Thursday, December 19, 2024



I've been considering doing this for quite a while. Why it's taken me so long is anyone's guess, but I can imagine most of you already use Peter's excellent hard drive version? Nonetheless, I have created my own bootable floppy image, which I have named RogueCrypt. Yes, I know the name is awful.

My disk is built on Peter's excellent hack, but I've added a few optional extras to make the Rogue's quest even more interesting. QuickST is used for a slightly faster display (hopefully) and XControl automatically disables the key clicks. You also have the option to switch between 50/60Hz which I love to use. I've tested with Atari ST/STe running TOS 1.02(1MB) and TOS 1.62(4MB). Oh, there might be a couple of extra surprises too!

I hope someone finds this interesting enough to download. Rogue is such a fantastic game and the perfect reason to take a break from your PC or Xbox. Download my disk and enjoy the dungeons of Rogue.

After creating the disk image, I decided to test my luck and take a stroll through the dungeons...

Rogue is quite possibly one of the best Atari ST games. What say you?

Oh no, I've hit a dead end? Use the search, dummy!

In the dark and set upon by a zombie and a rattlesnake. Life's not fair.

Exploring another corridor, and something from a children's TV show appears!

My adventure ended soon after. I need a cheat (joke!)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Tony - Montezuma's Gold

Montezuma's Gold

Many excellent productions came from this year's Silly Venture but it was a platformer that caught my eye. Tony Montezuma's Gold is a conversion of the C64 original by Rafał Dudek, based on explorer Tony Halik. Coded by ST legend, George Nakos (aka GGN), its gameplay is like a mash of Rick Dangerous and Pitfall Harry.

"Embark on a pixelated journey inspired by Tony Halik, the real-life Polish explorer and filmmaker whose adventures spanned continents and decades. He was exploring ancient civilisations for NBC, Tony's love of discovery knew no bounds. Now it's your turn to step into Tony's digital shoes and unravel the mysteries of Montezuma's Castle in this nostalgic 8-bit homage."

You know me. I love platformers, and this one is outstanding with superb joystick controls that feel natural and responsive. Each screen features ledges to jump, spikes to avoid, crushing pillars, and more. Look out for helpful items like keys to unlock doors and potions to help prevent death. Only four items can be carried at once so think before blindly encumbering yourself with something you might not immediately require.

Most games are tough and soon I'm searching for a trained version. Let me ask, are there any LAMERS here? I'm looking for a show of hands... Good, because there is an option for infinite lives in the game's settings. What a fantastic feature albeit at the expense of labelling you a lamer. Don't care; I've no shame :D

You may have looked at the graphics and assumed they were high-resolution. No, this is in low res with a black-and-white design by Rafał Dudek. His effect works flawlessly to represent the aged theme but, can be tinted using a variety of colours. Likewise, the audio can flip between sound effects or music, but you would be insane to disable the incredible tunes by Adam Gilmore. A minor quibble, I only wish the STe hardware was used so (as an option) we might be able to hear sampled sound effects alongside the incredible music.

I've only been playing for a short while, but I'm eager to report this as a wonderful platformer. It's extremely playable, and I'm enjoying the exploration and old-school excitement of reaching new screens!! Heck, I even managed to map the first level. I hope to find time over Christmas to complete all of the levels.

Don't waste any more time reading. Download the demo before purchasing the game - enjoy!!

Settings can be changed for colour tints, sfx/music, and even a lamer mode!

The first level begins in the jungle. Loads of pitfalls and great fun.

The swamp level is a lot tougher. Go lamers!

The catacombs crank up the difficulty but remain so playable.

I mapped the ST's first level. Scroll back up for the download link!

Smile and be as happy as Tony because the ST has a brand-new platformer!

The Bugziacs man did us proud for a wonderful conversion!!

A boxed version is available to pre-order!!!!

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Slightly Magic

Heavy on the Magick

Almost all ST users have played one of the Dizzy games. Code Masters had this type of puzzler nailed! Not all their games featured an egg and, like our favourite viking, this game also follows the same premise of collecting useful items to solve puzzles. This time we are a character called Slightly. What an odd name, eh?

Slightly Magic was developed by Colin Jones, a name you should remember from Rock Star Ate My Hamster? As storylines go, this one is weak but, long story short, Bigwiz is a wizard who unwittingly left us in charge. The goal is to rescue Princess Croak from a sunburnt dragon using magical spells scattered about the lands waiting to be found. Yep, you heard correctly, a dragon that's been in the sun for too long.

What medication was Colin on? Anyhow, let's have a peep at a couple of troubling screenshots...

When I first played, I struggled to jump onto the middle platform. So practice!

You will never get the metal pin from that side of the screen. Hey, don't get burnt...

Rescuing Princess Croak

Fans of Dizzy will instantly feel at home. Slightly can explore the rooms looking for helpful items the game's characters demand. That often grants passage to a different part of the map with more similar puzzles. Interestingly, some items are merged together to create spells - like a hearing spell for the deaf guards. Others scare ghosts, grant safe passage underwater, and enable us to fly like a wibbly-wobbly bird.

Getting around each room is a cinch albeit initially awkward because Slightly moves quickly. This made it difficult to master jumping which became apparent on the second screen. The room features a wide gap to leap, which I struggled with. Heed my advice and practice jumping here before continuing on.

Multiple items can be collected and hitting the fire button displays our inventory unless you're close to an item. The puzzles start easy; providing dragons with the correct buckets of water. Once their thirst is quenched, the game opens up with some rather obvious dilemmas to solve. For example, scissors to cut the string of a yoyo. A magnet that attracts a metal pin. It's hardly rocket science and kept me intrigued to the end.

Leap with joy because there are no time limits to ruin the experience. Also, the monsters will not instantly kill you. However, there is an energy meter that drains if you come into contact with them. Once depleted, you lose a life. It's now that you shall notice stars in most rooms. Collect them to replenish the energy.

In terms of places to explore, this game isn't very large. The puzzles give the illusion of a larger world, as you'll constantly experiment to figure out what works. There is much guesswork and lots of backtracking before you gather what goes where. An obvious mechanic for a game like this and I enjoyed it a lot.

However, there are some niggles with the map layout. It often makes no sense with many screens looping around without reason. I also noticed several rooms that lay on each other (the first is near the deaf guards). These abnormalities didn't make sense and caused me problems. So, I decided to map the game before I kicked the ST's monitor through the window!! You heard me, just keep scrolling to download that.

How about an image of a giant's bald head? Yeah, some puzzles make little sense, like this one...

An angry giant (with no body)? Well, I'd be angry being a bald severed head!

I never did figure out how to crawl and collect that star. Maybe a bug? Maybe it's me!


Graphically, this game is gorgeous using cartoon styles any Dizzy fan will adore. The intro is fantastic with dancing dragons that you meet later. Each room features a comical theme I found joyful and cutesy, especially on the underwater stage. Slightly has a peculiar walk that looks odd but his movement is smooth and graceful. The enemy's motions are also ultra-smooth with humorous detail; I liked the sinister Cheshire Cat, the menacing ghosts, and the wibbly Octopuses. However, the two guards are my personal favourite!

It’s safe to say that Keith Ross created exceptional artwork but some areas left me wondering what drugs he could have been on. For example, the giant's head doesn't fit the rest of the game and feels like a late addition. The ugliest graphic is ironically on the most beautiful level - a witch that looks like I drew her!

Thankfully, the audio follows a constant level of awesomeness. There are no effects but wonderful chip music by Allister Brimble plays throughout. It's a lovely tune that blends into the background perfectly.

Let's take one final break before the gripping conclusion I know you're eager to read...

Ghosts'n Goblins vibes with a sinister cat lurking in the trees. Lovely graphics!

Absolutely killer artwork. Animated too. I loved this amazing logo.


Slightly Magic will appeal to fans of the genre. I had a bunch of fun - feeding water to dragons, exploring a spooky forest, and rescuing the princess from the sunburnt dragon. Who thinks of these stories?

Unfortunately, many of the puzzles lack consistency, being either too easy or overly obscure. Other parts are rubbish, like riding tiny bubbles to reach higher platforms - quite difficult and badly conceived. Of course, I got through all these troublesome areas because I was having fun with the adventure.

I can't say it's Code Masters' best effort but I enjoyed it (nearly) as much as Spikey in Transylvania. A challenging puzzler without the refinement of Dizzy but worth playing. My rating is a respectable 70%.

+ Great floppy disk options at Atari Legend
+ 8BitChip has adapted a cool version for hard drives
+ Gears Of Games has a good channel but wasn't quite as impressed ;)

As always, this image is a thumbnail so click here to download the high-res original.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

GEM wallpaper

Beware the volatile!

As many of you know, I rarely play modern games. The closest would be Tales of Maj'Eyal, Serious Sam Fusion, and Diablo 3. However, Steam had a £2 deal so I succumbed and bought Dying Light which has been on my wishlist for years. It's ace and I love its open-world aspect - I can do whatever, whenever I like.

But why am I boring you with such pointless information? Well, I made a wallpaper background for my Atari ST and figured it was rude not to share. Simple as that really. Also, I hope it appeals to fans of the game? And inspires you to develop your own background. Hey, don't forget to share it with me :)

My file download is a bootable ready-to-go disk image (.ST format). Go... Create... Enjoy!!

Credits & Other STuff

DeskPic - Norbert Marschalleck
Imagecopy - Jeremy Hughes
Degas Elite - Tom Hudson
Dying Light - ©Techland

For those interested, this image conversion was easy to do. After reducing the screenshot to ST-happy resolutions, I converted the JPG to PI1 (Degas Elite). This was done using the fantastic Imagecopy. I then configured Deskpic to improve our glorious GEM desktop with its new backgroud - it even looks good in medium res!

You can find more of my (ahem) talented creations right here. I also have a scene page on the wonderful Demozoo (something that never ceases to amaze me).

Okay, let's see some 16-colour images of my ST running Dying Light... ;-)

I'm just out of the Tower and ready to take a running jump...

Zombie attacks and regrets it. I lopped off its head, of course!

The next zombie gets hit and electrified like an old cartoon nasty.

This one could have been better but it shows a zombie that's about to eat lead.

I'm on a roof and a zombie was stupid enough to attack me and my modified blade.

The grappling hook is a tremendous way to zoom about town!

The final gameplay image is in two parts. Check out this zombie guy...

...what a fool. He was no match for me and my trusty fire blade. <insert evil laugh>

And finally, we have the GEM desktop running in medium resolution. Pretty cool imho.
Are any of you ST Nutters also playing Dying Light?

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Axel's Magic Hammer

Baby Thor is back!

Hands up who saw this coming? Yeah, I'm getting predictable, right? Well, I was about three or four rooms into this game before I realised two things. One, I was having a blast with what I knew would be a great platformer. Two, I quickly restarted because I knew I needed to map the Atari ST version (what else?)

If you're wondering what I'm going on about, that means you missed my ultra-sexy review! How could you? Well, breathe a sigh of relief - your life isn't a total failure as you can read it by clicking here.

Seriously, this is a belting game, and definitely one you should add to your playlist. I loved the controls and the easy exploration, albeit by a linear design. I know it didn't break the mould but I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. I can't imagine anyone struggling to get deep into this one. Just take your time and use those block-bashing skills as best you can. They often give access to a different route and hidden areas.

Btw - if you're interested in other ST game maps then take a gander on my new page!

As always, the images here are thumbnails. Click me to download the hi-res versionsEnjoy my maps...

Level one is tremendous fun and plays great at introducing the game mechanics.

Level two and things look a little familiar. This is another great level.

Another great level but it's getting boring hearing this yet again?

This level feels familiar! The tree parts are seriously awkward.

I called this level 'boring' but that's not really right. It's quite tough, however.

I thoroughly enjoyed this level, quite traditional albeit with a couple of nasty rooms!

Looking familiar, yet again. But the gameplay is spot-on!

I wouldn't say it's tougher than the rest, however, those final lava rooms are insane!!!!

Within the end room is a stationary Dragon - who has your girlfriend. Kill it!!

Friday, November 01, 2024

Axel's Magic Hammer

The son of Thor!

Axel is a young boy with a hammer. No, he's not a raging lunatic but a young lad on a mission. His girlfriend, Lucy, has been kidnapped and is held in the dungeon of Mystic Castle. How did this tragedy happen I hear you cry. Well, a nasty green dragon called Nilmerg is the villain responsible. To rescue Lucy, he must be slain. Of course, Nilmerg is far away; we must cross several large continents before reaching his castle.

This journey is going to be long and treacherous. It begins in an old Roman village before climbing the "cliff section" to reach the ice caps that lead to a tropical jungle. The Egyptian Pyramids are next and preceded a rather interesting industrial stage. The penultimate level is within caves and woodlands before eventually reaching the castle. Could Alex have simply travelled in a straight line? Who knows lol

Anyhow, every level is crammed with nasties so Axel must defend himself with his hammer. But that's not all we can do as each screen has many destroyable areas. Those can help gain rewards or access to other regions. I love platformers and this one sounds rather interesting, especially being able to break stuff!

Let's pause my blabbering for some nifty screenshots from the earlier levels...

Each level has a secret or two to discover. These are often places with high rewards.

The second level takes us underground. Hey, they look quite familiar!

Things get chilly for the third level so bring a heavy coat and scarf.

Let's play!

Axel walks, leaps, and bashes critters (and blocks) throughout the levels. Anything can be killed if you hit it enough times like an insane serial killer. Only ghosts are immune to your clobbering but are rare until later. The status bar displays the score, items collected, and two bars for energy and a timer. Yes, a timer...

Getting around each screen is a breeze with responsive joystick controls. However, jumping diagonally is (initially) annoying because it's something you cannot do mid-jump. That needs to be initiated from the start to make the intended jump. Yeah, that might sound awkward but you easily get used to it.

Each screen offers the same troubles - monsters, obstacles, and destroyable blocks. The addition of smashing blocks is a fantastic feature that reveals many different power-up bonuses. Most of these provide extra points but you can also find weapon upgrades and energy/timer replenishment. Also, keys are scattered throughout which will unlock restricted areas with loads more bonuses. Yes, this game certainly loves bonuses!

I enjoy most platformers because of their mix of adventure, dexterity, and exploration - run, leap, fight, and explore new screens. That's it. I'm happy that Axel has this in abundance thanks to its great design, which is interesting and engaging. The added mechanic of block bashing isn't only for fun or power-ups - this can carve a different path to climb further in the room, collect (even more) bonuses, or uncover hidden places.

Let's take another pause for some rather sexy screenshots...

Jumping straight to level 5, we find ourselves in a place Daniel Jackson would love.

This is the entrance of an industrial complex which I enjoyed a bunch.

Finally, I'm at the castle. It's spooky and difficult near the end. Very difficult!


From the moment, I saw the loading screen I thought this game was gonna suck big time. I'm not exactly a fan of its crude and childish artwork. Perhaps I'm being harsh there? Anyhow, the game itself is much better; all eight levels are attractive and diverse using a Kid Gloves/Mega Twins style I found most appealing.

There is no scrolling as the push effect is used to move from "room to room". If this was a Mario/Giana clone, it would fail miserably. But it's not. So, each screen has its own distinct mini-adventure and plays as such. Ignore what you might have heard, there is no need for scrolling whatsoever.

Disregarding the Egyptian level, all of the other levels are incredibly beautiful. Terry Lloyd designed gorgeous scenarios that are high in detail. I liked the sprites the most, as the creatures are cute, cunning, and well-drawn. You might even see some similarities with those from Rick Dangerous, for the obvious reason.

Musically, things are less impressive with one main theme tune by Ben Daglish. It's a good chiptune and suits the "young theme" but, hardly his best work. There are no in-game tunes but the sound effects are superb with many silly samples that work well. Like the graphics, you might hear the odd familiar sound effect.

Right then, I've got one more batch of screenshots to share before the gripping conclusion...

This is your big chance to slay the beast and grab the girl!

Of course, I did it and got a kiss too!! All without a trainer... ahem...

The map proves walking in a straight line would have been much quicker ;)
Hey, can you beat my score? Nah, I bet you can't.


I'm sure you can tell how much I've enjoyed playing Axel's Magic Hammer? It's a straightforward platformer with great controls and interesting levels, and we've been given a hammer to bash animals with. Not only that but this tool is also utilised to reach difficult parts of the screen, uncover bonuses, and hidden rooms. This adds so much depth to almost every room you visit. Yes, I have thoroughly enjoyed being young Axel.

As you might expect, nothing in this life is perfect and I have one of two niggles. Along with the weird diagonal jump, which takes some getting used to, I found a few rooms rather troublesome as their difficulty was suddenly harder than the rest of the game. Also, there is a completely unnecessary timer - whhhhhhhy!!

Axel is a humble platformer without many distinctive qualities but that doesn't stop it from being interesting and damn good fun. I have enjoyed hopping and bashing my way through the levels. It's playable and addictive, not to mention we have a hammer. I rate this a respectable 80% and highly recommend you have a bash!

Floppies can be nabbed via Atari Legend and 8BitChip has the hard drive version.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

10 Years!!

A Happy Birthday!

Only the other day did I realize that AtariCrypt has been going for a decade. I never expected that!! So I want to thank everyone who has helped and supported me over the years. I call them "Friends of AtariCrypt" and they are (see top/right). Of course, my greetings to everyone else who regularly pops over to see what's new. Thanks for visiting, and it's always a pleasure reading your comments left on the pages here.

I nabbed this picture from the ElefantaSTic demo by Genesis Project. I have always admired its style using stunning visuals and funky music. It's a fantastic production that also seemed appropriate for today.

After a whopping 10 years, I have built up quite a library of ST talk. The older stuff could be better (ahem) but I have gained experience writing reviews over the years. A fun ride but it went rather quick!! Well, there are now several categories listed on the right. Please take a look and dig deep into the many archives.

Following on from my previous article, I'm continuing my break from my ST addiction. Just for the moment. I hope to resume someday soon and crack on with the ST stuff for another decade!! He says...

ElefantaSTic credits
Shadow - Code
MCH - Music
Mermaid - Graphics, Music

Like what I do? Hey, do you wanna help support AtariCrypt??

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives