Monday, December 19, 2016



Pung is an old Atari STe game which has been released after years of lurking in software purgatory. It's obviously based upon the 1972 classic and currently stands at v0.30 which means it suffers a few bugs that might lead to those infamous bombs across your screen. Just reset and keep on playing! I'm glad this got a release as we have enjoyed playing it over the weekend - it's different with a few neat ideas and I recommend you take a look. Let me know what you think...

* Demozoo website has a download with all the credits and more.
* I nabbed the MOD music file off Demozoo and made a recording. Love it!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Potsworth & Co

Another platformer? Yawn, let's check it out...

Potsworth & Co is a cutesy platformer developed by Ben Walshaw for Hi-Tec Software (1992) and is based on a Hanna-Barbera cartoon (which I'd never heard of). I've just learnt that Potsworth is a dog who happens to have a group of kiddy mates - The Midnight Patrol. The story is that someone stole a sleep potion and broke it up throughout five worlds. It's up to the kids to return it to a Grand Dozer (whatever that is).

As different members of the Midnight Patrol (depending on the level, each has different mechanics for powers and abilities). For example, in the first, we are a stroppy girl who begins underground in a place Rick Dangerous would love. It appears this heroine only has to open her mouth to kill most of her foes.

Sounds weird? You betcha! But I think you're gonna love it. Read on...

Each level is different and uses the other characters, who come with their own skills.

Developers who care!

Potsworth & Co offers a style similar to Doodlebug or Magic Boy but, don't let the comical visuals trick you, this game is not easy and very challenging. Each world features many hazards and, of course, a wide range of baddies who aimlessly walk back and forth doing their best to make life troublesome. There are also puzzles but these won't have you stumped, it's more like moving a block onto a switch panel (or a teddy bear!).

This isn't an easy-to-pick-up-and-play platformer, if I'm honest. I think it has a testing learning curve thanks to a difficulty level famous throughout the 8 and 16-bit era. Personally, I think a lot more lives should have been given by default and there are some parts of the later levels that are quite irritating. But all this is solved by having more lives or (cough) a trainer which means you're then able to enjoy this game fully.

The joystick controls are superbly responsive so exploring is a breeze without any sluggishness. When you move onto a new level, the game changes your character which is unusual. I especially liked the third world where we play as a dog in a candy land - this is bursting with cool mechanics and is brilliant fun to explore.

Let's see a screenshot of that stroppy-looking girl level I mentioned...

No lame port here but there are... walking guns in a Ricky Dangerous world!

Model looks!

The visuals are stunning and it certainly proves what a developer can do when they care about their product. This looks the business alright and feels quite console-y with fantastic environments, awesome sprites, and bundles of colour throughout each and every level. The scrolling is both fast and fluent which means we're being treated, rather than enduring a jerky lame Amiga port. Amazing, just amazing.

Sadly, the audio is the mirror opposite of those lovely pixels and appears to be an afterthought. There are only a few spot sound effects and, even worse, no background chiptune which would have been perfect. Oh, and don't even ask about a title theme. That is absolutely terrible and should be skipped - quickly!!

Why is that? So much effort was spent on the visuals and gameplay yet little on the audio...

Another new level and another different character to master.

The CryptO'pinion?

This is superb and provides a fantastic venture through several interesting worlds. Each is a vibrant and charming experience and, not only that but, a testament to the power of the Atari ST when in the hands of a talented programmer. Prepare thyself for a game that is as challenging as it is beautiful.

This is one of the best platformers there is. I've loved every second with The Midnight Patrol. If I can pass on a piece of advice, it would be this: Don't be a knob and download this game right now. There ya go.

Downloads for floppy disk & hard drive.

Saturday, December 17, 2016


The most exciting screenshot ever!

MonoPack was released by Shrimp of NewCore and allows the Atari ST (w/ colour display) to run in the high-resolution mode without the need for the correct monitor. Yes, there are already programs that do this but I think this is better because it saves itself onto the boot sector of a floppy disk. This means a fast way to activate. Plus it supports the Blitter coprocessor for faster rendering. Yup, this is an excellent utility!

Clickety-Click to download MonoPack and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Super Space Invaders

Space Invaders!!

How could anyone contemplate enhancing Space Invaders? How about supersizing it with power-ups and other cool ideas!! This is exactly what Domark did with the imaginatively titled Super Space Invaders, an authentic take with an array of next-gen invaders to quench our two-dimensional alien-zapping thirst.

> From the start, we're treated to a superb intro you should watch. I can't stress that enough!

When a game begins, select your path through a variety of grouped stages, similar to Blasteroids. As an attack wave begins, it's quite slow and gradually speeds up with each kill. These new invaders will attack using a variety of tactics - some will bloat after being shot, thus requiring extra effort. Don't expect the same attack formations, this time they use various styles with some breaking away - Galaxian style!

Let's peep at a screenshot of an unlucky guy struggling at his daily job. Some have it tough...

The intro is legendary. I absolutely loved it and it's definitely something you don't skip!!

Can't knock the classic formula

An easily targeted mothership frequently passes by and, if destroyed, drops a power-up in true Arkanoid fashion. These power-ups are key to success and an enhanced gameplay experience. There are many, I love the laser which slices through the alien hoard like a hot knife through butter. I must admit, to taking a liking to that rapid-fire power-up! Perhaps I should state this fact again? The power-ups are key to a better game.

Okay, if Space Invaders had a flaw, it's repetition. Super Space Invaders attempts to break that by introducing bonus rounds, different stages, and boss levels. One bonus is the flying saucers screen which shows them hovering in the rural countryside trying to abduct cattle! The groovy end-of-level bosses are in urgent need of a good hiding!! I am especially impressed by the boss after level three which is beautifully animated.

Here is a screenshot that might look a bit awkward but playing is miles better...

Some aliens balloon when hit which is funny but also means more shooting!!


The graphics are excellent with nicely detailed invaders and I especially liked the huge insects. Framerates are great but the game will appear sluggish without using power-ups. I really enjoy the colour schemes throughout, it has a surreal feeling. Finally, the End-Of-Level bosses are a fantastic example of cool pixel art.

Musically, very interesting as I am weirdly reminded of Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters. The effects are good but I was disappointed not to hear the famous cannon sounds from the arcade!

Okay, let's see a cutscene and this one has helpless cows wanting a quiet life...

Oh no, now those pesky aliens are after cattle. I need burgers so shoot them down now!

The CryptO'pinion?

I've had a blast (sorry) playing this game. It's still Space Invaders but with many extras that bloat and bastardise the original format. Purists might turn up their noses in disgust at this abomination. Nonetheless, it's a terrific game in its own right and the power-ups are key to getting the most from this alternative rendition. They really are and transform what would otherwise be a predictable clone into a freakishly entertaining affair.

I feel this is an addictive and entertaining take on the original idea. Great fun and highly recommended!

Can you protect humanity from Space Invaders?
Help is stored ready on hard disk or floppy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

a real wallpaper!

Look at what came in the post today from Chris Swinson (aka Exxos). Designed by Darren Doyle for the release of AtariCrypt Magazine and today it's in print and on my bedroom wall like I'm 15 again! There are some ace ST folk in our community - thank you so much, Chris. I'm wondering how long the wife will allow this to remain...

Regardless, I LOVE IT!!! :-)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Collaboration One


A new group is on the scene!

The Atari ST/e demoscene has entertained us with incredible productions over the decades. Predictably, these are often by the talented people who made our jaws drop from the late 80s onwards. Well, today we have something different and by a brand new group called STatariART who have released their first slideshow!

It's called Collaboration One and features pixel art created by people from all walks. Along with the images, there is chip music and a lamer's scroll to read. Let's hope this is the start of something great!

Big Boss Man - Code
Cornervizion - Music
D-Force - Graphics
FedePede04 - Graphics
Forgotten Grove - Graphics, Text, Other (Conception)
Greyfox - Graphics
JOSE.ANT - Other (Group theme-tune on Site)
Lachoneus - Graphics
Loggins - Graphics
Pandafox - Graphics
Scarlettkitten - Graphics
spiny - Graphics ((and coding advice))

I hope you guys enjoy this and to tempt you further here is our theme tune by Cornervizion...

Saturday, December 03, 2016


Whoosh, it's Zool!!

Zool was released in 1993 by one of the most acclaimed gaming companies, Gremlin Graphics. Late in the ST's life, yet they went that extra mile to support both models of Atari ST computer. Respect. At first, it appears to be a Sonic clone and does indeed have many similarities but, Sonic it ain't. That fact disappointed many, back in the day (like me). I guess we wanted our Sonic? Well, I figured enough time had passed? Should I give this zippy insect another second chance?

Our little protagonist is a rather odd critter. He's a badly-disguised ninja ant (well, I think it is!) who is from the "Nth Dimension". He can run, climb, leap and even perform a silly airborne pirouette. Sounds very Sonic'ish!! Anyhow, his mission is to travel six worlds and prove himself worthy of earning the black belt accolade he so richly desires. Each world is split into three segments of progressive difficulty and is littered with traps and countless baddies to contend with.

Sonically cool this game! Ugh, sorry... Anyhow, let's see the first screenshot of this ninja roadster...

The first level is excellent and has a little iddy biddy Sonic vibe to it...

Run and leap like crazy!

There are several levels, the first is "Sweet World" which could be a child's favourite dream: an entire planet made of candy. But these are killer sweets: like wobbly jelly and a cute rapidly-firing dolly mixture! The second is musically themed and features angry instruments like bongo drums and even some nice ones that play helpful musical notes.

Sadly, that is as far as I've managed to get. Very disappointing but, that's me and my skilful gaming reactions. Well, I'm extremely grateful for a handy cheat mode that I found. This allows me to play on the later levels - and the Meccano style in Tool World is excellent. Just carry on reading for more information about that handy cheat!

Zool is a simple game at heart, it's all about collecting the items and, in Sweet World, that is candy. Look at the bottom/left of your screen which displays how many are required with an arrow pointing you in the right direction to find more. Thankfully, losing a life isn't a game buster as there are checkpoints from which to continue your adventure.

That is no easy task because all levels have a cruel layout that is littered with traps - hidden traps! Plus there is a huge number of baddies, of course. However, this isn't only a game that requires lightning-fast reactions but you must replay, replay, replay. Learning the levels is the only way to boost your progression otherwise you're hit by something unexpected. Zool's replay value is massive by default because of this. Whether that's right or wrong, I'm not so sure.

It's screenshot time and this one was (sorry) taken with my phone when using real hardware...

Watch where you're walking! So many dangerous places in this world of weird.

Input & Output

The joystick controls are absolutely superb - intuitive and very responsive - which they had to be. Plus there is an option to use inertia, which I leave disabled. Keep banging on that fire button for rapid firepower and if you tap it again (during a jump) then a pirouette manoeuvre is actioned to kill even more of the colourful nasties in this crazy world.

Power-ups are also frequently available to ease your hectic adventure like Two Zool - your very own doppelganger. Like all ninjas, Zool has an energy shield that can be replenished during play but it can survive only three hits before you're as dead as a dodo. I would have like more to balance it against the number of nasties.

Visually, Zool rocks and I'm sure they've used every colour they could for a weirdly gaudy display! The sprites are stunning and I love the purple dolly mixture. I'm shocked that a game like this is playable on the ST and movements are good considering it has no hardware scrolling, etc. It's miles better than other similar games like Doodlebug.

Of course, it's best when running on the Atari STe. Gremlin have made good use of the hardware with 50fps scrolling. It's a thrill to play and crushes the experience you had when using the standard ST. Not only that but there are more colours too. Weirdly, there is a slowdown in some places which is a shame and doesn't make sense.

The audio is superb with sound effects and optional chiptunes. It would have been nice to hear DMA effects, especially noticeable in World Two - with its oddly silent musical instruments. A missed opportunity, I thought.

Right, who fancies a lollipop? No? Oh, don't look at this next screenshot then...

Right, hands up who wants a lollipop now? What... Just me? Darn it!!

The CryptO'pinion?

Zool is a great platformer and tons of speedy fun. But it's far from perfect mostly thanks to frustrating mechanics that can ultimately spoil what would have been a cracking game. For example, don't expect to whizz great distances like that spiky hedgehog because Zool's levels are designed to contradict his spritely Ninja abilities. There are far too many deadly objects, many off-screen, and the enemies are constantly respawning which is annoying. Arghh, less is more!!

However, ignoring the negatives, I admit to enjoying Zool. It's fast, crazy and it is stuffed with an insane personality. This is a great platformer - especially when played using the Atari STe. Now, gimme some Chupa Chups!!

8BitChip has the download for those with a hard drive/Ultrasatan.
For those stuck with floppy disks, then Atarilegend will ease your pain!
AtariMania features Zool in their ST database plus the manual & code wheel.

To cheat type in PANDA on the menu and you will see a flicker. During a game press:
          -> Spacebar 1 - will make you invincible.
          -> Spacebar 2 - to skip forward onto the next stage.
          -> Spacebar 3 - to skip forward onto the next world.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


I have been browsing through some of the amazing works to come out of Silly Venture and found a superb chiptune by !cube (aka Toni Lönnberg). Hyper Ocean Ride came second in the competition and is also making use of the Atari STe's DMA hardware for those cool drums. I love this tune so had to share it - press the GREEN arrow below!
Okay, Mr cube has a great website and is also listed on Demozoo and SoundCloud. I have recorded a video of his "Meet !cube" musicdisk which you can download here and I must say that Bullet Sequence is another of my fave tracks (from Silly Venture 2014). Delicious!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Crash Time Plumber

New game alert!

Crash Time Plumber is a conversion of the Gamopat original released at Silly Venture demo party. The Atari game was developed by none other than Sebastien Lucas of Cerebral Vortex and it will work on any Atari computer with a Blitter Chip: check the Options screen in GEM but all late models of STfm, Mega ST, Atari STe, and Falcon should be a-ok. Many STfm computers have an empty socket just waiting to be used:
Many newer STFMs have an empty Blitter Chip socket so head over to the EXXOS webSTore.
At first, I wasn't sure how this was gonna go as we've been burnt by so-called 8-bit conversions before. However, this booted up great with a neat intro and looks the business! Based on Donkey Kong with a dollop of Popeye, it's set in 1983 as the gaming industry crashed (which I was completely unaware of being a Spectrum kid then!)

Anyhow, an Italian plumber has teamed up with an angry-looking monkey and kidnapped ten gaming heroes: Pac-Man, Pitfall Harry, Q-Bert, Frogger, and others. They are all preparing for a hideous death at the hands of these criminals from the East so go and rescue them all to foil Mario's plan and stop this invasion.

Sounds cool, right? It is and so is the intro too which begins in Alamogordo (I've been here!)...

The intro is sweet and tells a good story. Also, I've been to Alamogordo, NM. #tidbit

Hang on, this looks familiar?

Taking place on the Donkey Kong construction site, we run along girders collecting love hearts by a damsel in distress. She floats by in her hot air balloon and, when enough are collected, we begin a steroid-jumping rescue to the top of the screen and save a trapped hero. Once free, we can move on to the next level.

This isn't easy because, not only is Mario rolling barrels downhill, but King Kong is hanging about throwing deadly killer bananas at us with annoying accuracy! Some levels have weather conditions affecting your movement and there's even a harsh 120-second time limit. This makes things quite difficult after a few levels!

The game ends once each and every gaming hero has been rescued. Easier said than done...

Watch out for angry monkeys throwing their killer bananas or you're DEAD!!

One smooth looker!

The graphics are fantastic using an 80s retro theme with cute sprites. The Blitter delivers a smooth 50fps display. Heck, the Atari STe even adds enhanced colour fading. Falcon owners get to witness a huge Zeppelin flying by - which I cannot help but wonder why that's missing on the STe? Ignoring that moan, this game is ace!!

The audio is superb with lovely sound effects and a simple chiptune totally suited to the ye olde style. A lot of effort has gone into both the visuals and sounds and I dare that jingle not to stay in your head all day!

Everything is just dandy and perfect in with a retro and comical design...

Beautiful girl blowing kisses? Come back, my love!

The CryptO'pinion?

Don't be fooled by the 8-bit appearance. From the start, you're tricked into thinking this will be easy but the combination of fantastic controls and tough mechanics will catch you out. I'm sick of being smacked in the face by a killer banana... but I keep on being dragged back for more of this torment... Am I insane, no this game is!!

Crash Time Plumber is extremely hard but it manages to drag you back for more - kicking & screaming.

Download for FLOPPY / HARD DISK

Monday, November 21, 2016

Online ST Picture Viewer

Often I need to quickly view an Atari ST piccy on my Mac, and there are plenty of options, but here is a fascinating web-tool by Cyprian. It allows you to instantly view those old images within a web browser. It supports classic formats like Degas, Neochrome, Spectrum 512, and works with drag and drop.

This is an outstanding web tool.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Boring old asteroids again?

Yep, once again, the galaxy is overrun with rocks that need smashing to smithereens. Well, it is Asteroids! Rocks everywhere of all shapes and sizes plus some rather strange ones too: Popcorn rocks which bloat before eventually freezing. Red rocks that leave behind crystals to conveniently recharge your shield. So are you ready for more rock blasting?

I hope so because this game is frantic and we're not alone! Along with rocks, aliens frequently rear their ugly heads! These should be killed quickly to reveal a range of nifty power-ups - such as a double shot or the impressive Ripstar.

Okay, let's end the pointless chitter-chatter with some screenshots...

Who ya gonna be? Quite the selection for different gamers.

But how tough are ya? Come on, be brave and don't wimp out on me now!!

It's all rocks and aliens!

Blasteroids is split into segments with those split into smaller sectors. These must be completed before reaching a gruesome End Of Level Boss - the monstrous Mukor!! Your ship is equipped with upgradeable weapons, a powerful shield, and the ability to transform itself. Once all the rocks are pounded into dust, a transporter appears to whisk you off to the next sector. Come on, don't be disappointed - how else could they glam up Asteroids without bloating and ruining it?

Once all sectors are cleared you will finally get to lock horns with Mukor, a festering evil entity who fires miniature spaceships using his tentacles - so shoot each of these suckers first. That's my big tip and then you can watch him scarper like the fatty bloated coward he is. I actually enjoyed our battles which are fun without being impossibly tough!

This game is superb fun and features cool graphics with a style I admire. Wanna see some screenshots...

Attacks from all angles and tremendous BAM BAM BAM fun!!

Asteroids, but with flashy backgrounds and colourful pixels? You are a cynic!!

Joyslick action?

Controls are excellent and responsive: rotate the ship using left or right, push up to thrust, and keep slamming on that fire button to shoot anything rocky. Predictable stuff but gravity and momentum play their parts to affect performance. Don't worry, your shield will help compensate for your poor piloting skills!! Not that I have any...ahem...

Pulling back on the joystick will transform your ship between three different models: the Speeder is agile, Fighter has great weaponry, and Warrior is a burly beast. Friends can jump in on the action - at any time - with impressive cooperative two-player support. Just like in the arcades - a superb feature you shouldn't overlook (I cannot stress that enough!!)

Fantastic stuff, right? Well, it's time to stop reading and view some rather cool screenshots...

The gravitational effect between sectors is superb...

...and then it's more rock-blasting again!


Graphics are gorgeous - for what used to be a visually stark experience. I love the nicely animated rocks rolling through space. The enemy ships are superb and all other sprites are large, detailed and well-animated. Oddly, the backgrounds are 4-colours but you would never notice that due to their apt design and gorgeous artistic flair, which I admire.

Sadly, the audio disappoints with lame bleep-bleep sound effects instead of samples, which the ST would have easily handled for a game like this. Music is also a touchy subject as it soon becomes extremely repetitive. Thankfully, that can be switched off, but that only highlights those inadequate sound effects... catch-22. So, yes, I am disappointed.

Looks fantastic yet sounds poor. Can't have it all, eh? Let's view some more screenshots...

Shoot!! Kill!! Destroy everything!! <insert evil laugh>

BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! So-much-fun!!

The CryptO'pinion?

This is a great conversion albeit with a few niggles that spoil an otherwise great rock-smashing experience. Asteroid purists probably won't like it with all the extra changes and improvements but, keep an open mind, because this game is tons of fun. Ignoring the sound effects, they have improved the genre as best they could, without adding bloatware to ruin it.

If someone put a gun to my head and made me choose between this and Stardust, I fear the latter would win. However, it wouldn't win by much, because Blasteroids is exceptional and utterly addictive. Make the time - play this!!

Download for hard drive or floppy disk

Oh yeah, baby!!! I own this beauty :-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Atari logos

Having zero artistic flair means I need to cheat whenever I fancy changing the website logo. Thankfully, I've found a couple of free websites that offer fancy text-generating tools so I figured it would be nice to share today's experimentations. Take a look at Picture To People & FlamingText to design your own.

I've included a few various logos which can be downloaded from my Dropbox account. These actually double as great wallpapers and are best when centred, not stretched or tiled. I hope this bundle will give you some ideas to create something cool? I'm always looking for an ST-inspired website logo - can anyone help??

Like what I do? Hey, do you wanna help support AtariCrypt??

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