Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ultimate Virus Killer

Ugh, bugs!

Since getting my UltraSatan, I've been stuffing the SD card with lots of Atari ST files (okay, games!!). Now, I don't wish to compromise my collection of ST goodies so I check for errors and viruses regularly.

There's only one real Atari ST virus-killing program worth its salt and that's Ultimate Virus Killer by legend Richard Karsmakers. Thanks to Chris aka Exxos, we have the complete and last edition freely available to download but is it still worth it after all these years? Surely the dreaded ghost virus is now extinct?

Sadly, I feel this program is still needed because most ST software is now archived online which means there's a chance for various nasties. It's like they're frozen in time just waiting to thaw and inflict their curse all over again. So let's kill 'em all using this amazing program which I highly recommend, even today!!

Waste no more time and get Ultimate Virus Killer downloaded right now :-)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Wolfenstein 3D

Brace yourself...

We are B.J. Blazkowicz, an all-American hero battling his way through the dreaded Castle Wolfenstein killing every Nazi baddie along the way. No, you're not dreaming. Rub your eyes in disbelief all you want because it's happening - Wolfenstein 3D is running on the 8Mhz Atari ST (enhanced for the STe). Staggering!!

This classic ID game has been converted to the Atari ST/e by Reimund Dratwa (The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation) and, in case you're wondering, the gameplay is authentic with ultra-responsive controls and without any lag. My STe is running this classic first-person shooter as well as I could hope. It feels like the same game we remember playing with levels, enemies, and sounds just like in the PC game.

Wolfenstein features 32 colours, authentic texture mapping, and a high-detail mode (activated by hitting the asterisk key on the numerical keypad). Chipmusic is by Mathieu Stempell and thus truly outstanding as you would expect. Sound effects are fantastic; played using the DMA hardware on the Atari STe.

Sadly, this is incomplete with some missing levels but, what we have, is polished and every bit as good as you'd hope. Reimund stayed up most nights coding until 5am and I'm positive he scraped together every last droplet of Atari ST power. I can only imagine what witchcraft was used for its development!

The Atari ST has Wolfenstein 3D. Take a moment to think about this. Wow, get it downloaded right away!

Download Wolf 3D via 8BitChip.

The menu system is clear and concise with incredible details and colour.

Sadly, some of the scenarios aren't available to play.

I love those hands coming out from the barrel, killer pixel artwork!

Please do remember that Wolf 3D is unfinished and stop moaning!

I had to laugh at these drawings which are truly superb, especially the first one!!

I recorded a silly video ;o)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

fatal aTTraction

Yerzmyey has released a new album called aTTraction which was produced using Atari computers. This includes an Atari TT with Hex Tracker, a Falcon with Digital Home Studio and he decided to make a couple of bonus tracks in Cubase using an Atari ST. The final shocker is the extra track created using Chaos Music Composer and NeoTracker on the Atari 600XL. Don't miss this from da' scene - download it now!!

Take a gander at his website because he's created even more. As I type, I'm listening to "Wake Up" from the "Chiptunes" album; another absolutely fantaSTic album. I've said it before, chip music will last forever.

This is the tracklist from aTTraction. You will enjoy them all...

  1. aTTraction (ATARI TT)
  2. Globular Cluster (ATARI ST and Roland MT32)
  3. Amai (ATARI FALCON 030)
  4. Time Machine II (ATARI TT)
  5. Inside a game (ATARI FALCON 030)
  6. uTTerly unseTTling transmiTTal (ATARI TT)
  7. Purple Galaxy (ATARI FALCON 030)
  8. Bizarre creature (ATARI ST and Roland MT32)
  9. Brutal attack (ATARI FALCON 030)
  10. The missing piece (ATARI 600XL) / Bonus Track

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Race Drivin'

Lots of games have cool intros but Domark's Race Drivin' must surely rank high as one of the best? It may only last a minute or so but it's a zany mix of Wacky Races and a dollop of Carmageddon thrown in for good measure. A brilliant intro for what is one of the toughest racers - can you drive in a straight line? Well, I know I can't!! O_o

8BitChip has the hard disk installable game and Stonish has the floppy disk Sigma #1.

Monday, March 07, 2016

The History of ULM


I saw a stupid tweet the other day concerning the Atari ST demoscene by someone who was obviously an Amoeba user. Rather than rise to the bait, it inspired me to write this quick post! Besides, we know the ST has a belting scene which is very much alive & kicking! (view recent masterpieces like We Were @ + Strange roboTS). Powerful STuff!!

Later, I chanced upon a web page written by Georges Kesseler of ULM. It details his interesting ST-history which I thought was pure gold and I wondered if it was originally part of an older website? An intriguing read of a great ST coder.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Page 6

My first PDL

Page 6 is a great slice of Atari history and has a website for the magazine. Their PD Library software is even available to download. I remember buying disks from Page 6 when I first became an Atari ST addict. Of course, their magazine had been going long before then and continued until 1998. True enthusiasts.

"Page 6 is remembered fondly by many Atari owners as a unique and invaluable resource, supporting enthusiasts in the heyday of Atari home computing" - I'd say that sums up Page 6 rather nicely!

Page 6 ~ Atari ST library:
Page 6 ~ Homepage:

Saturday, March 05, 2016


Quick reactions needed!

Superfly is a cunning "avoid 'em" scroller controlled with just one button. As the screen automatically begins to scroll, just press the joystick's button to increase your height. This stops you from crashing into oncoming objects along with preventing gravity from crashing you into the ground. This might sound familiar to that Flappy Bird but Superfly is a lot faster, and slicker and was released way back in 2002!!

Without giving away the storyline, you are in control of a submarine and must rescue your kidnapped girlfriend. Please make sure you read the funny write-up included within the download!!

Running at 50fps, Superfly is extremely smooth and the audio is tremendous with gorgeous tunes. I believe the STe's enhanced hardware is detected and successful players can unlock features like a gallery and jukebox. This is an insane game which will have you swearing like a docker! Superfly is wicked, yet with an addictive charisma that compels you to play more. Forget frustrating flappy birds and play Superfly instead.


 - Downloads are available for both floppy and hard drive users.
 - Want more? Try the follow-up Santafly!!

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