very well. Ripping up dirt with Ivan is absolutely brilliant and I had a blast!

What it lacks in originality is compensated by great gameplay and is the perfect end for a great run of ST games.

Hey, it's an offroad Fonzie!

Ignore the Super Sprint vibes and play this gorgeous racer!!