Saturday, August 10, 2019

Atari STe games [part one]

Let's get ready to rumble!

I've put together a video recording of 14 Atari STe games. Of course, this isn't complete because there are more games. In the interest of keeping things short and sweet, my video shows a few seconds from each game. With a groovy background tune by Tomchi, which is just gorgeous! I hope you enjoy my humble presentation?

Come on, man! Get to the games...

 Bombaman - Everyone loves Bomberman and this is a Christmas cracker we both loved.
 Escape 2042 - I bought this and so should you. This is incredible. Frustratingly incredible :)
 Pacman On E's - The little yellow fella pops ecstasy pills for a furious take on the classic!


 Alien Blast - Skip by those old bugs to enjoy a tremendous Alien-infested shoot 'em up.
 Death Chase - Quite possibly one of the best games I have ever played. Pure gold this one, folks!
 Ultimate Arena - Punch like Chuck Norris and kick like Bruce Lee in this beat 'em up.


 Pole Position - A near arcade-perfect conversion of one of the best racers ever. It is superb.
 PouifOuf - Those graphics might look familiar but the gameplay is furiously different - Wow!!
 Top Banana - The graphics make your eyes bleed and the sounds are... different... but it's weirdly good.


 Crackman/Dealer - A different twist on the old pill popper and something you will love instantly love.
 Whitewater Madness - Ignore the demo that's been around for years. Play the full version - an AtariCrypt first!
 Roger - The STe shows us exactly what it's capable of and Spot shines for a truly superb game.


 Jinks - Something my mind cannot fathom and PP totally destroys that jerky STf original.
 R0X - Zoom through the heavens, scaping giant rocks, all for a massive arcade adrenalin rush!



  1. Nice idea. You should do it more often mate ���� What about the STF too? ��

    1. Thanks mate, I really appreciate that!! There are deff more on the way, it's fun making these little videos and the STf isn't forgotten - I just thought I'd do the STe first because it's the underdog and many out there might not realise just how much there is for it.

  2. STe Forever :) realy nice video ... nostalgic volume UP :D


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