* Demozoo website has a download with all the credits and more.
* Demozoo website has a download with all the credits and more.
> From the start, we're treated to a superb intro you should watch. I can't stress that enough!
CreditsBig Boss Man - CodeCornervizion - MusicD-Force - GraphicsFedePede04 - GraphicsForgotten Grove - Graphics, Text, Other (Conception)Greyfox - GraphicsJOSE.ANT - Other (Group theme-tune on Site)Lachoneus - GraphicsLoggins - GraphicsPandafox - GraphicsScarlettkitten - Graphicsspiny - Graphics ((and coding advice))
Sadly, that is as far as I've managed to get. Very disappointing but, that's me and my skilful gaming reactions. Well, I'm extremely grateful for a handy cheat mode that I found. This allows me to play on the later levels - and the Meccano style in Tool World is excellent. Just carry on reading for more information about that handy cheat!
Power-ups are also frequently available to ease your hectic adventure like Two Zool - your very own doppelganger. Like all ninjas, Zool has an energy shield that can be replenished during play but it can survive only three hits before you're as dead as a dodo. I would have like more to balance it against the number of nasties.
Of course, it's best when running on the Atari STe. Gremlin have made good use of the hardware with 50fps scrolling. It's a thrill to play and crushes the experience you had when using the standard ST. Not only that but there are more colours too. Weirdly, there is a slowdown in some places which is a shame and doesn't make sense.
Okay, Mr cube has a great website and is also listed on Demozoo and SoundCloud. I have recorded a video of his "Meet !cube" musicdisk which you can download here and I must say that Bullet Sequence is another of my fave tracks (from Silly Venture 2014). Delicious!
* Many newer STFMs have an empty Blitter Chip socket so head over to the EXXOS webSTore.At first, I wasn't sure how this was gonna go as we've been burnt by so-called 8-bit conversions before. However, this booted up great with a neat intro and looks the business! Based on Donkey Kong with a dollop of Popeye, it's set in 1983 as the gaming industry crashed (which I was completely unaware of being a Spectrum kid then!)