Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Welcome to my adventure - day four

It's Time To Kick Ass And Chew Bubblegum...

After the humiliation I suffered earlier, I decided to cover the constant dreaded battles in this crazy universe. Actually, dreaded is perhaps the wrong description because these fights are fantastic fun. Plus they are challenging with a good range of options. If you are interested in reading Days 1 - 3, they are still available to view here.

Conflicts happen frequently in Cosmos Chronicles with the entire process being a turn-based event. Damage is dealt with each hit and repeats until someone dies or scarpers. From what I've experienced, there are two styles of battle 1) Getting ambushed when on foot exploring a planet. You use whatever you're carrying, swords/guns/etc. 2) When travelling deep space and another pilot doesn't like the cut of your jib! You will use the ship's weaponry and defences.

It's never long before someone or something decides to attack! So let's take a closer look at each style of battle...


The conflicts on foot are the same as with the guards who killed our family. Not all creatures are aggressive and those can be quickly killed for food. The tougher beasts will challenge for a duel; displayed on a separate screen with their stats (in French) - ROB, FOR, RAP, DEX, BRA, and CHA. Thanks to Eric Damain (aka Shaoth of NANO CAVE!!) they translate to - Stamina, Strength, Speed, Dexterity, Bravery, and Charisma.

It is interesting having access to their statistics for good referrence. However, at this early stage, we're jumping ahead of ourselves so let's not panic just yet. Our combat choices are of more importance:

  1. Wait   - Just that. Miss a turn...
  2. Fight  - Use your turn to attack the enemy.
  3. Arms   - Choose a weapon before attempting to "fight".
  4. Shield - Only usable it you have one.
  5. Care   - Look after yourself as there are no medics in space!!
  6. Scare  - BOO!! Well, it miiiiight work!
  7. Seduce - Reserved for the most deluded of gamers.
  8. Escape - Run away. This won't work against Xenomorphs!
"Severed Dreams"

Space battles are great and begin with two options 1) negotiate or 2) attack. The first is perhaps a poor translation and might be better taken as "communicate"? Of course, this often gets an aggressive reaction from the pilot. However, he might buckle under the pressure and freely hand over his cargo?

During a fight, you can attack (depending on how your ship is equipped) plus these additional options:

  1. Jammer - Confuses the enemy's equipment and get a couple of extra shots in!
  2. Escape - Can your ship outrun the enemy's vessel?
  3. Jump   - A much-needed way to escape but who knows where you may end up?


Battles are a big part of Cosmos Chronicles and fun to participate in. In space - negotiate before attacking, you may reap the rewards by avoiding conflict. On foot - you should be a Boy Scout. By that, I mean be prepared and have your essential items with you. Regardless, during any battle, it's invariably a good idea to consider the alternative choices - why attack when you can run away or suffer a hyperspace jump into the unknown? Think first, dear adventurer.

There are always options and I love that aspect of this game. Well, that's it for the fourth instalment and I hope to see you soon for "Day Five". In the meantime heed my words - it's dangerous out there so save your game regularly!!

Finally, here are screenshots of me battling some of the nasties lurking in our universe...

Not everything will challenge you to a duel. The other critters can easily be killed for food.

Armed with my new Blaster360, I shoot a giant spider. It doesn't stand a chance!

Unfortunately, he later brought his friends and whooped my ass (as the Americans say)

Two zombies were lurking inside a cave. They're slow, so I might run away (escape option)

This is how a battle in space begins. Dare you to talk or attack first? (see next pic)

(he wanted to fight) I used the Jammer and then attacked with my spanky plasma weapon!

Sigh, I was floating through space enjoying life, but then the police came knocking.
I've no idea what I did wrong... That doesn't stop me from defending myself!!

Rather than tackling hardened criminals, (motorists) these two officers attacked me.
Two on one... Groan, I'm taking some damage in this shot.

Another guy in a rocket threatened me. I was winning before he scarpered into hyperspace!!

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Welcome to my adventure - day three

Slow down, Steve... Learn!

Welcome, one and all, to the third instalment of my Cosmos adventure (check out parts one and two). Okay, let's be honest, I feel my progress should have been "better". I was a fool and paid for my cavalier attitude by suffering defeat at the hands of bandits. Hmm, it's a good idea to heed my previous words and learn the basics before rushing off.
Don't worry, part four will still happen - I did indeed restart. And ditched my foolish plans of scouring the galaxy system looking for bars, casinos, loose women, and cheap motels. That's right, I need to grow up and learn more about this wonderful game - starting with the schematics of my spaceship.

Beginning with the ship; it has a bewildering array of assorted functions - from engines and shield generators to sipping water or catching up on sleep. Each component has a placeholder tile used to access that particular aspect of the ship. Stand on it and hit <return> for access. Have a play and go through them all for an understanding of your new ship. There are many fascinating features like lasers, shields, and a star map - which cannot be used (yet) :-)

Now that you're familiar with the different parts, it's time you took the Cosmos out for a test drive. First, stand on the Pilot Control tile and hit the <return> key. Your view changes to the outside and you're good to go:
Tapping the backspace key lifts you high into the air. You can use the cursor keys to explore nearby - which is quicker than walking! Better still, hit the backspace key once again to take you into orbit. Wanna leave the planet and explore the solar system? Then tap the backspace key again to do just that.

Tapping the backspace key always increases your altitude whereas the return key lowers it. So repeat the above process, in reverse, using the return key and you're back on the planet again. Dead easy.

The only other key is the <spacebar> which changes your view to inside the Cosmos.

During your travels, you shall notice something called Deuterure. This is fuel, which depletes as you fly. Look to replenish it at stations or towns that offer this service, not all will. The "same" also applies to oxygen and water.

To help you, I attempted a map of the ship detailing each part. I won't pretend to know everything but, those with a keen eye will notice my silly mistake - can you spot it? Okay, I think that's it for "day three". I would love to hear from anyone playing Cosmos Chronicles. So comment below with your tips to share from this stage of the adventure.

Having restarted, I've made enormous progress so look out for "day four". Until then, check out these screenshots...

Click this blurry thumbnail to access the original image of the ship's internals.
(stop squinting and click the damn image - is there anybody here reading this?) lol

Yes, you can go outside! Keep an eye on your suit's oxygen levels.
(An amazing feature that I'm anticipating will be needed later in the game)

Eating, drinking, and sleeping help to keep you alive...
(Your ship feels the same way so remember to top-up its fuel whenever you can)

Of course, there are other ways to top up your fuel tank.
(Depends on the type of planet)

I'm exploring Acriel from the comfort of my new spaceship.
(There is more to a planet than just towns and cities)

The brown planet is Acriel. Let's go and explore everywhere. Come on!!
(Yes, as you read, I regretted my maverick attitude later on)

The universe is massive and littered with galaxies you can explore.
(Did you remember to save regularly? Just in case you suffer say... an ambush!)

My fun didn't last long. Ambushed with little chance of winning!!
(I didn't stand a chance. Four-on-one wasn't too fair. I should have ran!!!!!)

Friday, July 05, 2024

Welcome to my adventure - day two

Animals = Protein

Hello and welcome to the second part of my Cosmos Chronicles adventure. If you missed it, you can read part one by clicking here. To recap, we have witnessed the remainder of our family murdered! Thankfully, our uncle managed to pass on vital information before biting the dust - to the north is a man with a wicked sense of humour and information. I wanted more but he's a stubborn old g*t so I left, slaughtered his animals, and headed to my spaceship.

Yes, you heard me correctly - gather your food by killing bunny rabbits and other cute creatures. YUM!

Wait, did you listen to Cepece? I hope so because your first task is to seek somebody called Grostonton, on a space station outpost. Until you have found him, the adventure cannot begin because your spaceship is quite crippled and restricted to the solar system. You should seek him to see what all the fuss is about. So hop into your spaceship!

When aboard, a robotic assistant called Wilson appears for a chat. At this stage, he has little to say so have a wander about. There are many different stations; it's overwhelming and quite a Sundog moment with a hefty learning curve. Each part of the ship has a unique function - which will eventually require care, repair, and maintenance.

I plan to cover this in part three because it is a complex moment. Until then, have a play with your spaceship; get a feel for it. Here are some screenshots from today's slice of the adventure. I'll see you soon for part three :-)

"Old Cepece" ... I think... means "old man". And he is just that!
(Sadly, there's no way to interact with cupboards/etc to search for items)

I'm onboard Dad's old spaceship. It's called Cosmos and it's all mine!!
(the circled tiles represent each of the ship's different functions)

As you can see, the Cosmos isn't in perfect condition. Three systems are damaged.
(It's way too early at this stage but you will learn how to trade, repair, and install ship parts)

Having seen my family murdered, I was feeling... nervous. Thankfully, I found a toilet!
(hey, don't blame me for my typically British sense of humour!)

Cosmos actually has a shower. So, I took a shower. Much need water usage ;)
(I thought this was hilarious and the tiny graphics are superb)

Ah, this will be helpful - a log of all outstanding quests.
(Hit return for the side missions, below. Again, it shows "pokindex", your combat victories)

The ship also holds a list of side missions. One is near a black hole! :o
(Unlike many games, these are fascinating side events and doable)

I forgot about Grostonton and decided to take Cosmos for a spin instead...
(I was getting used to the game so I experimented... I then got ambushed!!)

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Welcome to my adventure - day one

The trouble with me is...

Wow, where do I begin with that one? I better not! Anyhow, with regard to the ST and AtariCrypt, I'm a bit daft and usually annoy myself. I always have far too many games on the go! I hardly ever finish writing before moving on to the next. Sigh, I'll never change but I have decided to try and concentrate on one game. Something that I find truly fascinating.

Cosmos Chronicles

If you're sitting there - bored stupid - wondering what Cosmos Chronicles is then you're either dead, been in a coma, or just insane. I previewed it yonks ago, perhaps you should check that link out? This is such an engaging adventure, a unique mash of ideas and somewhat a futuristic Ultima you might say - with touches of Sundog and Frontier!

So, I figured it would be a great game to feature my progress - as and when it's made. Kinda like I did for Atari's Super Pack and when mapping Sword Of Kadash. However, this time, with smaller posts I can knock out quicker (he says). However, note that I'm no expert rogue slayer! I'm merely an ST Dude having fun with a wonderful new game :)

The game

We are a young chap called Floyd Cooper and we live on Acriel, a small rock orbiting a larger planet called Nova. Here we work the land as a farmer with my Auntie and Uncle Vetea. Long story, cut short, the military turned up and killed them! Our father's spaceship is inside the barn and a friend is located northwards. Better check all that out, eh?

Exploring Acriel is easy; similar to what you would have seen in the Ultima games. Move using the cursor keys and enter a building (like the farmhouse) by walking up to it and tapping the 'up arrow' to enter. Once inside, explore as you did outside. Additionally, to interact and select/talk/pickup you should hit the 'Return key'. The cursor keys are now used to select items in the inventory plus relevant actions. Hitting "backspace" cancels and returns to the game.

Interestingly, Cosmos Chronicles supports the Blitter Chip so will feel faster on the Atari STe.

Additionally, backspace will be used inside the Cosmos to take off and enter space. The 'spacebar' is also used but more on that later in this series. Finally, the 'ESC key' can be used to quit. Are you a quitter boy??? I expect not!

"Day one"

For those who read what I previously published, this appears a repeat? It is. Apologies but I decided to restart from the beginning again - which makes perfect sense for this run of articles covering my progress. I hope!

The initial parts of this tragic storyline are perfect for learning the gameplay basics. It allows easy learning of the interface, exploring, collecting items, using the radar, and interacting with the soldiers (ie, learning how to fight). The interface is straightforward - top/right is the planet's conditions under the radar. Further down are details on health, fatigue, food and water. Under the play area, is your inventory and an area for messages/communication.

I'll no doubt die and restart multiple times but, I hope this will be an enjoyable adventure to document. Perhaps this might inspire you to buy the game for yourself? Please note that this isn't a walkthrough - not possible - it's merely an enjoyable romp through a fantastic adventure. Wish me luck - my only wish is not to embarrass myself (too much).

I would love to hear from anyone who is playing this game.
How deep into it are you?
Share your tips!

Okay, are you ready? Let's view the trials and tribulations we must go through before the game properly begins...

We've been rumbled! Skiving under a tree, we hear a distant noise at the farm.
(Note the radar, top/right, this helps to show where the farm is)

Heading northwest, we arrive at the farm but our uncle has a worried look on his face!
(Hey, there's a field of food... I wonder what is inside that barn?)

Of course, we decide to check out the farmhouse first... Ah, a weapon!
(Note the inventory - food/water. On the right are your stats)

Those soldiers are cruel. At least they didn't kill that cute cow!
(Mmm, there's nothing tastier than a big, juicy steak)

This takes us into our first battle. Note the new options and helpful info on the right.
(Your first battle is confusing - choose to arm yourself first and then attack)

Buried them quick, didn't I? Anyhow, our uncle survived long enough for a few final words.
(You could walk north, it's not far. But you have a spaceship now...)

We're scared but bravely head northwards into unknown lands.
We find food, animals, and a house. Let's investigate inside that house!

Brace yourself for the second daring part of my adventure...

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Money For Nothing

Money for nothin', chicks for free

I was going through some older video recordings on my channel and found this one by the Glasgow Computer Centre. It's called the Picture And Sound Show and is a partial sample sound recording of the legendary song Money For Nothing, Dire Straits. I must admit, I'm curious about how they came up with 'that name' rather than something better!

Your ST requires 1MB of RAM and a double-sided disk drive. Don't scoff, this was 1986 and my family couldn't afford an Atari ST for two years. Heck, I didn't know the joy of 1MB RAM until around 1991 when I got the SIMS for my STe. Additionally, they released a now obsolete half-meg version for those living in a cave, unwilling to upgrade! ;-)

Anyhow, the amazing fact that this "demo" was released in 1986 impresses me. I would easily have assumed 1988/89 if I didn't already know. Of course, this isn't the complete song, the ST would need multiple floppies and a bucket load of extra RAM. Look, for 1986, it is jaw-dropping, so leave it playing while you search your CD collection.

Hey, I've made many changes to AtariCrypt over recent days and worked hard (trying) to group things better. You shall see different groups featured on the right-hand side of the website. Take a look :) Do you want more demos/etc featured here on AtariCrypt? I hope so because the #demoscne is crammed with quality disks from many talented people.

I hope you enjoy my video recording of this timeless song? Let me know in the comments below...


Glasgow Computer Centre
John Ray - Code
Scott - Code

Glasgow Computer Centre -
Download in POV #085 by Persistence Of Vision -

Friday, June 28, 2024

Allein Gegen Die Mafia

Alone Against The Mafia

If Allein Gegen Die Mafia looks familiar, it's based on an old ZX Spectrum called Saboteur by Clive Townsend/Durell Software.
Developed using GFA Basic by Diethard Zellmann in 1990 and translated into English by me (okay, the web helped too). It only works in monochrome and isn't something I'd heard about until a while back (greetings Jim!).

The narrative was changed... just enough... possibly to stop Clive from getting annoyed. This time we aren't a ninja but a secret agent for the police force. It's our mission to infiltrate the Mafia's hideout and destroy their computer and secretive data. Oddly, their headquarters look very much like those in the original but, if you keep quiet, so will I.

Let's pause this boring read to gander over a couple of screenshots bursting with colours...

Right, we've arrived and are ready for action. Bring it on, Mafia boys!

Hardly a ninja! I practice with the controls and end up looking like a knob.


The moment the game begins, it feels familiar yet excitingly surreal. Fans will note that the mafia's lair is remarkably faithful. Many rooms have slight visual changes here and there, but the overall layout remains comparable. Quite a feat!! This also applies to the enemy placement albeit less so. I remember the Speccy game having more guards (?)

Arriving on a dinghy, we climb onboard dry land and immediately begin to notice that there are only two types of enemies; guards and dogs. Our four-legged friends will chase but, the soldiers remain still, reacting only when you're within their line of sight. So, in true ninja style... sorry... in true secret agent style, explore carefully using stealth and tactics. If you enter a room and see a guard, but are unarmed, leave. He could be facing the other way when you return (/tip).

The mafia's hideout is large with many areas to explore. However, several doors are locked thus blocking access to further areas. This is probably the only puzzle element in the entire game. These locked doors have an ID number. Remember that number. To unlock seek the corresponding computer terminal with the associated number.

To succeed in Allein Gegen Die Mafia, you must be stealthy and quick on the draw. Explore carefully and unlock doors only as and when you need to. Don't waste time blindly roaming around, have a plan. And while you're there, look for bricks to throw at the guards. That never gets old! Of course, a gun is much better - with limited ammunition.

Fancy a couple more screenshots? I hope so because here they are...

Oh no, that guard is facing the wrong way and will kill you. Find another route!

The guards are tough but I'm tougher. He's dead and I'm alive. What more do you need to know?

Interface & Controls

The status panel is just like the original. On the left are the items you have found and currently carrying (limit of one removed). On the far right you shall see an empty box, this will only display an item if nearby. Next to that is the timer, I hate timers but this one isn't so bad. Finally, along the bottom, you shall notice the replenishable energy bar.

This bar begins to zap with every move and falling great distances also has an impact. However, I'm not sure it was needed because a single shot from a guard kills instantly - regardless of your energy level.

Ditch the joystick. It's a fact, that secret agents are best controlled with the keyboard. He can run, leap, and shoot/throw objects. Unlike the Speccy game, there are no fighting moves. I guess that's why we're not a ninja now?

The keyboard control might, initially, appear awkward? They're not as bad as you first assume. Well, yes they are. No, they're not. Look, it's gonna take a couple of go's before you fully grasp it. Practice makes perfect. He says...

cursor left = run left
cursor right = run right
cursor up = climb up
cursor down = climb down
shift + cursor left = jumps left
shift + cursor right = jumps right
shift + cursor up = item pick up
shift + cursor down = item drop
spacebar = fire gun or throw an object
shift spacebar = use computer when at a terminal or switch weapons


Saboteur is, effectively, a game of little colour so black & white offers the perfect ambience. Hey, at least there's no colour clash!! I love the backdrops that use a repeating tiled effect, copying the original idea well. Also, the characters look good with extra details in high resolution. However, I still find it odd that the guards don't walk - like they're skiving, frozen solid, or waiting for trouble to come to them! Still, without combat moves that makes sense, I guess?

The audio is very, very light on the ground with only a few spot effects - for the gunfire and sadly, nothing for footsteps. In fact, almost all the gameplay is silent which, I fear, heavily detracts from the atmosphere. Disappointing.

Enough yapping, let's see some more sexy secret agent screenshots...

Deeper into the adventure I find a room with an exit sign. Surely a trap?

Talk about overkill, I accidentally killed the guard with dynamite. Sod it, I'm still leaving!


When I began playing, I thought this was nothing but a lame ripoff. I wasn't happy with the controls or instantaneously getting killed by the guards and having to restart from the beginning. Thankfully, I didn't walk away and translated the instructions. Once learned, the keyboard controls work very well with responsive movements.

Diethard must be a massive Saboteur fan who spent months beavering away in GFA Basic. Sure, there are visual differences but the screens marry to form the same map. So impressive. Once you are over that initial learning curve, you can run around like an angry ninja with a gun. So blast those guards and explore the Mafia's massive labyrinth.

Even with missing mechanics for the guards/combat moves, I'm blown away by such an authentic conversion. This is a blast and something I cannot recommend highly enough, especially if you liked the original. A fantastic remake.

I proudly rate this 75% and suggest you download Allein Gegen Die Mafia. Right away now - go!!

Download the floppy disk via Hang Loose at the Atari FTP Archive.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Top dollar purchase

I won't say how stupid I feel splashing out to buy this game but, it is worth it. For me, Stormlord is one of the best puzzle/platformers for the Atari ST. It's also one of the few to look and sound as good as it plays. So, that means I might have paid "too much" (wife's words) but, I couldn't be any happier! I know, like a kid on Christmas morning?

Those with a keen memory may remember that Stormlord was featured on the Crypt many moons ago (it includes a walkthrough). Keep scrolling if you wish to see the goodies Hewson included in its box </sarcasm>.


Hewson ©1989 (archive fully listed on Atarilegend)
Programming by Keith McMurtrie (he also helped develop Rubicon)
Graphics by Mark K. Jones (credited for many superb games, like Rambo III)
Audio by the legendary Jochen Hippel and Charles Deenen (who also worked on Death Trap)

Unlike the front, the back of the box is pretty lame.

The manual is crammed with information. Not really but, tbh it's not necessary.

Hey, who drew a picture of my mother-in-law?

And finally, the two floppies. How gripping was this?!!

This is level one. Gorgeous isn't it?

Level 2 is a lot harder than you might imagine. I should replay this someday!

Like I said in the review, level 2 has some nasty nasties!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sam In Monster's Garden

The monsters are coming!

Every so often I find some kind of silly software that makes me smile for no peculiar reason. It doesn't have to be a game, just look at the Steve or BoinkSave articles. That's what I love about the Atari ST, the history is immense but can also be surprisingly frivolous. Well, here is a game that made me grin like the Cheshire Cat so I had to play it.

Sam in Monster's Garden was released in 1995 for the Atari STe by Sebald Loic [aka Sam23]. That's right, STfm owners should leave, because this game supports the Blitter, extra colours, and DMA. Now that you're expecting big things? Well, these images show that it's similar to Dig Dug with its screen laid out like a maze with several items to collect.

Remember, this is public domain! Okay? Right, let's check out a couple of screenshots...

He smiles but still looks rather worried. Or drunk? Yes, drunk, because of that walk!!

The yellow monsters are pretty dumb but often massive in number.

Dig Dugging through the garden

Sam in Monster's Garden is a simple game. Sure, it's a ripoff but I like it. Walk the screen, gathering the various items and, once all are collected, exit to the next level. Dead simple. Well, it would be but for the monsters! After all, we're in their garden so I guess they're not happy about us being there? From what I've seen, there are two monsters:
The yellow ones aimlessly wander whereas the purple ones come crashing in and can carve their own path through the garden. Each will materialise a few seconds after you begin a level, which offers a moment of grace. However, once they start to appear, their numbers are plentiful and they spawn fast and regularly.
However, there are ways to kill these dreaded beasts. The first is to use the garden's apples. Walking under these loosens the soil and they fall, crushing anything underneath. Another way is to push them Pengo-style. Lastly, we can use a gun that fires one bullet at a time. This bullet bounces around the open areas until it hits a monster (can be recollected).

That's all there is to this bizarre little game; collect the items as quickly as possible and begin the task again on the next level. As you progress, the difficulty increases with more enemies adding to the frantic gameplay. It's a bit mad!!

Hardly original but, it's silly and I'm positive the kids will love it. Let's check out some more screenshots...

I was panicking here as I had one last fruit to collect and these monsters are fast!

As you can see, they appear in droves but are as stupid as they are quick.


Each level looks much the same; a basic green background with different places for the apples and other collectables. Sure, it's (umm) based on Dig Dug but everything is overly large thus creating a rather cluttered or claustrophobic feel later on. Apparently, the Blitter is used (for the sprites?) and the extra colours are displayed. Can you see 'em?

The sprites are the strongest aspect of the visuals with the monsters a quirky bunch with decent animation. Sam wobble-walks like Frankenstein's Monster and his dying animation is superb. Touch a monster and you'll see his body break up and fall to the ground. Fantastic!! Whether all this was Sebald's intention I don't know but, I love it.

The audio is very good with a boppin' chiptune playing in the background. The music is accompanied by a few DMA sound effects. It's hardly Death Chase for quality or quantity but good to have. Zero complaints here.

Hopefully, you've remembered this isn't a commercial game and are still here? If so, let's see more screenshots...

Broken body and dead. Reaching level 25 was my personal best.

In the following game, I bettered that to reach level 27. Sadly, I never beat this achievement lol


If you have spare time to play something different from the norm, Sam In Monster's Garden is oddly great fun!! The gameplay has been kept simple, and I liked that, just collect the items, run around panicking, don't get caught, and repeat.

The first few levels are ridiculously easy and can be completed before any monsters appear. That grace period is most welcome later on when the action is frantic. However, it's these monsters that make and break the gameplay: 1) there are too many for a cramped screen. 2) there is some rather suspect collision detection that I fell victim to. 3) they can spawn where you are standing. I wish Sebald had tweaked these basic annoyances that spoiled what might have been.

I'd rate this around 55% as it could/should have been much better. However, I appreciated having something different to play and I'm positive your children will enjoy this for all its pointless mayhem. What do you think? Go on, download it and let me know in the comments below. I might then consider playing Sebald's other game, Sam In Monster's Land...

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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