The Atari ST/e might not officially support overscan but that hasn't stopped many games, demos, and programs from making use of it. There's a lot out there with many already featured here on AtariCrypt not to mention the ability to activate overscan within GEM. The Atari ST is a versatile machine and often underrated.
Fullscreen Construction Kit is a cool utility program developed by FMC Connexion to display high-resolution pictures using this same overscan technique. It works by piecing together four Degas images which ultimately join to generate the finishing picture. This image can be viewed on your ST using the program provided.
The process is simple but I had difficulties with the palettes because I'm not gifted in pixel art!! Hence the reason Milla is in greyscale and the dog is red, not brown. It's worth noting that I found it easier to create the blocks using my Mac but there are online tools available to split images.
Six test images are on the floppy plus you can create your own. This set of image blocks [by Killer D] should give you an understanding of what's expected from budding artists? But even those without any skills (me!!) should be fine, so why not give this program a playtest to see what overscan goodies you can create?
This is a belting program to enjoy dabbling! Let me know what you think of it in the comments below.
Michigan Mike is a scrolling platformer developed using GFA Basic by Gordon Storey. It features an Indiana Jones wannabe who's got himself into a spot of bother and now desperately needs our help to escape.
As you would expect from any platformer, each level has poisonous critters and many traps like crumbling rocks, acid pools, and spikes. However, Mike's energy levels are slowly depleting, which is really annoying because this forces you to rush. Of course, touching any of the nasties only helps to increase that energy loss - so collect food to replenish him. Having said that, it's worth watching him die just to enjoy the explosive graphics!
Michigan Mike And The Lost City Of Zorog is a no-frills platformer with great joystick controls that make it playable. Okay, he may have big feet and freaky eyes but I've actually enjoyed this. My only gripe is the energy meter because this goes down far too quickly. Not a great platformer but far from being a bad one.
After the jaw-dropping Berzerk, I searched what might lurk inside the ST's archives. Eventually, I found Sleuth a PD game released by Larry Scholz of MajicSoft in 1993. The year is 2525 and man's existence is threatened by evil cybernetic organisms (yup, robots!) created by Dr Spirit. A simple storyline for a familiar game. Okay, it's not what you would call an authentic clone (ahem) but the premise is there for another Berzerker!
We are Inspector Sleuth and about to infiltrate the doctor's lair to show these clumps of metal who's in charge! Gone are the randomly generated screens, replaced with a map populated by six different models of the doctor's robots. These range from the Hemroid which is a low-level (wait for it) "pain in the butt" to the Hopperoids with warp technology, so don't get too close. Come on, you must love Larry's humour?
Movement and firing are performed in all eight directions using the joystick. Defend yourself using an armour-piercing gun that features a nuclear charge to incinerate all robots from the inside out. You still need to stay clear of the electrified walls and if you hang about for too long, something freaky appears after a short time to chase you across the screen. Now we're back on the familiar Berzerker ground lol.
So, is it better than Berzerk? Not on your nelly! Sleuth feels like a tacky ripoff with rubbery controls and dodgy graphics. I can imagine that shocks you? Have I just wasted your time writing this mini-review? No. Regardless, Sleuth is a good game in its own right and is nice to play something different. You may have noticed I've not mentioned the audio? The chip fx are good but, the music? Wait and see for yourself!
For what it's worth, my 8-year-old daughter loves this shooter. She played several games badly and never understood why the walls killed her. But, she loved it!! I must admit, so did I. Remember, it's not Berzerk so keep an open mind and give it a fair playtest. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Sleuth can be downloaded over at the legendary Demozoo website.
IGNORE the graphics!! Gameplay counts the most, whether it's perfect or not.
Shoot anything that looks... erm... weird. Don't think, just shoot!!
Bombs And Bugs is a multiplayer Bomberman clone developed by Stefan Eilert of Awkward Software. The full version was never released but, as of today, it has been found and downloadable from the AtariMania website. Supporting two or three players, it has superb power-ups and lots of jazzy graphics. I'll be honest, I missed an option for single-player but, it's such a brilliant multiplayer. My video shows gameplay by me and our 8-year-old daughter - we both loved it!! It's fun, freaky and very silly. We loved it and so will you guys!
I decided it might be 'fun' to play a handful of games I have always hated. Good idea, right? As it turns out, there are many games I absolutely loathe! Perhaps I'm just being a miserable guy (there's a shocker) but let's do this! Here is a handful of dreadful games...
1) Lemmings is a game everybody went crazy for but I couldn't find any joy in herding those docile and idiotic critters. A few screens in, I would soon discover that I had no tolerance for their stupidity and thus, found it irritating. Instead, I would deliberately watch them plummet to their death or explode. Now, that was fun!!
2) Next is a conversion of the monster arcade hit, Hard Drivin'. This sure looks the part with its fancy polygons and whacky stunts enticing you to try your luck. However, it never goes to plan for me as I cannot steer the car in anything that resembles a straight line. In fact, I drive and corner worse than a drunk Stevie Wonder.
3) Next is Strider, a game I saw in ST Format and it looked amazing. They gave it a glowing review so I went out and spent all my pennies. Well, I certainly won't be giving it a glowing review because I cannot stand this platformer for more than a few minutes - without throwing down the joystick!! A terrible Tiertex port. (UPDATE) < < < < <
4) Yolanda is a platformer that I've always thought was curiously interesting. The sprites are superb and it has a funny title screen so I've often wondered if it played as well as it looked? Well, this is my experience:
Start the game... Wonder what to do. Die. Start again... Run left. Die. Start the game again... Run right. Die. Start for yet another go... Panic. Die. Reboot the Atari ST as that's all there is to it!!
The CryptO'pinion?
In case you're wondering, this article was for a bit of fun. Except for the part about Lemmings as it's another lame Amiga port by Psygnosis (explain its intro if you can). Okay, ignoring the odd game like Blood Money & Anarchy, they sucked with their rushed ports. My apologies to their fans throughout the world.
Sorry, not sorry. :p
Are there any Atari ST games you hate? Let me know in the comments below...
This is a recording of my typical game. All over the road and driving like a drunk!
A typical game. Seriously though, I need to play this again to see what it's all about.
I thought it was time to introduce more 32-bit games to AtariCrypt, especially as AtariMania's Marko Latvanen has promised to give me his Falcon - Muahahahaha!! (he's since denied that conversation!). Anyhow, I'm happy with Hatari as it appears to emulate that powerful bird pretty well (even on my old Mac). So, what better than to begin with Dune's Racer 2 which was released at Silly Venture 2014 for the stock 16MHz Falcon and just 4MB RAM in 320x240 true colour.
For me, a driving game needs to be an interesting road trip with thrills and excitement to keep me coming back. Yes, my fingers are crossed... Anyhow, Racer provides its motor fun with three types of gameplay: championship, challenge, and the good old arcade mode. Each can be played using three levels of difficulty from the beginner to an ace driver.
Wanna see a couple of colourful and (Mmm) absolutely gorgeous Falcon screenshots...
Creepy!! So keep the pedal to the metal when things get too spooky for you to handle.
Hey, I saw that you naughty boy. Don't stop to look at the pretty beach girls!!
Let's race!!
This feels like Crazy Cars 3 or Lotus 2 with its arcade styles and car handling. It works well using either a manual or automatic gearbox so it wasn't long before I was whizzing around the tight corners thanks to the effortless controls. They're dead easy and you can choose either the keyboard, joystick, or a JagPad - absolutely brilliant!!
Championship events are tough and definitely put this gamer through his paces so don't expect to complete it on your first attempt. Both arcade and challenge modes offer a great way to quickly practice the laps with also the potential to further yourself by unlocking numerous extra tracks. I probably enjoyed Challenge mode the most if I'm honest.
Optional bonus items can be collected for a myriad of effects: freezing the timer, increasing speed, ejecting your closest opponent, flattening the opponent's tyres, etc. However, joystick players might find reaching for the keyboard each time too much hassle? Perhaps I should try my Jagpad? Oh wait, I've no Falcon... Marko help!! (hmm, he's a rotter!!)
Right then, it's screenshot time, and here are a couple of beauties. Well, they're still colourful...
Perhaps I'm boring but I turned off the Bonus feature...
New Race Unlocked? Oh yeah, I love it when that happens!!
32-Bit Aesthetics?
It was the graphics that originally enticed me to play this game - they are knockout and easily on par with other machines in the mid-90s. So many different environments and each is accompanied by its own unique styles, drivers, and background tunes. Framerates are constantly superb and can be increased further by disabling the lovely textures. If I had to be picky, the point of view is a tad low and it's also a shame that so few frames are used for when the car is cornering.
The audio is... well... it's an Atari Falcon so it's nothing less than stunning. The selection of music is incredibly varied and suits each track's style. All sound effects are made using awesome samples so, whether you're skidding, bumping, or tearing up the road, it's ear-blasting and always amazing. Love it all, especially the smooth engine noise.
Looks and sounds incredible!! Well, isn't that nice? Wanna see a couple more screenshots? Of course, you do...
Some tracks are weirdly different from what I expected...
...whereas others look more "traditional". Don't worry, all are great!
The CryptO'pinion?
What a freakishly awesome race this is!! In fact, I could end my review right now but let's waffle on for a little longer - to say that I've enjoyed this game is an understatement. However, it isn't without faults: slamming into roadside objects can stop you dead - even if that object is a spectator! Starting off from zero feels lethargic, almost as if you're behind the wheel of a Kia. The strangest thing is when the countdown timer begins before the green light appears...
However, let's stop nitpicking because Racer 2 is a stonker with great graphics, roaring sounds, unique tracks, and superb controls. This is one utterly addictive experience and one of the best arcade games I've played. It proves the power of the Falcon and to think this isn't even commercial. An extraordinary racer I highly recommend, even in emulation!!
Supa Zazai Da is another Gamopat conversion by Templeton, the same genius who graced us with the stupendous Crash Time Plumber. I couldn't wait to get my grubby mitts on this after reading the superb review by ST Graveyard on Atari Legend. Sadly, I admit to being disappointed with it. I failed to play more than a handful of frustrating games before rebooting my Atari STe with a massive portion of dismay.
I'll never knock anything powered by Maria Whittaker (yeah!) but this is rock solid and too difficult!! Having only one life didn't help, especially when the enemy could fill the entire screen with bullets! Yep, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing and seemed like a bad joke. Dang, I was incredibly bad at it and genuinely gutted.
I know, I know, those first impressions of a weak gamer. Sigh, but read on...
Trust me, this game will destroy you and any expectations for success!
Don't judge a book by its cover
I returned and anxiously grabbed my creaky old joystick, determined, but expecting the battle of my life. After many embarrassing failures, I eventually beat the first hoard of cute nasties and even gained extra points thanks to the green particles. How I managed to dodge the enemy's bullets, well, it felt like a personal achievement!! The clue is how you navigate through the cloud of bullets, it's easier than you think (watch the video).
Nevertheless, the scary boss instantly gave me a good drubbing and I was again greeted with the Game Over screen. I defeated him on my next nerve-racking attempt so was close to tears and ecstatic!! Once the second level begins you realise there's a familiar and repetitive pattern so I hammered it home and battled onto the third and fourth levels, with relative ease. The lesson is to stick with it as it can be conquered!!
Talk about a massive learning curve. Or at least for me? Wow, this game is so rewarding...
However, nobody said those bosses would be easy. Especially when they can fire so much!!
Pixels and Sonics
The visuals scroll at an ultra-smooth 50fps. It's the outrageously cute sprites, from a wide variety of games, that everyone will adore. Your computer will require a Blitter coprocessor, which is not a problem for the Atari STe and Falcon, but the original ST models are outta luck (unless you have a later revision or a Mega ST).
Musically, Supa Zazai is great but different depending on your hardware: an unnerving chip rattles ST players, whereas the STe gets exhilarating streamed audio (both brilliant). As instructed, pump up the volume!
It looks and sounds fantastic is what I'm saying about this Blitter-boosted game...
50fps action through and just look at that huge sprite. Impressive, to say the least!!
The CryptO'pinion?
What a journey!!
It's nothing like I initially imagined yet, it lived up to my expectations. Arcade fans are going to drool over their keyboards because it's fast, fun, thrilling, and addictive. Quite simply, Supa Zazai Da is an exhilarating shooter with gorgeous aesthetics. I hope Templeton has many more Atari STe games in the pipeline, I really do.
It's zany, it's crazy, it's insane and I love everything about Supa Zazai Da.
Mario's Quest was released in 1993 by Dean Sharples of Silly Software and is basically a Hunchback clone. However, this time we're an unofficial clone of that ridiculous Italian plumber but the gameplay remains pretty much the same. The screens feature lots of tricky jumps, pesky platforms or annoying arrows trying to kill you.
I adore the humble visuals which use a cool 8-bit design and the music is superb too. However, the controls are far too sensitive so judging exactly where a platform ends - without falling to your death - is nigh on impossible.
Sadly, Mario's Quest is one of the most frustrating games I have played. An infuriating platformer!
Fractal Landscape Generator was developed by David Billington who offers us an opportunity to develop mountainous worlds. Now, it's worth stopping to read the disk's doc file before you do anything else - because of an excellent mini-guide. I know, I know, nobody reads the manual... but you should this time!
Making a brand new rugged landscape is extremely easy thanks to the fantastic user interface. Not only that, the results can be produced and viewed quickly, even on an 8MHz computer. Thankfully, the program made great use of my 16MHz Mega STe which is superb. The versatile speeds of Hatari will be a huge bonus!
The 3D part was initially difficult to grasp but don't give up - keep on tinkering and you'll grasp it. Once you're happy, you can then add light-shading, alter various colour parameters, and increase the detail level. Heck, you can even animate a fly-by through your newly created world.
Dabbling in 16-bit creation was fun and it's impressive to see what wonders I could knock out. To think I found it by chance: Floppyshop ART-3647. It's a nice feeling to find something "new" and this is a great program to get started in fractal landscaping. Give it a go and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Sometimes a game doesn't need a longwinded storyline, puzzles, or life-sucking RPG elements. Sometimes all you want is a huge mother of a weapon (with unlimited ammo, of course) and lots of baddies in need of urgent annihilation. Be happy because Dinamic's AMC fits the bill with lots of gratifyingly brutal violence!
This multi-level scrolling shoot 'em up involves nothing more than walking grim alien landscapes to hammer down the fire button to kill everything in sight. Upgradeable weapons use a directional-firing technique and our marine can crouch and leap high into the air (with wiggly legs). We are equipped with powerful bombs, which are needed when the main gun isn't effective. (tip: perhaps you can drop a few into the crater?)
The aliens are an obscene bunch of misfits ranging from man-eating plants to mechanoids that even Robocop would run away from. Don't get close to the unassuming caterpillars, these will suddenly grow in size - with teeth!! I think AMC has some of the best enemies and the monstrously huge Guardian proves it.
Technically, AMC could have been better as the scrolling could have been more energetic, plus the landscapes look rather "unfinished". Thankfully, the joystick controls are excellent. However, it is awkward reaching for the keyboard to throw a bomb - especially when mechanoids are chasing. With a bit of spit and polish...
AMC is crude and predictable but it's thoroughly entertaining with great baddies, crunchy sound effects and tons of action. Loved it and being an Astro Marine is ace because it's fantastic killing alien scumbags!!