It's always nice to see someone doing something creative for the ST scene and here is Atari 8-bit legend, Wade with a new podcaST. Obviously, this is about the Atari ST and by a guy that didn't originally care for it. Interesting? Maybe, so let's check this out and his re-discovery of the best 16-bit retro computer! <clickety click>
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
1632 ATARI podcaST
It's always nice to see someone doing something creative for the ST scene and here is Atari 8-bit legend, Wade with a new podcaST. Obviously, this is about the Atari ST and by a guy that didn't originally care for it. Interesting? Maybe, so let's check this out and his re-discovery of the best 16-bit retro computer! <clickety click>
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Big Nose The Caveman
Big hooter!
Code Masters released this humble platformer back in 1993 and was programmed by Neil Hill. The game has us clubbing anything that looks likely to cause harm, plus lots of platform jumping and fighting lame end-of-level bosses. The controls are excellent and very responsive plus I love the cartoon-like graphics with amazing sprites and decor. However, what I don't like are the bland backdrops which desperately need a splash of rasters! Sound effects are sparse unless you jump or hit something but thankfully, the title music is fantastic (what a shame it doesn't play during the game).
Big Nose is a budget platformer so, with that in mind, it feels a little cheap in places and I'm sure the Atari ST could have done much better. Thankfully, the gameplay is superb and very addictive - it's this that matters the most. I'm sure you might complete this within a couple of hours but that proves how playable it is. So why not kill a little time and play it?
Big Nose The Caveman is a bucketload of fun and I think you will all enjoy it a bunch. Fantastic game.
Go on and grab the download of Big Nose The Caveman for floppy or hard drive.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Chicago 90
An isometric DRIVER?
Let's start by saying that I'm sure every kid played cops and robbers growing up? Well, now that we're grown-ups (aka BIG kids) we can do the same again using our favourite retro computer. This is thanks to Microïds and their 1989 hit, Chicago 90 which allows us to drive around the streets as either the good or bad guys. Easy choice, I say? Yep...
As a cop, it's our job to do the chasing but I didn't really click with that role. However, I always prefer to be a bad guy which is much better. After all, what's better than a car full of swag as you rush to flee the city limits? Gotta earn that freedom! At first, the controls feel a little flaky, but you will soon be rip-roaring around Chicago in no time.
That's enough reading for the moment, let's take a look at the first screenshot...
Read the flipping manual
Sadly, collision detection is often suspect and the car oddly bounces during a bump when going too fast. The cops are a little simple with naive AI that isn't exactly Einstein-level but good enough to give you a thrilling chase. If caught, you're presented with a rather dodgy-looking image of the scene... I shall say no more about this but you need to see it.
Initially, the in-game user interface is rather complex, and especially confusing if you choose to be the police. Why I've no idea! Anyhow, down the left are many icons - most of which I have no idea about! Along the bottom of the screen are two windows - the first is an overhead city map which displays the location of the fuzz. The other is a first-person view (from inside your car) and should help avoid crashing into law-abiding citizens. Well, in theory!
Bouncy, crashy, messy, funny... I don't care really because it's fun! So let's see another screenshot...
The CryptO'pinion?
Chicago 90's downfall is its weak Police role which I personally found cumbersome and rather boring. So, that left me with the gangster role which is fantastic and tons of fun! Driving through the city, avoiding cars and running from the cops, is surely an early glimpse into an early GTA experience? It's pretty much fantastic and I've loved every second.
With a little thought for gameplay objectives, this could easily have been a fantastic venture into a life of crime. As it happens, we're just stuck in the Chicago maze frantically looking for an escape. However, racing away from the cops is always going to be a thrill and I enjoyed this a lot - so I ended up buying it. Dear nutters, this is an excellent game!
Visit Chicago - Driver & GTA style!
8bitchip has a hard drive installable version
Old Games Finder has all the floppy disks!
Atari Greenlog now has a cool gameplay video.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Dungeon Master
I needed a picture of the Dungeon Master maps so I created this image to help stop me from getting lost. (right-click the image to open in a new tab - the file is huge!!). Also, I have zipped up an Atari ST folder which contains lots of files plus help and information concerning spells, etc... Clickety click to download it :-)
Also, it's worth taking a peep at issue six of ST Action (I loved that magazine!!) because they featured a fantastic five-page Dungeon Master guide. This can be viewed over on AtariMania.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Chronicles Of Omega
A game for both Atari STs?
Chronicles Of Omega was released by ARC/Atari in 1990 and is probably the first commercial game to support the enhanced Atari STe, by making use of the hardware scrolling and DMA Audio. But that doesn't mean the STfm has been forgotten because this displays gorgeous rasters for the sky which aren't possible on the STe when using hardware scrolling. So each machine has something rather cool up its sleeve!
The lands of Omega were peaceful until the day came when a demon captured all of the children from the village. Play as either Alwin or Irma and battle your way through five evil-infested lands, killing everything in your wake, and defeating Demon Champions (aka bosses). Ultimately, be the hero and save the day!
Here's a handy map of Omega which I must admit looks like a lovely place to visit...
Shoot, Shop and Kill
This is a cute platformer with interesting levels that aren't overly large and filled with many ghouls. Walking from left to right, you'll encounter different monsters along your journey and they're all stuffed with cash. Kill as many as you can and collect their loot which can be used to purchase power-ups in the Good Witch's shop.
There's always someone willing to cash in on any noble crusade. Well, she pops up during each level to tempt you with her wares. Prices aren't cheap so you should try and kill as many monsters as possible instead of running scared. Annoyingly, all purchased power-ups are lost after losing a life, which sucks! End-of-level guardians are rather lame and easily defeated even though they can materialise right where you're standing!
First impressions? This is one of those moments when I can see the potential which wasn't taken advantage of in some respects. There are so many awesome ideas (and some ripped) but this is essentially a decent platformer. With a little fine-tuning, Arc could have had something special on their hands.
So let's look at the graphics and audio which are different depending on which ST you use...
Visually, Chronicles Of Omega is a treat with lovely characters and lush landscapes. Both are rich in colour and the Atari STe gets to use its hardware scrolling for a smooth 50fps. The older ST hasn't been forgotten and what it lacks in framerate is compensated by extra background colours. However, the Atari STe wins by far.
For the audio, both computers take advantage of their strengths: the Atari STe uses DMA samples for the music and sound effects. The older ST uses its YM2149 for stunning chipmusic which I must say is a million times better than what the STe pumps out. This is too easy, the older Atari ST wins the audio battle hands down.
For the audio, both computers take advantage of their strengths: the Atari STe uses DMA samples for the music and sound effects. The older ST uses its YM2149 for stunning chipmusic which I must say is a million times better than what the STe pumps out. This is too easy, the older Atari ST wins the audio battle hands down.
My opinion? I'd dump the ST in a flash with its fancy rasters for the STe's ultra-smooth hardware scrolling. However, the ST wins the audio battle because Steve Barrett excelled with the quality of his chiptunes over the blurry STe sounds. We all know the Atari STe is capable of better and ARC should have given STe gamers the option to chose between chip or DMA. That would have been perfect.
The CryptO'pinion?
I must admit to being disappointed by this enigma. It plays the same on both models of Atari ST but is spoilt by the magic wand's mechanics. This is due to its inability to fire more than twice at any given moment: which means walk...shoot...walk...shoot. If you forget then you're left defenceless in tight situations.
I pushed myself through the fluffy-control pain barrier and (shockingly) found myself enjoying this quirky game. In fact, I managed to reach the final level and I was genuinely having fun albeit with the awkward firing. Kudos to ARC for making use of the Atari STe which certainly makes me wonder why later platformers didn't.
I pushed myself through the fluffy-control pain barrier and (shockingly) found myself enjoying this quirky game. In fact, I managed to reach the final level and I was genuinely having fun albeit with the awkward firing. Kudos to ARC for making use of the Atari STe which certainly makes me wonder why later platformers didn't.
Whatever you're thinking, this isn't a terrible game. Not in the slightest; definitely worth playing. Okay, there are better platformers for the Atari ST but give it a shot? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Downloads are available for hard drive & floppy.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Enchanted Land
The Carebears made a game!
We are Kurgan, a magician who dresses like a weird-looking Santa! He must retrieve the lost magic from the lands of Damiran and battle all kinds of cutesy creatures over five levels to restore things back to how they were. However, this is one of the hardest platformers I have ever played and it's how the game ultimately fails but, let's continue on.
We all love a challenge but this is ridiculous - the mechanics are so unforgiving and makes everything a chore without any enjoyment. Just wait until you meet those jumping critters or the spiders, which are often annoyingly placed just off-screen, thus will suddenly appear when you get close and zap away your precious energy. Did they playtest it?
Level one looks incredible but is also incredibly tough. However, I guess it does a neat job of introducing you to the game’s wicked mechanics. TBH, I struggled to complete it and only got to see the technical delights of the second stage by using a cheat. Sadly, this level is hampered by more unfair mechanics and therefore needs to be played over and over, if only we had more lives. Argh, I found myself unable to play for long which infuriated me for a variety of reasons!!
I consider Enchanted Lands a showcase product. Developed by the legendary Carebears who show the world just what our 16-bit computer is capable of when in the hands of people who don't make excuses. The game is almost a demo designed specifically to show off the Atari ST. They just forgot the gameplay!
Do you want to see a screenshot? No? I understand. How about an animated GIF to enjoy the lush visuals...
Visually, this platformer is a Christmas cracker and I wish every game I booted up looked this gorgeous!! I mean, it really is like a playable demo with hundreds of beautiful colours on screen at once. The landscapes are stunning and are complemented by equally gorgeous sprites (they will cause all the headaches that a gamer dreads). A stunning game!!
TCB certainly can program! To a level most software companies can only dream of. Did I mention everything scrolls along at an eye-popping 50fps scrolling? Beautifully programmed with jaw-dropping visuals.
The Audio is every bit as impressive as the graphics. Musically, it is breathtaking with tunes (and sound effects) that are perfectly suited. My ears can find no faults with everything Mad Max produced. Magnificent tunes.
You might say that this is our Shadow Of The Beast. A lovely showcase product but not much gameplay...

Let's hop from cloud to cloud looking for more deadly places to die!!
The CryptO'pinion?
Enchanted Land looks and sounds perfect but it's immensely tough and desperately demands using a trainer. Even then, you will spend aeons trying to master the game's cunning temperament. I personally think the difficulty level could sink the Titanic!! It's this overkill that spoils what could have been an outstanding platformer. Sigh.
These guys certainly knew their stuff. Technically, it's a masterpiece but it's supposed to be a game and not a demo. And a game without much enjoyment, or an enjoyable challenge, isn't something I desire. I would definitely say this is our Shadow Of The Beast and something you load up to show friends. Look and listen but don't expect much to actually play.
There are better platformers for the Atari ST and I'm gutted to write that. Truly, I'm absolutely gutted.
8BitChip has a hard disk installable version.
The floppies can be found via Old Games Finder.
The floppies can be found via Old Games Finder.
Okay, it's time to cheat your way through this cruel platformer:
On the title screen type in, "TCB RULES FOREVER"
The screen will flash...
The screen will flash...
Now you can press keys 1 - 5 to pick a different level.
Also, pressing F2 - F10 for lots of different effects. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Never judge a book...
I love hearing about new games that are in development for our beautiful Atari ST and today I found out about a brand new Sokoban puzzler. It's written by Peter Lane and is a GEM-based program so it will work on every model of Atari computer and features 50 levels, a scale-adjustable display and the options for tons of extra levels. Absolutely brilliant. I've really enjoyed taxing my old brain cells with this cracking puzzler. Highly recommended for puzzler fans!!
Thursday, July 14, 2016
It is with great sadness I inform you of the death of Stephen Jones, aka Bod. More recently he was the gentleman behind the Atari STe game R-Type Deluxe, an eagerly anticipated upgrade to an already ace game and was highly regarded as the biggest STe project for years. He demonstrated to the entire retro gaming world just what this machine was capable of - when in the hands of someone with talent and commitment.
I talked with him quite a lot; he kindly supplied screenshots of his progress I was excited to feature them on my little-known website. Kindness I shall never forget. Also, his commitment to the Atari ST scene is fully featured on Demozoo where you can view his Fuji portfolio. It's extremely impressive, to say the least.
A great loss.
Prayers and my condolences to his family and friends at this time †
Friday, July 08, 2016
Enjoying a quickie
However, I found it extremely difficult at times, plus it didn't really bring anything new to the table compared to shooters already out. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good game but there are better shoot 'em ups. Am I right? Well, I think so but let me know what you think in the comments below. Go on, do it.
Download and cheats for those in need of seeing more of this shooter...
8BitChip has adapted this for hard drive installation w/ a level skip feature.
Floppy disks can be downloaded using Old Games Finder.
Here are some nifty cheats :
> pressing J + K together gives infinite energy.
> pressing J and a number between 1 - 6 (on the main keyboard) to skip levels.
> pressing K and a number between 1 - 3 (on the keypad) to jump stages.
Monday, July 04, 2016
You'll need a 25MHz PC for this one...
I remember the days when the ST was getting on a bit and, ahem, the Falcon didn't quite cut it. Not only that, but all my mates had left behind their Atari STs and Amigas for overly expensive PCs. They were bulky and incredibly ugly but, I remember how (secretly) gutted I felt when I saw Wolfenstein and almost died of shock when I saw Doom.
Anyhow, even then, we still had our moments of glory. The Atari ST had a decent selection of first-person shooters by the mid-90s and, in 1995 a company called Unique Development Sweden decided that our old 16-bit computer wasn't dead yet. They graced us with Substation which was about to change everything we thought possible.
The story goes that Mitushi Industries has developed a type of new energy that can be extracted from under the seas. All seemed well until communication was lost with their underwater substation base. Oh no... So, they contracted the help of a Multi-Environment Marine from the American government. In case you are wondering - yes, this is you!
That's the basic storyline, that wasn't really needed, but let's take a gander at the first screenshot...
When a 1989 computer blows you away!
Upon starting your first game, it's a good idea to ditch the knife - hit key "2" which switches to a rather sufficient pistol. Collect all the goodies you see lying on the floor and open the door; outside, is access to more goodies but there's also a couple of ghouls lurking! Will you risk a fight or run away scared down that seemingly empty corridor?
Movement is actioned with the keyboard: arrow keys are used to walk/turn around with Insert and Clr Home keys for convenient sidestepping - this works brilliantly using a real computer!! Control key fires any weapon, the Spacebar opens doors, and punching the TAB key drops a bomb. Don't forget the map, found at the bottom of the screen, this automatically tracks your movements and the keypad can be used to examine the explored areas.
The baddies are intelligent and won't stupidly head straight for you. Nope! Expect some to use evasive tactics - they might shoot a few rounds and then run away to take cover! So use that pistol to protect yourself, remembering to sidestep oncoming attacks. Other weapons can be found and the chain gun is absolutely amazing - Arnold Schwarzenegger would be proud. In fact, each weapon is superb - I only wish it was quicker to find them all.
Tell me you aren't excited to play this baby for yourself? Wait, come back I've not finished...
Graphically, I'm both impressed and (hmm) slightly unimpressed. Firstly, let me say that Substation has a freakish amount of atmosphere - this game is scary with something nasty lurking within the murky corridors. Anxiety levels are high thanks to its superb design using amazing visual effects - like light-sourced sprites. The frame rate needed to be smooth for a game like this to be playable and the basic 8MHz Atari STe zooms along at 25fps - which is outstanding!!
Sadly, the walls lack texture mapping because UDS opted for Gouraud shading to maintain the smooth framerate. This is understandable but disappointing because games like Destruction Imminent and Wolfenstein 3D prove the ST is actually capable. I feel UDS missed an opportunity to enable optional textures on faster computers.
The audio is spot-on perfect. And I do mean perfect. Substation utilises the enhanced hardware so we hear distance and directional effects. This will help to identify where the baddies are creeping surprisingly well. Equally impressive are the tunes played at 25Khz - excellent quality. You're gonna love it so crank up the volume!
Imagine if this game was released when the STe was young? Never mind, let's see a screenshot...
The CryptO'pinion?
Technically speaking this is one of the most impressive games for ye olde Atari STe. Think about it, an 8MHz computer capable of running a first-person engine that maintains a brisk 25fps. Not only that but it features distance and directional stereo sounds, 30 on-screen colours, light source sprites, and intelligent enemy AI. Heck, you can even play against other people over a network and those with faster Atari computers will support smoother framerates.
Substation is magnificent. A fantastic shooter with great weapons, challenging AI, and superb maps. It's not easy; each mission is as tough as they are enjoyable. However, if you're expecting Substation to be "our" Doom then you will be disappointed - it's more like a Wolfenstein. This isn't a criticism. Just understand that fact.
Substation is magnificent. A fantastic shooter with great weapons, challenging AI, and superb maps. It's not easy; each mission is as tough as they are enjoyable. However, if you're expecting Substation to be "our" Doom then you will be disappointed - it's more like a Wolfenstein. This isn't a criticism. Just understand that fact.
Oh yeah, this is a seriously awesome first-person shooter so pick up your guns and have yourself some fun!!
Download on floppy or best of all for your hard drive.
ST Format featured a basic preview level on cover disk #72.
They also held a competition and the winning game is on cover disk #75.
Fancy a trainer? ST Format cover disk #76 has all the answers!
[ all ST Format coverdisks can be downloaded off Exxos ]
Substation tips and maps can be found in ST Format issues #74 / #75 / #76 / #77.
We all love cheat codes and to get all weapons just type "PUNK"
"NIRVANA" gets you extra health and "PFLOYD" unlocks doors.
"SKRAPAN" credits extra bombs and "FALUKORV" allows extra time.
ST Format featured a basic preview level on cover disk #72.
They also held a competition and the winning game is on cover disk #75.
Fancy a trainer? ST Format cover disk #76 has all the answers!
[ all ST Format coverdisks can be downloaded off Exxos ]
Substation tips and maps can be found in ST Format issues #74 / #75 / #76 / #77.
We all love cheat codes and to get all weapons just type "PUNK"
"NIRVANA" gets you extra health and "PFLOYD" unlocks doors.
"SKRAPAN" credits extra bombs and "FALUKORV" allows extra time.
Sunday, July 03, 2016
I was reading through Atari ST Review #32 and I came upon an interesting tidbit for a public domain tool called PowerDOS. I had never heard of this but it sounded interesting and potentially very useful.
I love tinkering with my Atari ST and utilities like PowerDOS are amazing. The incompatibility with NVDI is worrying but I wonder if a middle-ground can be forged by using QuickST (this is good enough for most) and Warp9? Whaddya think? Give it a try and see how you get on, let me know in the comments below.
The slowest part of any computer is the hard drive and, whilst this might not matter as much for Ultrasatan, there is still a benefit to be had with the Atari ST computers. Basically, PowerDOS is for GEMDOS what NVDI/QuickST/Warp9 are for the VDI components of TOS. That means all those inefficient bits 'n bobs that go together to make up the disk operating system are replaced by "newer" routines that improve system performance (TOS) and add a few features within a multitasking environment.
Installation is as simple as copying the program into your AUTO folder and rebooting. My ST has TOS 2.06 and had the obvious problem with NVDI but everything else appears fine. The speed improvements are most welcome for example, try loading up CAB or JAM (with all their plugins enabled).
I love tinkering with my Atari ST and utilities like PowerDOS are amazing. The incompatibility with NVDI is worrying but I wonder if a middle-ground can be forged by using QuickST (this is good enough for most) and Warp9? Whaddya think? Give it a try and see how you get on, let me know in the comments below.
The download is available from Atari-Forum (with credit to Mark_G & bj)
Friday, July 01, 2016
Oids, the final frontier...
Certain games need no introduction; they are classics that changed the course of history. Think of Knight Lore (Speccy), Dungeon Master (ST), Doom (PC) and you get the idea. Oids is another that needs no introduction but, this one is possibly restricted to the Atari ST world, and all those who looked on in green envy, of course! Well, let's continue on anyhow just in case you are braindead and have never heard of this game before...
Little iddy biddy Oids are our robotic friends but they are being mistreated, in a terrible way by their evil creators, the Biocretes. Innocent oids are being held prisoner on various remote planets located in the deepest parts of space without any noticeable atmosphere - yet strangely trees still managed to grow! ;-)
Oids was created by Dan Hewitt who unleashed it onto the world in 1987 by FTL. For years, it remained an Atari ST exclusive title until 2002 when the Apple Mac got a conversion. (the older PPC Macs, not the newer Intel or ARM Macs). Anyhow, this is a bid deal for the ST because it's exclusive and holds dear memories.
Okay, we've hit the point where even I'm bored of reading, so let's view a screenshot...
In space, no one can hear you scream!
Similar to any Gravitar game, we navigate a spaceship through caverns searching for our metallic friends. Use your weapons to destroy the buildings holding them captive; find a place to land so they can climb on board. Now, sit back and watch as the superbly-animated stickmen make their way toward your ship. Simple and elegant. Once everyone is found, the mothership appears to whisk everyone to safety.
Controls are simple to turn, thrust, fire and so on. It might sound strange to rotate and turn your ship in the right direction before thrusting. But it works perfectly well and in tune with the physics and gravity of each planet. It feels real, without being fiddly or difficult and are precise and perfect.
Those Biocretes aren't going to sit back and passively watch as you take the captives. They are an evil bunch and have laid many traps and hazards. Not only that, but each planet has a wealth of artillery defences: rocket launchers, gun turrets, repulsers, gravity bases, etc. Everything can be destroyed, but don't expect a mothership or ground base to be easy. Sometimes it's best to fly away like a cowardly chicken!
Let's pause my yapping and see a lifeless planet with trees. Or is it just nighttime? You decide...
Sound & Vision?
Visually, this game might appear simple and without much to it. Well, stop right there buddy boy, because this game is bang-on awesome. The outline of each planet's landscape is represented by a rough terrain design which looks ragged and suits the barren theme. Buildings, turrets and all other objects are detailed very nicely. However, it's the excellent animation of those stickmen that makes my grin very wide!!
The audio is lacking in the chiptune dept - there isn't any! But we get to hear the boing...boing... of the ball in a cool 3D intro. In-game effects are for the ship's thrusters and guns - I love the firing sounds and other explosion effects are nice. The audio is perfect and any music would kill the dead-of-space atmosphere.
The audio is lacking in the chiptune dept - there isn't any! But we get to hear the boing...boing... of the ball in a cool 3D intro. In-game effects are for the ship's thrusters and guns - I love the firing sounds and other explosion effects are nice. The audio is perfect and any music would kill the dead-of-space atmosphere.
It was 1987, a time when the ST was a baby. Yet, Dan/FTL released (another) timeless classic...
The CryptO'pinion?
Every ST nutter loves this game because Oids is absolutely magnificent!! The idea isn't original but the execution is spot-on thanks to superb mechanics, realistic physics, and interesting levels. Not only is this an Atari ST exclusive, it's enjoyable and extremely challenging thanks to great gameplay. A wonderful shooter.
Oids is one of the most outstanding games released - it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!! ;)
UPDATE: 8BitChip has updated Oids with better framerates!!
8BitChip has a download that can be installed on HDD.
Klaz Hideaway has a great download for floppy and HDD.
Read the Oids manual (Apple Mac but relevant)
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