Sunday, July 29, 2018

5 Random Atari ST Games

Something new, something unexpected

I thought that it might be a nice idea to randomly select a handful of Atari ST games - something different from what I might normally choose. So I picked five games from the Dream Weavers menu disks catalogue. Everything is available on a floppy disk from Atari Legend but all can be installed onto a hard drive thanks to D-Bug and 8BitChip.

Anyhow, this idea proved fun and with a few shocks too: I had a blast playing four totally new games (and Golden Axe). The video recording shows my first attempt at each game and I hope you enjoy watching it? Not a walkthrough ;)

Let's take a quick look at each one of these random Atari ST games. This was a fun play I gotta admit...

 The Amazing Spider-Man 

Update: I have since reviewed and featured a high-resolution map. Check it out here! :-)

Okay, the first up is The Amazing Spiderman by Empire Software. Now, I think that I remember playing this a few years ago but wasn't too impressed by the fiddly controls and lethargic pace? However, I must say that this "platformer" has genuinely shocked me because it's an incredible adventure which puts a different spin on the expected genre simply because of Spidey's mechanics. This means we have the expected superhero abilities along with being quite the sneaky saboteur - it's superb walking on the ceiling to creep by our enemies or punch switches with our webs.

There is also a fantastic 8-Bit vibe going on. Especially visually, which might not go down well for those looking for a classy 16-Bit quality, but I think it's perfect. Overall, this is now literally one of my favourite Atari ST games and I cannot possibly explain just how much I've loved being Spiderman!! Makes for a boring recording but this is an absolute GEM.

The opening screens are excellent giving the player a chance to learn the control mechanics.

Watch the giant Spider-Man on the right. The game ends when he's a skeleton!

 Edd the Duck! 

Next up is Edd The Duck which was aimed more at kids and isn't something I would normally choose. It's basically a poor man's Rainbow Islands but it does a good job trying to live up to that class act. Actually, this is also a cracking game and a lot better than I had expected. However, I found the jump mechanic a little off and the difficulty high.

Overall, it's a good platformer but it's probably a better idea to boot up Rainbow Islands?

You've gotta admit that the graphics are superb, especially the sprites.

There's a lot going on which makes this game quite tough. Practice makes perfect?


Audiogenic's Exterminator was developed by The Assembly Line and is something I've wanted to play for a while - because it reminded me of Trashman on the ZX Spectrum. This game is about pest control as the entire street is overrun with critters: wasps, spiders and many others. We won't be laying traps or leaving poison because we're quite the hands-on guy.

Yep, using a BIG hand, we crush, pound or shoot the critters that emerge from the darkest corners of each room. It's kinda like a nightmarish mix of Klax and gets even sillier with support for two players - which is actually tremendous fun. This game is pointless, yet something every Dad needs to experience with his kids - they will love it.

A good bug-crunching game that excels in two-player mode and I'm shocked at how much I enjoyed Exterminator. Finally, I must add that The Assembly Line makes us proud by supporting the Atari STe with cool DMA sounds!!

I really enjoyed this game. It's silly and great fun but best experienced with another player.

I instantly got Trashman vibes from my old Speccy days.

Everything comes at you pretty fast. Can you squash or crush everything in time?

 Golden Axe 

Golden Axe is a beat 'em up that needs no introduction. Such a fine arcade conversion but it's also one of those games that could have been a great chance to show off what the Atari STe was capable of. Sadly, there's no STe support, an opportunity lost [IMHO]. That is where my criticism ends because this "platformer" is pure gold and tons of fun. I also love the graphics and sounds too!! They have done a good job here, so if you're after an awesome hack 'n' slasher - this is it.

I should make a proper article here on AtariCrypt for this amazing game. A superb game, play it!! :-)

Slam the dude on the head whilst his friend sleeps. Brilliant action!!

Ah, it looks like these two got the better of me (again!)

 Ivan Ironman Stewart's
Super Off-Road 

Virgin's Super Off-Road is another game I wouldn't typically have considered because it looks like a shameless Super Sprint ripoff. However, I am kicking myself because this is fantastic, and I immediately took to its bumpy racer style. It's so much fun tearing around the mucky tracks - but it was odd being asked for my date of birth. Anyhow, the game has superb controls and the physics performed very well. Ripping up dirt with Ivan is absolutely brilliant and I had a blast!

What it lacks in originality is compensated by great gameplay and is the perfect end for a great run of ST games.

Hey, it's an offroad Fonzie!

Ignore the Super Sprint vibes and play this gorgeous racer!!


  1. You got a nice selection if this was truly random! Every time I pick a random game it turns out to be a German text adventure or something! :D

    I love Amazing Spider-Man too! Every time I see someone new play it I internally cringe because I know it’s finicky controls and repetitive switch puzzles will likely put the off, never to play it again. But persevere with it and there is a lot to love. I hope to go back to it one day and complete it.

    Super Off Road is another great game, but there is a difficulty spike that makes progress extremely difficult and stops me coming back for more.

    Golden Axe is a game that I obsessed about when I was a lad after playing the arcade at Birmingham Airport. I got a demo of the first level from ST Format with my ST at Christmas and played it to death. My Mum (bless her) must have been paying attention because she bought me the game for my birthday! Great memories.

    Great post, Steve. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, it was random! I picked the entire catalogue of Dream Weaver disks that I have here in my collection. I love their disks because I remember being in contact with them you see, so happy memories. Anyhow, it was more like a "top 5" from the ones on these disks. (there were some other games which I just couldn't stand ha)

      I genuinely wanted to play something new to me and the video is of my very first proper play of each. Of course, I've played Golden Axe before but, hey there's always one odd one out. Trust me, I know lol. TBH, once I loaded it up, I couldn't let it slip by... so i guess it's 5 random games but rather than 5 random new games ;)

      I *think* i remember seeing Spiderman a few years ago but, again, as you can tell from the video it was my first play and it took me a few minutes to get to grip with the controls.

      I enjoyed this.

  2. STeve, indeed a great read this was. 5 random games and you immediately pick 3 of my favorites, I wouldn't know what to choose. Spiderman is such an underated game and even though it might look a bit silly, this is a game loved by many ST fans. I love it myself. Off Road racing is amazing, especially in 2 player mode. Lot's of great memories. And Golden Axe, man oh man ... I have completed that one (using trainer ... boooooh) a dozen of times with friends. Such a great hack and slash, even on the ST! Great read.

    1. Thank you whoever you are!! Love your taste in games :D

  3. You may have picked randomly, but these are all really nice examples of ST games done pretty well. Yes, some are not technically pushing the machine "beyond borders", by hey fun is good too!

    1. Sorry I appeared to have missed this message :/ Yeah there are some great games whether they push the machine or not. Great gameplay :)


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