Sunday, May 12, 2024

Richard Davey

I'm always excited to meet people from the ST world, both past and present. I'm especially thrilled about this interview as it transported me back to the ST's later days, including my emulator years after migrating to the Apple Mac (PPC/1997).

So far, I've interviewed 16 incredible ST guys, which has been an absolute honour. So, let me present the 17th with great pleasure. Yep, it's Rich who you will know as the brains behind the Little Green Desktop! Not only that, but he's also the fella behind those cute visuals in Stario, a gorgeously cute (cough) Mario ripoff.

I found it interesting to discover his motives and passions for the Atari ST. He knows his games and favours some crackers too (do you remember me playing Color Clash?). Not only that, it was fascinating to discover how he came to love the demoscene and its culture. Hearing of his history concerning the MSX and Speccy +3 was fascinating. At least this lead the way to the mighty Atari ST and its Super Pack.

I found Richard kind and enthusiastic although I was shocked by his "modesty" regarding those pixel skills I admire so much. Especially when you consider the Calvin and Hobbes factor. My gratitude to Richard for his time and I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I have? Hey, after you've finished reading this, check out even more interviews?

Richard is featured within the Demozoo archives where you can view more of his excellent work.

 Richard Davey ~ The Interview 

Hello Richard, tell us all a bit about yourself

I was born in 1975 and for as long as I can remember, if we went around to friends or family and they had a computer or console. That would be me lost to the sirens' call of the devices :) We'd travel to the seaside on holiday, and I'd vanish into the arcades until my money was exhausted. Once it was so I'd just stand there mesmerized, watching others play. They were captivating to me in a way nothing else was.

To this day, I can remember visiting a friend who owned a BBC. He ran a program on it, which was an animated demo featuring dancing skeletons. They would take their heads off, roll them down their bony arms, and flick them back on again, all in time to music. I was enamoured that a computer could do this. I pestered my parents for a home computer. I didn't care which one. I just wanted one!

They relented and bought a Toshiba MSX. It had many wonderful games, including lots of Konami cartridges such as Antarctic Adventure, Hyper Rally, and Yie Ar Kung Fu. It also came with several books on BASIC programming, which I devoured. The first program I entered, I didn't realise you had to press RETURN at the end of each line, so I just moved the cursor down. Strangely enough, it didn't work :)

However, I didn't know any other kids who owned an MSX, and I was frustrated at being unable to swap games at school. So we "upgraded" to a Spectrum +3, with those crazy expensive disks. Of course, in retrospect, it wasn't an upgrade at all. The MSX is significantly more capable, with a great keyboard and some staggering games that load instantly thanks to the cartridge. The +3 was a technical step down, but the volume of games available to me exploded. Interestingly, MSX content is extremely collectable these days, with good-quality items going for hundreds! And I sold ours just to get a Speccy. Ahhh, the joy of hindsight.

It's a shame that no MSX photo was ever taken. At least we have a later capture with his Falcon!

Tell us about the years that followed

It was less than a year after getting the +3 when I started seeing the Atari ST appearing in anger in magazines like C+VG. To this day, I still remember the C+VG issue that had Xenon on the cover (issue 77, March 1988) and the screenshots inside of it. The graphics were like nothing I had ever seen before. A world apart from the Spectrum and even the MSX.

I knew I had to have one. I saved money from my paper rounds and odd jobs, and combined with a birthday, I took the bus into the city with my Mum one weekend, visited a large department store, and bought the Atari ST Super Pack. I carried it home on the bus, beaming from ear to ear. My life had changed forever.

The Super Pack came with a large bundle of games, including Xenon, Thundercats, Buggy Boy, and Ikari Warriors, all of which sucked-up hours of my life. It also came with a few real duffers like Chopper X and Road Wars! But even those were graphically way beyond the Spectrum I was used to.

Using a mouse was great, and I enjoyed the power of GEM and the loading speed from disk compared to tape. In August 1989, I bought issue 1 of ST Format, and the cover disk contained a demo of Bloodwych, GFA Basic, and what I thought was an amazing sampled sound demo: Stringray.

That, combined with menu disks from the likes of the Pompey Pirates, introduced me to the demoscene. It felt like the disks could hold so much content back then. In terms of actual bytes, of course, they couldn't, but if you look at it from the point of view of the variety of content you could fit on them, they were absolute gold mines.

Previously I had been all about playing games on the MSX and Spectrum, with a little artwork and coding - but the ST represented something different. A new computing era for me. Perhaps it was my age? Perhaps I was just mature enough to be able to explore the creative side of computing now? I was growing as a person, the ST was there, growing with me, showing me all of these great new avenues and communities I never even knew existed. And I dove head-first into it.

The power and versatility of the Atari ST must have been mindblowing at that time.
It eventually led to projects like Stario and many more throughout the 90s.

This is a games website, so what are your faves?

Like lots of gamers, I struggle to maintain a consistent list of favourites. Remembering one title sparks off the memory of another, and soon that list has grown beyond its original bounds. So instead, here are some games that sit very fondly in my mind for several different reasons:

  • Buggy Boy - this came with my ST and I played it for hours! It's a superb racing game and one of those rare titles that I feel has aged well.
  • Bloody Money - there's something addictive about this shooter. I think it's the slow pace, it's almost sedate in nature but dials up the challenge little by little.
  • Turrican 2 - the raster sky effects! The music! The speed! That final level, when you're escaping the exploding thunderball in your spaceship! Just perfection.
  • Dungeon Master - do I need a reason? It's Dungeon Master, for goodness sake!
  • Oids - this game is sublime. A wonderful take on Thrust with a brilliant level editor and great animations. The way you can melt the poor oids with your thruster still makes me grin.
  • Dynabusters+ - this PD game is a brilliant take on Bomberman with great sampled sounds.
  • Flood - this sits alongside Captain Dynamo as one of those often overlooked but sublime to play platform games.
  • Golden Axe - there aren't many arcade conversions I rate on the ST, but this is up there with the best of them.
  • Hunter - definitely responsible for my love of sandbox gaming. Who can forget all of those great vehicles at your disposal?
  • Nitro and Super Cars 2 - they are in the same camp of great overhead racing games. I like my cars to have guns, otherwise I'm just not interested.
  • Special Forces - a tactical espionage/infiltration game from Microprose. I lost hours to this when I should have been doing my GCSEs!
  • Robotz - if you own an ST, you know how great this PD game is.
Me - how odd that he didn't mention Stario ;)

Richard has great tastes and we share many favourite Atari ST games.

Let's talk about Stario and how this came about

I was talking to James (of Top Byte) one day, and he told me about this game he had been sent. It was a complete rip of the NES Mario Bros, right down to the graphics! He wanted to release it but knew he legally couldn't. I said I'd be happy to look at the graphics, and we took it from there.

I received a few disks and set about making sure it wasn't entirely Nintendo's pixels that Atari players would see on screen. I used Deluxe Paint ST because it was (and remains) my favourite art tool on the ST, although I actually did the graphics on my Falcon running under ST emulation. It was a real challenge to maintain the speed of the original, the sprites used dramatically limited bit planes. For all of them, I had 3 colours maximum I could use (from a fixed palette of 16).

Going legit...

I was a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, so I redrew Mario to look like a little pixel version of Calvin. The other creatures I modified as best I could. Strange spikey monsters, frogs, etc. You can tell I was losing steam when it came to the tiles? Because those are very similar to the Nintendo originals. All in all, it only took a few weeks to do. I shipped them back, and that was that.

I did have a little interaction with Adrian (the developer), via his Dad, who requested a few changes. But what you see in the final game is largely the first pass at it all.

Looking at it now, the graphics aren't very good. A real pixel artist could have done a much better job, even with the bitplane limitations. Thankfully, when people play it, they mostly focus on how fast and smooth it is - and because it feels responsive and moves well, they can forgive the amateur graphics.

Any regrets about making the change?

No, it would have been taking the piss to release it with the actual Mario graphics still in it! Plus, I don't think any magazines would have reviewed it. So it was sensible to change the graphics. I'm glad I found the old disks with the Mario graphics on, though, so they eventually got released anyway.

Top Byte/Top Dollar

I liked James (who ran Top Byte). He was an enthusiastic guy and had a knack for cultivating a good little community. That is what the Atari was all about at that point. The big commercial companies had left, and it was the grassroots communities that held it all together. I'd talk with him for ages over the phone.

On the downside, I never saw a penny for my work on the game :) So I've no idea how many copies it sold. I doubt it was big numbers, but it did review well, so likely a few hundred copies at least.

Me - I see you have a boxed version. Wanna donate it to the Crypt?

Rich - It sits proudly on my gaming shelf, where it will remain :)

Of course, I tried bribing Rich, but sadly, he had none of it. Damn!!

What about other games?

I've never done any serious commercial games. Although to be honest, I never tried to either. I was too fascinated by the PD and demo scene. Games were more just for creating and throwing out there fast, to share with friends, not for 'making money' with them.

Robert Annett, a friend from the Storm / STOS days, and I worked on a couple of games - with me on the graphics. We released Super Tet and Shockwave. He did most of the heavy lifting. I just pixel-pushed for them. Shockwave was a good Asteroids-style game and published as licenseware by New Age PDL, whom I traded disks with a lot at the time. Super Tet was released in 1992 and was a standard Tetris game, although even now, I still like the graphics I did for it. DPaint fills for the win.

Fun fact: the digitised face in the middle of the playfield is Sting. I didn't even like Sting's music, I just had his head on a disk for some reason, and it slotted in well.

I've also worked on other games over the years, including Dopewars, some graphics for Biohazard 2, and a strategy game called Outrider. I was clearly stealing other people's art there! The title screen is obviously a scan from White Dwarf magazine, which I then drew a logo over. And the lady on the credits screen was nicked from an art disk. The 3D intro was taken from the PC. I don't actually remember which game, but I stole the cockpit and 'mini-screens' animation - and then I coded the star field effect and the planet appeared.

The game itself was a fun little strategy title. I did the in-game graphics, which was a nice change of style. Small buildings, tanks, UI, etc. Again, it's not exactly great. I'm absolutely not a good artist! Even so, I enjoyed making it. If I remember correctly, the game was actually called Battle for the Stars. We renamed it to Outrider for Top Byte. There are other silly games, too, like Octopod and GoSub! I still have the graphics lurking around.

All images are kindly supplied by Rich. The middle two are of the unreleased game Blasto.

Tell us about the demos!

I adored the demoscene, and I still do. Storm was never a serious demo group. It was more just a collection of friends, both in school and people I traded disks with. We all used STOS and wanted to make demos with it. So, we did. There are only really two megademos to our name, and I use that term very loosely as the first one didn't even have a proper menu system!

The second demo, Cor Blimey, was mostly the work of Robert Annet and his older brother, who developed a number of the screens and compiled the whole thing together. There were a few STOS crews back then, such as the Radioactive Hedgehogs, and it was a fun rivalry. Although the release of the Misty and Missing Link extensions kind of put paid to that.

The demoscene was and still is all about the community. Sure, there were the technical challenges and one-upmanship, of course. Bragging rights were a big part. But I think most would agree it was the friendships built up and within the demo groups that endured long after the machines fell out of grace.

Storm pushed STOS quite well and Richard created the face image using Crackart (1999).

You appear to enjoy diskmags?

I loved disk magazines! I loved reading them, and I loved helping create them. The ST had loads of great mags: ST News, Maggie, Ledgers, Power Mag, STOSSER, Ictari, etc. They fascinated me, and I spent many a fun evening reading and writing for them.

I bought one of the first Atari Falcon 030s on the market. It was crazy expensive. I had worked for months to save up for it! Yet it was and remains the pinnacle of Atari home computing. I enjoyed many years with my Falcon, running the Falcon Owners Group, a big PD library, publishing a magazine, and squeezing every last drop of love out of that machine before the PC finally took over the world. I still have a Falcon today, which I recently renovated (recapped, new parts, etc) - but perhaps that's a story for another day?

The first 3 (maybe 4) issues of Falcon Update were printed. I've sent you issue 1 and some pics from 2 and 3, but I have not scanned the whole of issue 2. I did scan the whole of issue 3 but don't have the time to convert it to a PDF right now.

The diskmag used a magazine shell that I coded in GFA Basic 3 on my Falcon! I bet it would work on Hatari, might be worth trying. I worked with Anthony Jacques to create a Falcon-specific shell, which was based on the Windows 95 concept of using a start menu. It was nicely coded, lovely for the time - but sadly never used and never released. I did release the prototype shells years ago, but no actual magazine was made using it.

Me - I cannot wait for Rich to complete PDF issues 2 and 3!!

Again, I think it all comes back to the social aspect. I know I keep harping on about this, but for me, that is what made the ST and Falcon special. It wasn't the machines themselves (although that did play their part). It was the people I met while using them. Some of which I'm still in contact with today.

Richard is right, the ST/Falcon has an incredible community to this day!

I couldn't end without asking Rich questions about LGD

Ahhh, good old LGD :) I created the first version of the site back when emulation was really taking off. PaCifiST had been released, and I loved it! I still had most of my Atari disks and a few CDs or burned games, and I was working for an ISP, helping look after their servers and working on web development full-time. So it was the perfect marriage at the perfect time.

When it came to creating the site, I knew it had to look like GEM. I also had all of the Pompey, Automation, Medway, etc. disks available. So I stuck them on my PC in the office of the ISP I worked for and ran an FTP server. When I put the site live, it utterly saturated the bandwidth on our line! So I had to introduce some rate limits, but the ball had started rolling, and visitors to LGD spread like wildfire.

Lots of other ST sites were popping up at the time: Demonburps ST Emporium, Lunar Jetmans site, etc. It was fun to be part of all of this. Like the old community was coming back together again, this time via the web and emulation. I contacted the developer of PaCifST, and LGD became its official home. After which, we added WinSTon (one of my all-time favourite ST emulators), and it grew from there.

LGD itself went through a few variations over the years, adding in the games database, the magazine scans, the YM player music, the TOS ROMs, and more. You have to remember back then, most people were still connecting via dial-up, so a nice speedy site was important. It was a wonderful few years, and I met a lot of famous ST legends thanks to it. I'm pleased with the role it took in bringing the Atari ST back into the public consciousness. Plus, I still believe it did it elegantly, much more so than most other sites at the time :)

And yes, I really ought to get around to fixing it one day. I've gone into the ancient PHP code and had a look a few times over the years, but wow, it's really old. I mean decades old. And I've never justified the time it would take to redo it so it could run on a modern server. One day, perhaps...

An iconic moment and website for many of us back then. Much loved!!

What are you up to these days?

I run my own company, Photon Storm (named after the classic Jeff Minter ST game!), and my day job is the creation/maintenance of the game framework Phaser. This allows developers to create games in and for the browser, although you can take them out to Steam and mobile stores. It's open source, heavily inspired by my love of the Atari, the demoscene, and all things retro, and is financially supported by its great community.

It may be 4 decades later, but that excitement and thrill I got from computers and gaming back in the 80s has never left me. And I'm very happy that I can bring this to fresh new developers today. It's like everything has come full circle. I guess some things just never change :)

Tipbit: I collect ARC games and Photon Storm
is the only one I've left to buy! #spooky

One more thing...

Hey, before you go, how about some insider photos from Richard's years throughout the 90s? These photos are excellent but the PDF of Falcon Update is unbelievable. My gratitude to Rich for everything and thank you for taking the time to answer all my Qs over such a long period of time - we eventually got it done! :)
Don't rush off just yet! Check out this final run of images kindly donated by Rich...

Richard's room at university was taken around 1993.

This photo was taken during his Falcon Update years - around 1994/95.

Check this out, the original Stario with that annoying Italian plumber Mario!

Now this is a cool image!

Does anyone remember this remarkable image?

Taken from issue 7 of Falcon Update.

Unreleased shell from FOG issue #10.

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Fear the darkness!

Hearing news of ST games in 2024 is always exciting so it was a nice surprise to discover a puzzler called Tenebra by Ali Pouladi (aka Haplo). It's already available for several computers and we (finally) saw a release for our beloved computer earlier this year. Interestingly. there is a sequel which isn't yet available for the Atari ST. Fingers crossed!

Tenebra may resemble an olde Dungeons & Dragons game but it's a puzzler using roguelike mechanics and aesthetics. As with a typical role-player, we're stranded in a dark place with many strange puzzles to solve, traps to endure, items to use, and even a few secrets. The main task is always simple - discover how to escape through the 31 levels.

Of course, the initial rooms are easy thanks to some brilliant trainer levels that help us master the basics. These help a bunch in learning the game's design and personality. However, it isn't long before Tenebra becomes more complex as new mechanics are revealed during your progress. Yes, this puzzler is one tough cookie so prepare thyself!

Okay, this neat concept gripped me from the start so let's look at the first level. And its solution...

As you can see, I'm standing at the top/left with the exit gate nearby.
Several braziers are lighting areas of the room making it easy to find the exit.

Walk through the lit areas and onto the gate. Job done. Dead easy, right?
When a level is finished, it's fully displayed which helps your understanding of the design.


So, this game is actually dead simple: start each level and figure out how to reach its exit. That's it. However, the darkness is the main problem for our adventurer who won't fumble around pitch-black places. He will only explore the areas illuminated by lamps or when carrying a burning torch. It's straightforward but these mechanics will tax your brain!

Each room features a maze-like design and uses many items and obstacles. Walls, doorways, objects, and dark places block your path. The route through often means exploring the lit areas looking for a torch that you can grab.
In fact, torches are essential. Not all are created equal and some will illuminate quite poorly. If only there was a way to increase the oil so it would burn brighter? Many levels contain multiple torches and you could find yourself leaving a trail to better explore. Take your time and think. Don't rush :-)
The mechanics for each room are constant without being overly complex. But they are crafty, for example, you cannot use a door if carrying a torch, but you can with doors that require a key. Some walls may be damaged - slip through the gap before it crumbles in. Look for braziers mounted on rails as these can be moved assuming the track isn't broken. If only we had a tool to fix that? Yes, the puzzles are simple but require completing in sequence so it pays to stop & think.

I couldn't end without mentioning the timer - there isn't one!! So many puzzlers have an annoying timer which I've never been able to understand. After all, you must stop/think/play carefully, so why rush? I'm relieved there is no time restraint. Heck, even the torches last forever. What a fantastic design and kudos to Haplo for thinking outside the box.

Okay, I'm usually terrible at these kinds of puzzlers but it's a blast playing Tenebra. Hey, it's screenshot time...

Things are getting tough by level 7 and the game throws multiple puzzles at you.
Note how I lit the square sensor (top-left) with a torch? That opens up the exit (mid-right).

Level 10 onwards and this game is a stonker!! Well, it was for me I'm embarrassed to admit!
On the 11th level, dodgy walls will collapse after passing through. There's one to my right...


Tenebra supports both colour and mono systems: low-res is my personal choice because it looks authentic and transports me back to the 80s, a feeling we oldies love. The graphics are of a basic design, something you would expect a ZX81 to knock out. However, don't let that disappoint because this is perfect for its unmistakable 'roguelike' style. A cool flicker effect can be used for a tad more atmosphere (it's optional and can be toggled on/off anytime by hitting the 'F' key).

As for mono users, the 640x400 display is gorgeous using sharp visuals you expect to see on an SM124/5. Decals and items have been improved with better detail. For example, you can tell that a torch is a torch - yes, I know that sounds silly but it works! There is no flicker effect due to how the monitor works, which is a shame, but understandable.
Yes, I'm a sucker for lower resolution graphics but that's my preference because I'm dead old (as my daughter constantly reminds me). Hey, try both and let know in the comments below which type you prefer.
Audio isn't needed for a puzzler but, there are nominal effects which don't spoil or override your concentration. Best of all is the title screen music. Wow, it's so modern and zesty with a twist of ZX Spectrum (48K-style) thrown in beautifully I thought. Absolutely stunning, so leave it playing in the background while you read through this website!

Hey, should we look at the differences between the low & hi-res games? Good idea so here ya go...

Low resolution looks perfect for an authentic experience that this old rogue appreciates.
Items like the torch are a bit bland but the overall style is something I adore.

As you can see, monochrome is superb. Look at that torch and the fine details for everything.
Weirdly, I don't like the stickman, which looks like something I would have drawn!


When I first heard of Tenebra I initially expected something of a romp through the Land of Eriador (ala DDST - The Adventure Game by William Miller). Alas, those screenshots had deceived me because Tenebra turned out to be very different. Okay, I admit to being disappointed by ... yet another puzzle game as I'm not often a fan and there are loads already.

Anyhow, I think I've been converted because this is such a captivating and unique release. Figuring out a route through the darkness - just to reach the exit - may sound boring. But it most certainly isn't. It's anything but. The difficulty is challenging without being over the top with impossibly complex puzzles. Every room presents the same predictable problem that can only be solved using careful thought. And, best of all, there is no timer to spoil the enjoyment :-)

Weirdly, the rogue-like appearance isn't merely cosmetic because this familiar dungeon style integrates perfectly with the puzzles. Using light and darkness in such a way adds an alternative and interesting depth I didn't expect. Additionally, level codes are an obvious feature often neglected by developers - a simple idea & much needed. Genius!

Tenebra is excellent and I recommend it with great enthusiasm. My overall rating is a mind-boggling 85%

Isn't it brilliant to see new games developed for old computers? You can download Tenebra right now by clicking here. However, please consider spending a few quid as this shows developers that the Atari ST is alive!! The following are the level codes from my game. Here if you want 'em albeit with a spoiler warning...


1  - 2357
2  - F4D0
3  - D9D3
4  - E45C
5  - F55F
6  - B9D8
7  - 6D5B
8  - B745
9  - A746
10 - DF41
11 - 9742
12 - C6CD
13 - 964F
14 - 8949
15 - C8CB
16 - 0D75
17 - 1FF7
18 - E0F1
19 - C0F2
20 - 2CFD
21 - 75FF
22 - 31F8
23 - 58FA
24 - 78E5
25 - 7D67
26 - DD60
27 - AD62
28 - 4C6C
29 - 8E6E
30 - 8569
31 - 8E6A

Friday, March 22, 2024

Dungeon Adventure

Ransacking another dungeon

I seem to have a peculiar knack for finding obscure ST games unknown to most. Some of which I have already featured here, like Dungeon, Minefield, Mole Mayhem, and Blob Race. It's this silliness that I love about the Atari ST because, no matter how much time passes, this computer amazes me. Which is why I'm still typing my drivel that nobody reads.

Continuing this tradition, here we have an RPG crawler called Dungeon Adventure. Such an original title, I'm sure you'll agree? It was released in 1988 by John Kinkead of Aces High Software but I couldn't find much information online. So, let's assume we're a plucky adventurer who loves exploring dark places for treasure? Works for me.

Okay, let's check out a couple of random screenshots and remember, this is not a commercial game...

Oh no, a goblin! There is only one option - let's kill him!!

Lights are beginning to dim and I then accidentally triggered a teleporter.

First things first

Create a character using the automated stats roll and name him/her wisely. Or not. There are six races - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Hobbit, or 'other' and each needs to be assigned a class - fighter, mage, ranger, thief, cleric, and healer. Now clothe, arm, and stock your pockets with food and torches before heading out to one of the five dungeons. Each is tricky but can reward careful explorers with treasure, magic, food, and more (the more part is lots of ghoulish battles).

It's now that I should advise a few pointers. One, roll well. Two, don't waste cash on items that you think are the best (weapons or armour). Three, you easily get hungry. Four, it's dark down there and torches burn out very quickly.

Okay, once inside your first dungeon, you shall soon discover that it's filled with many traps and scary monsters at each turn. Use the cursor keys to control our plucky (foolish) adventurer and whenever he encounters a beast, the computer takes over with a new set of options - [A]attack, [C]cast a spell, [R]run away or attempt to [T]talk. Once the battle is over, assuming you're still alive, then you can carry on exploring in fear of what might happen next. Which won't be long!

There are quite a few keys used, similar to Apshai. The save game option is of high importance which, I discovered the hard way (as usual) but there are other keys used to heal, cast spells, eat food and much more:

Stats - The 'Y' key displays your man's attributes along with the number of potions, spells, etc.
Light - It gets dark in the dungeon real quick so tap the 'U' key to use a torch.
Items - When you stumble upon something, the 'G' key gets it and adds it to your inventory.
Stairs - I've only found stairs when I've completed a level. Just hit 'K' to climb!
Food - When you get hungry just press 'E' to eat from your stock of goodies.
Drink - Like with food, pressing the 'D' key drinks those cool potions you've found.
Scrolls - Press 'R' to read any scrolls, if applicable.
Magic - Spell casters can hit 'C' to cast their spells.
Health - Struggling with an injury then his 'H' to heal, if applicable.
Saving - Highly recommended to use this feature! The 'S' key saves and 'L' key loads.
Others - F1 restarts / F2 returns to the main menu / F3 will exit to the desktop.

Right then, I'm making this sound more complex than it is, so let's break things up with a couple of screenshots...

Sometimes it's best to run away from a fight. If you can that is, as it's not always possible.

This room is so unfair because traps are everywhere - like these falling rocks!

Oi, come back!

Please, ignore the crude visuals because it's never boring exploring a dungeon and this one is particularly easy to get into from the start. Of course, it soon delivers more than enough challenges to test our nerves. Each dungeon is different but also with enough familiarity of what to expect. So it's not long until one of two things happens...

Battles - a confrontation happens often with enemies appearing from out of the darkness without any prior warning. That's right, you won't see any thing approaching from the corner of a room - they simply appear (which is disappointing compared to Rogue). This puts you into battle mode that follows a series of turns and your performance depends on strength along with other attributes like your agility, dexterity, and weaponry.

Traps - triggering a hidden trap is a characteristic of Dungeon Adventure that you will need to endure. Sadly, there is no ability to search for what might possibly be lurking nearby so traps are found only by foolishly walking into them. This system feels unmerited, like you're exploring blindly just waiting for a hit to your HP (and pride!)

Any explorer continues the fight and carries on regardless, so I've heard. Determined players will source many items to help the good fight, be it spells, potions, and much more. Treasure chests are always worth opening and are often located in secret areas that can only be found by uncovering hidden passages. It always pays to investigate everywhere.

However, the dungeon is a dark and dangerous place which means you need a load of torches and picnic food. Torches do not last very long at all so you may wish to stockpile those! Nutrition and health are replenished with the foods you find and eat. Health comes from spellcasting or using the healing function, if applicable to that character.

This is actually a bigger game than you might first assume. I first imagined a poor clone of Rogue, but it plays well and feels designed more for action whilst just happening to look roguelike. Yep, everything feels centred around the battles - which happen constantly. Hey, if you think that you can create a better game then there is an editor to try?

I'm genuinely having a blast playing something new (new to me). Hey, guess what? It is screenshot time...

Hang on, that door appears to lead to a dead end!! Or is there a secret passageway?

Four options are available during any skirmish but I doubt talking will help here?


Compared to similar (albeit commercial) games, this is lame with bland 8-bit visuals that embarrass the Atari ST. Its design feels cramped with a small gameplay window leaving much of the screen unused. Well, don't be fooled, because those areas are used for statistical information and notifications - triggered traps, poison arrows, falling rocks, etc.

The sprites are usually the best part of rogue games but Dungeon Adventure is lacking somewhat. In fact, many enemies are pretty crude without any detail and look as if I've drawn them! However, I'll contradict myself because it oddly, works well and I have no idea why. My favourite creature is the troll - who looks like he has measles. I love that drawing!

The audio side of things begins well - thanks to a title screen chiptune but, there is little else afterwards. The sound effects are basically a tapping sound during a battle with a "Burr-Burr" when you are victorious. Oh, there's another chiptune when the Grim Reaper shows up! Hey, games like this need no booming sfx so I'll stop moaning.

We're nearly at the end, so do you fancy a couple of screenshots before the gripping conclusion? I hope so...

Hitting the 'Y' key reveals your character's statistics. Along with keys, scrolls, etc.

Why waste time in combat when you can cast a spell? Repel Monster killed this sucka!

The CryptO'pinion?

This isn't a big game, but it feels like a much larger adventurer. This is basically because you cannot walk for more than a dozen steps without something popping up for a fight. Or maybe you've fallen into a hidden trap - as there is no way to search. Plus some are located in tight corridors without a way to avoid them. Also, our adventurer has a ravenous appetite so constantly scoffing. Additionally, he easily burns through his supply of torches that never last long.

So, umm, Dungeon Adventure feels quite unbalanced with some peculiar mechanics. However, we must remember that it isn't commercial, and is quite a decent game in its own right. Each dungeon is varied with an abundance of predictable hazardousness waiting for you. And I loved that aspect a bunch and thoroughly enjoyed playing.

You know, I love finding something new (to me) and whilst Dungeon Adventure is far from perfect, it's certainly enjoyable. Gameplay is tough but, successfully beating the odds and making it to the next level, is most rewarding. However, casual gamers beware as this is probably only for determined and hardened fans of the genre.

Bearing in mind that this is something of a doomed #roguelike wannabe, I'm scoring it a plucky 64%.

Fearless adventurers should download this game from Atarimania. Here are some more glorious screenshots...

Blood Seekers sound cool, but they are actually dead easy to kill!

I guess the whole point of the game is to find the gem & exit? Well, I did that... WooHoo!!

My name is Steve and I'm an... 'other'. Today's world will view that as perfectly normal lol.

The editor is superb. Either create your own or edit the current levels.

This is the game over screen and something we dread seeing. And it's blummin' ugly!

Saturday, March 16, 2024


It's all in the name!

I love trolling through the Atari ST archives looking for anything that might entertain this old man I have become. Not only games but anything - just look at sections of my website like Software or Other STuff Out There.

Well, I've found a program called (wait for it) Steve and, being the owner of such a cool name, I thought it was funny. The name is an acronym for ST EVent Editor which is a multi-function program. It does just about everything we dreamt about back then - Text, Graphics, Database, Desktop Publishing and Computer Aided Instruction.

ST Event Editor was developed in 1989 by Primož Jakopin, a Yugoslavian (wow, that takes me back) whom I had to contact. He still has an active website, which shocked me, but not as much as finding out that the manual is available to download. Wanna know a little more without clicking any of the links down below? Here ya go, mister lazy pants...

"STeve - ST EVent Editor - is a general-purpose software tool that can handle text, pictures, data records, full pages (in DTP mode) and computer-aided-instruction units. It has been designed to get the most out of the ATARI ST range of computers - to be as fast as possible, to save as much space as is feasible and last, but not least, to be easy on the eyes. Processing of Mega-byte files, containing hundreds of pages with text and graphics, makes sense with STEVE. The program comes from Slovenia, a small country in the northwest of Yugoslavia, situated between the Adriatic Sea, the Alps, the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula."

STeve seems to be all things to all men but it's surreal to see something like this today. Using the program is complex so take a gander at the online manual - especially because of the keyboard commands. The potential is massive and I can only imagine how this program was utilised back in the day - read "The usage of STEVE" in the interview below.

Let me know if you boot up STeve and what you think of it in the comments below. My greetings to Primož for his time over the months since summer. I certainly enjoyed hearing all about his fascinating stories, ST program and history.

Are you interested to know more about Primož and the ST EVent Editor? Then check out these links:
• AtariCrypt interview with Primoz:
• His website:• Wikipedia:ž_Jakopin
• Other Atari ST software featured here:

Saturday, March 09, 2024


Grab your joystick!

During my time away (wow, that made me sound like a criminal) I was enjoying videos by many YouTubers - ugh, I hate that expression. Anyhow, people like Trusty, PJ Neiland and those Vertical Blankers have released several amazing Atari ST videos. Go on, click those links and take a look for yourselves - but remember to come back here afterwards.

Earlier in February, Into The Vertical Blank released a massive video about many different ST shooters. One of which was called Zog by Chris Lloyd who designed it using SEUCK by Palace Software - and this acronym stands for Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit. Now, one thing I did pick up from their video was his American pronunciation of SEUCK. I can't speak for all ST nutters over here in Blighty, but everyone I knew pronounced it as a human sound effect: Schhhhuck!

Ah... Okay, so it was just a few of us crazy fools over here then? Damn, let's move on quick...

Frantically bashing the fire-button like a madman hoping not to die!

Am I getting old and slow?

Chris released Zog in 1990 and it appears to be his one and only shooter 'em up (at least for the Atari ST). The gameplay is typically simple; a vertical-scrolling shooter with nothing flashy or fancy as you might imagine - but this is homebrew stuff we're talking about. The docs are pretty thin on the ground but perfectly explain the gameplay: shoot everything that moves. Even shoot the stuff that doesn't move. And that sums up this perky little shooter very nicely.

As with any similar game, we are positioned near the bottom of the screen with the nasties coming into view at the top. Shoot, dodge and blast everything you can whilst trying not to die. Points are awarded for successfully killing the enemies but you only get three lives - which isn't nearly enough. Thankfully, an extra ship can be earned every 10,000 points.

If... you... survive... long... enough!!

Our ship(s) manoeuvre very spritely, but that doesn't mean avoiding the bullet hell is easy. Well, certainly not for me thanks to my old man's reactions. Fortunately, Zog supports two-player mode which is absolutely superb!! Another cool thing is the use of autofire. Yep, no need to hysterically bash the button and I loved this little 'cheat' a lot if I'm honest.

Right then, it's got to that point where I stop waffling on and show yet another screenshot...

With two gamers playing at the same time things improve drastically!!


Visually, this is a pretty neat game considering that it isn't commercial and also reminds me somewhat of Frenetic. I've played a few games developed with SEUCK and none will blow you away. However, it looks pretty good and the scrolling is smooth(ish) albeit with a slightly reduced screen size. Enemy sprites move predictably, making their way across your screen briskly as the landscape scrolls - a positive testament to the ability of this underrated development tool.

Sadly, there is no title music and all in-game sound effects are the traditional zaps and zings you've heard before. These YM effects are good but a decent background chiptune would have been a miles better option.

Steve, stop complaining because this is public domain! Sheesh, that idiot fella? Hey, it's screenshot time...

A message you see a lot. Argh, if only the gameplay was better optimised...

The CryptO'pinion?

Let's be honest, I doubt anyone will bother downloading this game any time soon. There are already many ace ST shooters like Lethal Xcess, Flying Shark, SWIV, Goldrunner, or Xenon. Heck, maybe even Chopper X. Well, maybe! ;)

However, Zog was released as public domain, so, with that in mind, I enjoyed it. Embarrassingly, I have to admit that didn't get very far! This is one tough cookie and I would have loved any kind of optimisation to its insane design. No matter how I try to avoid the stray enemy bullets, I always end up dying quickly. Which is hardly entertaining, is it?

Having said all that, it's a totally different story as a two-player shooter. With a friend, the hoard-blasting gameplay is fantastic. In fact, I'd go as far as saying this shooter feels like it was meant to be played this way.

So, how should I rate Zog? That's right, a slight improvement to the "CryptO'pinion" as I shall now provide a score (let me know whether you think this is a good idea). Firstly, my greetings to the Fulton boys for their enthusiasm by (wickedly) bringing this game to my attention. It's never a dull moment finding something new and I had lots of fun!

I'm gonna rate it a respectable 65% for dual-gaming. Knock off 10% if you're hammering that fire button alone.

What, you disagree with me? Then get it downloaded from Atarimania and let me know what you think in the comments below? Finally, go and check out Atarilegand for a ton of other SEUCK games listed.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The beST Game Ever

There can be only one

I hate silly questions like, "What's your favourite game". That is an impossible question to answer because it doesn't take into consideration the genre or even my mood at that moment. Plus my answer changes daily! However, people still ask me now and then which is understandable but also quite infuriating too. Or am I in a grumpy mood?!!

Possibly, but today I'm actually wondering just what might be my favourite Atari ST game! We have a ginormous library so how can I answer? Well, here goes: I'm ignoring ratings. I'm ignoring genre. I'm ignoring my mood. I'm ignoring everything to make this the most pointless article ever. Wait, it's too easy to pick Dungeon Master, right?

That's the one I cannot choose because it's the game everyone automatically plumps for. Rightly so, but...

Argh, too many!

Anyhow, what about Defender of the Crown? What about Stardust? What about Rogue? Then there is Prince Of Persia, Gauntlet II, Joust, Magic Boy, Borodino, Zero-5, Stunt Car Racer, Speedball, Populous, Golden Axe, Time Bandit, The Secret Of Monkey Island, Death Chase, Rick Dangerous, Hostages, Kult, Resolution 101, Stormlord, Midwinter, Hunter, Legends Of Valour, Carrier Command, Mr Do! Run Run, Captain Blood, North & South, Starglider, Oids, Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Turrican, and Out Run. The list goes on and on and on... (I was joking about Out Run!)

So, with my back against the wall and a loaded gun held against my head, the dreaded question is asked. I'm starting to sweat. What game might come out trumps? Well, after great thought (honest) I've made my decision - knowing full well this is a pointless venture that makes no sense. Nobody will read this rubbish so I'm perfectly safe from ridicule.

Okay, I've picked the best Atari ST game. Do you wanna know what it is? Really, are you that bored? Right, scroll on...

. Ohhh the suspense...

The CryptO'pinion?

I've picked Domark's Shadowlands as the best Atari ST game because not only was this ahead of its time but it was created, designed and produced to near-perfection. It offers the player a fascinating, atmospheric and captivating world to enjoy exploring. What, you completely disagree with me? Well, there's a shocker!! Am I really that wrong?

I don't care :p but why not click the above link to read my old review? Hang on, is it okay if I change my mind? lol

Yes, this was silly but, if you had a gun held to your head and I forced you to make the decision - what Atari ST game would you choose? It can be anything except Dungeon Master so let me know in the comments below. STay Atari.

Downloads for: Floppy Disks | Hard Drive

The title screen is superb and nicely animated too, which this screenshot fails to show!

The opening level outside is quite lame but don't enter the dungeon without looking around first...

Once inside, the game perfectly introduces you to the lighting, puzzles, and monsters.

The first baddie is this fella but, don't worry because he's really easy to kill.

Another baddie and some pick-ups too. Hang on, is that a key I see?

Replaying this game again, from scratch, is proving to be fantastic. What an ace RPG it is!!

Make sure you read the manual. There are more than enough helpful hints to get you started.

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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