Monday, August 19, 2019

Ironman Challenge III

Running The Gauntlet!

A couple of years ago, I asked Mike (The New Retro Show) to play Atari ST games. An alternative selection that I knew would push this bloke to his limits. It was fun watching him endure Fire And Brimstone!!

Two years is long enough, so I challenged him to an "Ironman" video which he agreed to! I picked games from the PD/Shareware scene, four platformers and three conversions of arcade classics: Clod Hopper, Crapman, Frogger, Hector vs The Mutant Vampire Tomatoes From Hell, Hoog, Space Monsters and Winglord.

Watch the video of Mike torturing himself playing these games!

My thanks to Mike for taking on the challenge. Oh, and this video is actually an early screening just for Atari ST gamers and it will not be made public until this Wednesday!! One more thing... Mike, I've got some cool (and cruel) ideas for a fourth challenge if you're interested? Go on, I dare ya!

Three belters: Winglord (Atari STe), Crapman and one of the latest games released for the ST, Frogger!

Hoog is one mightily impressive jaw-dropping platformer and Clod Hopper feels so authentically 8Bit.

Hector... must be one of the best titles ever and who doesn't love a fantastic conversion of Panic?

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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