Friday, August 30, 2019

Fuji Boink ASCII

Always read the documentation!

I really enjoy digging through the ST's deep archives to see what forgotten goodies I can find and here is one of the best I've ever seen. It's called Fuji Boink ASCII and deceivingly appears to be nothing but a humble text file. Sadly, I've no idea who to credit for this piece of GFA Basic wizardry, but what I do know is that it's absolutely brilliant and definitely not what I expected to "read" after double-clicking the icon.

I love finding stuff like this!!


  1. Excellent. I didn't expect such a joke.

    1. Too think it's just a document file too... Good old GFA Basic!

  2. Heheh that was a nice hack :)

    1. Stuff like this might be simple to programmers... but it blows my mind! lol


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