Monday, July 29, 2019

Atari ST demos [part two]

Following on from my previous post, here is part two of my personal homage to some earlier demos that I admire. Keep watching, because I continue with two of the best megademos the world has ever seen before ending with Virtual Escape, possibly the best half-meg Atari ST demo ever? Who knows, do you? Let me know in the comments below!

Once again, I hope you all enjoy what is nothing more than a silly fan-made video of a few demos that I remember enjoying from around 1988 onwards. Each production can be downloaded from either AtariMania or Demozoo.

Finally, I've added an excellent background chiptune called Harmless, by Nemo aka Jan Daldrup.

  1. Grusel by Eckhard Kruse: I've always loved this and so does my daughter 30yrs later!!
  2. Death Of The Left Border by TNT: Finally, the left border had gone - an incredible moment.
  3. Singing Raisins by John Blakely & Mark Booth: An early animation which is so funny.
  4. The Junk Demo by TCB: From start to end these guys never failed to impress.
  5. Dark Side Of The Spoon by ULM: from the moment I first heard "U..L..M". Superb!!
  6. European Demos by OVR: What a jaw-dropping megademo with some incredible screens.
  7. Virtual Escape by Equinox: This runs on an 8Mhz computer with half a meg Ram. Outstanding!!

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