Monday, March 15, 2021

TRS-80 emulator

Let's go back to the days of Starsky & Hutch and Asteroids!

Most people might think it's stupid to emulate a retro computer using a retro computer? Thankfully, not me as I've found something rather incredible called 2nd Life. It's a TRS-80 Model III emulator by Sander Berents and is something I stumbled on purely by chance. So, I figured I should give it a good playtesting.

I've never used a TRS-80 and I imagine few made it outside the US? Anyhow, Tandy and RadioShack released the first model in 1977, it was a hit for those wealthy enough to have lots of spare cash burning a hole in their pockets. Back then, I would have been six and too young to care about something like this :-)

Let's begin with a screenshot of the credits. Oh yeah, it's screenshot time...

It's sadly impressive that something this good wasn't released earlier in the ST's life.

What's a RadioShack?

Like you, I love my Atari ST, even when it pretends to be something else - a Sinclair, Commodore, or even a peculiar clunk of hardware by RadioShack (I used to love the Tandy stores). Anyhow, a TRS-80 emulator sounded far too tempting not to try! I read the docs and hit the web to learn how to operate this ancient beast.

First things first, read the docs and look at the FAQ text file to understand which options to enable/disable for the best performance and compatibility settings. You will also find two more disk images with compiled and BASIC games but you'll be best with a 16MHz computer to enjoy something close to native speeds.

2nd Life requires ST High resolution and is very easy to use. Along the bottom of the screen, are four floppy disk drive icons - click to highlight Drive 0 and use that as the TRS operating system boot drive. The second drive icon can be used for anything like games or other images that you may have downloaded.

Lots of features and is versatile. Plus it can play many different games too which matters more...

One of the first things I booted up was Donkey Kong. Okay, it looks terrible but plays well.

Old but not that much different

Using the TRS-80's DOS commands feels a little quirky but is fairly easy to learn. For example, DIR will display the directory of a disk and it can be expanded with extra options and filters, as you'll see in the video:

DIR 0 - will produce the contents of Drive 0
DIR 1 - will produce the contents of Drive 1. Easy, right?
DIR 1,/BAS - this displays the same list but filters for BAS files.
CAT 1 - this provides an alternative way to load programs!

We're gonna get a little more complex now but it's worth it to watch the dancing alien:


The command looks worse than it actually is. Breaking it down, it simply instructs the computer to load up the BASIC program. Then that will load/run the file "DANCING/BAS" which is stored on Drive 1. Easy!

This is starting to be fun so I went searching for a game like Menace or R-Type. Ahem, screenshot time...

Sea Dragon is a terrible mess of ZX81 blockiness but it is a brilliant shoot 'em up!

Get to the games already!

Ultimately, we're here to play some TRS-80 games and I gotta tip my hat to this old piece of 70s kit. There are some great games in its library and there's a good reason I chose Sea Dragon as the video thumbnail. Like any old computer, there's a wealth of vintage games from the era: Pacman, Invaders, Frogger, etc. I'm a geek, so I enjoyed the thrill of playing with something that's almost as old as me. No rude comments, please!

Performance-wise, the humble 8MHZ Atari ST will successfully emulate and run everything you throw at it. It will struggle with the games as it's simply not fast enough. Personally, my Mega STe is the essential, minimum requirement and produces near-perfect speeds, generally speaking. So, 8MHz will be fine but 16MHz will get you gaming. Hardly a shock and just the same as with other emulators we have within our library...

Don't forget to read the docs as README.TXT is there for a reason... Okay, I'll nag no more! 

Yes, this really is Frogger. Hopper has awful collision detection but is a pretty good game.

Games! Give me games!

One of the best games is Sea Dragon, which is a fantastic scramble through watery canyons. Sadly, I wasn't impressed with Penetrator I struggled with jerky graphics and twitchy controls. It was a shock to see a chunky version of Donkey Kong with huge black and white blocks but the gameplay is superb and that's what matters. However, the blocks worked great for Armored Patrol and the wealth of PacMan games!

There are a few games bundled with 2nd Life and sooner or later you will want more. Thankfully, there are some great websites with disk images stuffed full of games and I managed to find racers, lots of different Space Invaders, Zork, and even Temple of Apshai - which is nothing at all like the Atari ST version. Its "turn-based" element caught me off-guard, in a nice way. But boy, is it slow - even on a real TRS-80. Yikes!

Most (all?) disk images found on the internet won't be compatible with the Atari ST. Thankfully, Sander has a utility to convert these for 2nd Life and it works a treat from what I've seen so far. Hence, how I got to play Hamburger Sam, Berserk, erm Robot Attack and the sluggish Temple of Apshai.

He might not be yellow but he's on the TRS-80 as Gobbler!

The CryptO'pinion?

I initially expected the TRS-80 to be nothing more than a cumbersome piece of ancient hardware that I wouldn't particularly enjoy. I couldn't be more wrong, this machine appears to have more power and versatility than I would ever imagine. It's a great computer and it's no wonder those plucky Americans snapped it up!

2nd Life is an equally fantastic piece of software! I'm impressed with how well it runs in terms of speed, ease of use, and compatibility. The inclusion of a utility to convert disk images into a format that 2nd Life can recognise is wonderful. That opens up the possibility of playing everything there is. Techies can go further: font editor, keyboard alteration, linking computers, and even tinkering with a disassembler debugger...

The TRS-80 is great and it's impressive to see the Atari ST flip back in time so easily and reliably. I have really enjoyed using 2nd Life and I'd love to hear what hardware you guys are using to run this software.

GitHub has the download which includes the source code for those uber-geeks amongst us :-)


Look what I found and it's quite different to the Atari ST game. Quick, kill the Ant Man!!

This is Astro and it's a BASIC game. No, I mean it's written in BASIC and it's good.

Hamburger Sam, based on BurgerTime but felt more like Mr Wimpy to me. Love it.

This is Speedway and it's kinda like an early Spy Hunter or Major Motion. Hmm...

Runner demands quick control action - you'll regret not reading the FAQ text file!

I only ever played Penetrator on the ZX Spectrum... and this isn't as good!

Hang on, is that Berserk? No, it's Robot Attack and completely different. Honest.

Limit Zero is absolutely superb and something you should play!!

ScarfMan? Okay, it's getting silly now...

Lunar Lander is a cracking conversion but too slow for an 8MHz ST to handle.

Saturday, March 06, 2021


Core Blimey!

Those with a good memory may remember already seeing Frenetic here on AtariCrypt about five years ago? However, my review was, ahem, less than favourable. If I remember correctly, the graphics were nice and I thought the gameplay was well-balanced. Yet, I oddly rated it as nothing more than a cheap & nasty Amiga port. Well, that was a long time ago and I figured that I needed to revisit Core's vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up. Let's see if I was wrong back then.

Frenetic transports us slap-bang into the 23rd Century with soulless scientists still debating over the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Well, as often happens in the world of sci-fi gaming, life on Earth is under attack from such creatures. It had to happen! This time it's aliens from the planet "Mozone". Hmm, anyhow we have to head into the unknown to pave the way for the safe travel of Earth's vessels and help prevent the extinction of humanity. Sounds like fun, right?

Before we begin, how about a screenshot? Yeah, let's do just that so here you go...

Giant trees and rocks throughout level one and it's pretty much green throughout!

Big levels, Big Guns, Big Monsters

There are eight ginormous levels stuffed with hundreds of aliens out for human blood. Some will stroll into your line of fire whereas others swirl majestically onto the screen. So, it's obvious what to do - bang on the fire button and kill as many as possible. Power-ups are available along the way to upgrade your ship's firepower. They are essential and blessed with different types of upgrades: forward firepower, speed, side armaments, shields, etc. Sadly, these pickups areas are few, so I was often left vulnerable and underpowered after losing a life. Yes, power-ups are gone after dying.

Hang on a moment, do you have a friend sat idle? Well, there is a cool option for two-players which is brilliant and certainly comes in handy on those harder levels later on. Sadly, I have no friends... Sniff... boohoo...

Finally, each stage has the expected end-of-level boss and these are huge beasts. When I say huge I really do mean it. They will take lots of time and firepower to defeat, but most aren't really that difficult (beyond the time required to kill). Unless you have just lost your power-ups then you can expect that battle to last a long time... a very long time!

Let's take a break from reading and view another screenshot. How about one that looks creepy and very alien...

Later levels might look funky but the gameplay remains exactly the same!


The backgrounds are excellent on most levels, especially the first with tons of colour and artwork I really liked. The enemies move spritely with different attack patterns and the bosses are ginormous creatures taking up most of the screen. The vertical scrolling isn't great which is disappointing because the Atari ST has many similar games with smoother framerates. In fact, I'd say that the graphics look better in these screenshots compared to when actually playing.

The music is by Martin Walker and is brilliant - I love it!! Not only that, but it works well alongside the sound effects too I thought. Sadly, that same tune plays throughout which is incredibly disappointing and a massive shame because Martin's one-track is quite excellent. We needed more as I know I would have enjoyed listening to more of his work.

So, it looks pretty and sounds great so let's celebrate with one final screenshot of a funky boss...

Some of the bosses are great and some are... rather rubbish!

The CryptO'pinion?

Well, in hindsight, it looks like I wasn't wrong after all? At best, this is an average shoot 'em up but, if you can find a friend, then it will be a little more bearable. Well, for a few games anyhow. Frenetic needed more progression, more power-ups, and more pizzazz. It's boring. So boot up something like Xenon II, Wings Of Death, SWIV, or Flying Shark.

What I liked: the first couple of levels have well-balanced gameplay and I even reached the third stage - without cheating believe it or not! However, the best feature of all is the two-player mode which is fantastic and certainly helps to (partially) compensate for the things I am now about to moan about.

What I didn't like: the power-ups are needed to defeat the bosses but these are lost after losing a life and new pick-ups are very scarce. Each level is a long slog without variety, excitement or progression and the repetative tune becomes irritating. Basically, I'm getting a nasty whiff of a cheap Amiga port.

Reading this back, I feel that I'm being too harsh? Or perhaps I'm in a bad mood today? Okay, am I wrong? Is this a great shoot 'em up and I'm talking nonsense? Feel free to let me know what you guys think in the comments below.

Atari Legend has loads of floppy menu disks and D-Bug has the best version for a hard drive.

Rob & Lee, coder and artist for Frenetic. Gee whiz thanks, guys. It's a lame ending screen too!

Friday, March 05, 2021

Yet Another Atari RAM Test

Do you have a spare couple of hours?

It's been yonks since I posted in our Software sections so here is a utility that is the bee's knees. Yet Another Atari RAM Test, by Christian Zietz, rolls through a number of intense tests that execute algorithms to help diagnose potential problems with our beloved Atari computers. Let's hope it finds nothing!

I won't pretend to understand its wizardry but I love utilities like this. I want my ST healthy so, I've had it running for what feels like a lifetime and it's still not (yet) found any errors. This is excellent news but, I'm thinking that this program could be helpful to anyone experiencing weird anomalies or peculiar crashes?

I enjoy finding programs like this lurking in the ST archives and I hope YAART proves helpful if you're suffering any hardware problems? The download comes ready to support the ST/STe/TT/Falcon but take a moment to read the text file and try to boot cleanly with as much spare RAM as possible (read YAART.TXT)

I hope you guys have healthy Atari computers? Let me know in the comments below. Good luck!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Ripped Off #87

Little madmen!

'Unnamed Intro' is a remarkable screen created by The Fingerbobs and used by Ripped Off for their 87th disk. This is one of those intros I have always loved because it's one of the most bewitching things I have ever seen. An astounding animated journey for dozens of little men, each one running around their whacky world is simply fascinating. It's different and I love that, so this makes for a mesmerising and entertaining treat.

Go on, pick any guy and follow him throughout his journey. Brilliant STuff, I'm sure you will agree!! :-)

Credits & download on Demozoo for Ripped Off #87 and Unnamed Intro.

Ripped Off Menu #087

Alex Herbert - Music
Caped Crusader - Code
Oberje - Code
Pixar - Graphics (Font)
Ronnie T. - Graphics
Stick - Graphics, Text, Other (Compilation, Packing)

Fingerbobs Intro

Griff - Code (Tracker-replay)
Oberje - Text
Pixar - Graphics, Text
Ray Norrish - Music
The Caped Crusader - Code, Text

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

2021 might not suck after all?

Today is a great day - I've just been given the honour of playtesting a preview of Jonathon Thomas' enhanced Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge for the Atari STe. He's been working on this project for a while, on and off, to improve the original racer in different ways using the often idle enhancements of the Atari STe.

After "mulling it over", he's returned to this project with fresh ideas and assistance from our (fantastic) community over on Atari-Forum. In fact, he came back stronger and managed to develop a playable release after only weeks!! Oh, and for those wondering yes, he is the same racing fella behind Pole Position.

Let's stop and take a deep breath. Do you feel better now? Good. Let's view some screenshots...

The practice track. I need this more than you realise...

We begin in Italy and Mmm look at that sky!

In fact, Italy is looking a little better these days all thanks to the Atari STe palette.

Put the pedal to the metal!

Yes, everyone loved and still loves Lotus Esprit. It's a frantic racer with fast graphics, cool music, great driving mechanics, and even allows another player to join in. Those collisions might lose precious speed and I hate the person who decided to leave dangerous rocks on the road but, this is a thrilling racer alright. Who doesn't enjoy zooming passed cars or sliding around each of the curvy and hilly corners?

However, there are a few limitations in the ST game that aren't immediately obvious during the frantic racing. These have obviously bugged Jonathan enough for him to take on the challenge of fixing them...

"It wasn't until recently that I realised how much of a massive difference there is between the Amiga and ST versions - the magazines of the time didn't seem to make much of this difference in their reviews of the time. I've been meaning to take a closer look at the Lotus code on the ST for a number of years now, but it was upon realising the degree of difference between the two versions (along with a relatively quiet period at work) that I decided something needed to be done!"

There is no excuse for a lame port. Is this that? I'll let you decide while you view these screenshots... 

Mexico now has a skyline quite apt to the feel of this country.

Okay, let's try not to crash into any objects when trying to grab a screenshot!

Oh, bummer!! Playing and capturing screenshots is a tough job.

Judder be gone!

It's funny, but I hadn't paid much attention to these issues myself. It wasn't until I returned to the original I could tell what had been going through Jons' mind. For me, the nicest improvements are to the sky and how the cars move across the track. This game feels fresh and is far better than I ever imagined.

1) The tracks are quite barren and devoid of much detail so the Blitter will now render the road and pit lanes with extra details to lane markings and widened rumble strips.

2) The sky was one solid colour which was okay but that has now been replaced by a 16-step gradient that makes full use of the enhanced STE palette.

3) Cars and scenery move smoothly without the old judder of side to side in 16-pixel blocks.

4) The already zippy framerate has been improved with more tweaks on the way!

5) Thankfully, the Ben Daglish chiptunes are staying but the effects are going to be replaced with samples pumped through the DMA hardware. (with a possibility of DMA sounds and YM music together!)

Also, minor improvements are being considered to the rev counter, fuel indicator and player two will soon have the new sky gradient. There is also the possibility of new and extra trackside scenery being added. Heck, he's even mentioned that there might be a few new tracks on the way too - oh yes!!

Okdoke, it's time for the last run of screenshots of this wonderful new version. Try not to drool... 


Iceland and everything looks rather chilly.

Ahem, there was ice on the road. Honest.

Check out those widened rumble strips!

The CryptO'pinion?

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge was originally programmed by Shaun Southern and Andrew Morris and is an excellent racer. However, Jon has improved it to the level Lotus should have been all along for the Atari STe. I cannot express how exciting it's been to see this project develop, especially over recent weeks.

The new colours, speed, and smoothness all help give this racer a new coat of paint. Bring on the extra framerate and sampled DMA sound effects! Yes, it's shocking how renewed it feels running on the Atari STe so I'm looking forward to what comes next. My greetings to Jon. Watch this space for the next release.

For more information check out Jon's YouTube channel and his thread over on Atari-Forum.

Vroooooom!! Let's head off into that Spanish sunset...

Wow, look at that lovely sky. And those dodgy billboards.

Tap the breaks, hit the accelerate and corner like you're a Ridge Racer!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Jim Power in Mutant Planet

Your name is Power, Jim Power!

Jim Power In Mutant Planet was released by Loriciel in 1992 where we play as a member of the Special Warfare Unit. These are in charge of the President's personal security and (of course) his daughter was kidnapped by evil beings who infest a Mutant Planet. So it is our mission to kill everything, rescue the girl, and save the day!!

I must admit, I don't recall seeing this advertised or reviewed back in the day. Did it ever make it across the channel to UK shores? I find it quite flabbergasting that such a platformer is unheard of back in the day (well, to me). I think the 1992 version of myself would have slobbered an Olympic swimming pool's worth of drool over this?

Ah well, let's crack on and take a gander at a cool screenshot with a skeleton...

Check out that skeleton artwork. This game is a looker alright and never fails to impress me!!

I think I love Mr Power!

We begin in a rather funky environment that reminded me a little of Enchanted Land and Flimbo's Quest. It's a strange world of whacky colours, creepy vegetation and lots of enemies out looking for blood. At first, I thought this was going to be an easy platformer, but it soon picks up the pace to become quite a challenge. Yes, I struggled many times!!

There are a total of five levels with two being shooters and even a few peculiar boss screens:

The platformer parts are easily the best with a cruel design that feature many pitfalls and near-countless enemies like mutated animals, birds, zombies, spiders and even spitting plants. Each level is absolutely huge with mini-bosses halfway through (dead easy to defeat) and then a mega-boss at the end.

The shoot 'em up levels are far weaker by comparison and they basically involve nothing more than trying to stay alive as you dodge or shoot anything that appears in your line of sight. The scrolling is fast, and the enemies are faster but I feel they often took far too many shots to be killed, which meant it felt unbalanced. However, I did enjoy the flappy bird-style part towards the end of level 4 which was a surprise! 

He's gone green! He's angry!! Look out The Hulk for Jim Power is here with another cool screenshot...

Press and hold that fire button to unleash your fury and zap everything on-screen!

Gimme a gun and a spare hour

The controls always feel spritely and suit the game style. I love the way you can easily hop from platforms without ever feeling the uncertainty of plummeting to your death because of stodgy mechanics or a sluggish display. Dying allows you to restart from the nearest checkpoint which is a great idea that grants a few seconds of invincibility - this comes in handy for running past a difficult scene. Trust me, you will love this feature which is needed more than you know!

Thankfully, we're equipped with a gun that can be upgraded along the way by collecting the power-ups. We also have the limited option of using a smart bomb by pressing down the fire button but these are best left for the bosses or perhaps later trickier scenes that you're struggling with? This smart bomb has a fantastic feature - the ability to carry it. Yes, you can carry what is nothing less than a nuclear weapon and release it at the right moment you choose. A devastating skill.

Along with the power-ups, there are bonuses to collect which help provide a little help. These can be earned by shooting a weird floating object or a hidden part of the background. The clock gives extra time, a shield should be obvious and 1Ups are always a relief to find. Never leave a key behind unless you enjoy the fun of backtracking...

Fancy another screenshot? Of course, you do so here's one that reminds me of Strider...

The first level is varied and full of traps - it really is a dangerous world out there!


Loriciel mocks the supposed hardware limitations with ease for a smooth-scrolling colour-galore platformer. Each level looks superb with stunning landscapes and super-duper sprites - some reminded me of a Strider-style. Throughout, the gameplay is fast and very smooth so it puts to shame Psygnosis and their lame excuses. The bosses are ginormous beasts, taking up the entire screen, and sometimes more, so it's impressive how well it constantly performs.

Sadly, I'm a bit miffed that the might Loriciel didn't bother to use the Atari STe enhancements :/

The audio will not dishearten thanks to the amazing talents of Chris Hülsbeck who provides a thumping title tune and stunning in-game chip music. There is the option to hear sound effects only, but I really wouldn't bother with that afterthought. I personally thought they weren't anything close to the boppin' chip music!

Okay, that's the unimportant stuff out of the way and we've just enough time for one more screenshot...

The second level's colours might look odd in a screenshot but it's much better when playing!

The CryptO'pinion?

Jim Power is excellent but it's not perfect. Whilst the first level is absolutely fantastic, later levels suffer some infuriating mechanics which make them impossible - without a trainer for extra lives. However, the shoot 'em up stages are a bit rubbish and felt nothing more than a stocking filler. Also, there is no support for the enhanced hardware lurking unused inside the Atari STe which is a shame because this would have been a great opportunity to really shine.

As a platformer, it's quite unoriginal yet a hugely immense bundle of fun. Personally, it blows me away how much effort Loriciel devoted to making this platformer as good as possible - this ain't no lame port. Ultimately, ask yourself this - do you want a platformer that is fast, fun and addictive? Guess what, you've got it right here. And a shooter too ;)

Download for Hard drive or Floppy.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

BBC #48

No, it means Bad Brew Crew

Okay, I thought it was about time I featured another Menu Disk and here we have the 48th release by Bad Brew Crew. The menu itself is quite good with their logo, scroller and some rather nice digi-music to enjoy before deciding which game to play. There are two options Skull & Crossbones and California Games for the Extreme fans!

Demozoo and Atari Legend have more from the Bad Brew Crew incl. downloads!

Onto the games, and I think I remembered liking Skull & Crossbones because I have always enjoyed hack 'n slashers and this one features pirates! Surely a win? Anyhow, I doubt I would have ever booted up California games back in the day because joystick-waggle and/or athletics isn't exactly something that interests me.

So, I guess this menu disk is a perfect choice to experience something new and familiar? Let's play...

~~~ Skull & Crossbones ~~~

Hoist The Jolly Roger!

I need a parrot on my shoulder and speak every sentence with an "ARRR!" for we are about to hit the high seas for an exciting swashbuckling adventure with nasty pirates, treasure and fair maidens in need of rescuing ARRR!! ARRR matey, a wizard has stolen our booty ARRR and we need to get it back ARRR!! This shouldn't be hard as pirates are usually crippled with a wooden leg and missing an eye ARRR so let's kill all the scurvy scum ARRR!!

Okay, I think we should now drop the ARRR... Skull & Crossbones is based on the arcade game that had us frantically fighting pirates with nothing more than our trusty sword. We are One Eye and have suffered a humiliating theft of our booty by a nasty wizard. Wizards and pirates? What an odd combination, but let's crack on and play!

Hang on, we cannot even think to begin this without seeing a screenshot! So, here ya' go...

Maybe it's just me but I thought Hulk Hogan had seen better days!

Time to be Errol Flynn!

Skull & Crossbones is basically a 2D platformer for one or two players. Yup, two people can take part at once which is potentially superb. The adventure begins on our ship which has been boarded by a couple of pirate goons that need slicing and dicing. Only after, are we able to jump aboard the wizard's ship but that crafty magician blasted us back onto our ship - just in time to watch your booty stash disappear before your very eyes.

Each level is basically the same with different graphics but it's fun repeatedly killing a barrage of sea-faring enemies: pirates, soldiers, ninjas, and even a few silly monsters. Getting around each level is quite cumbersome for what's basically a 2D fighter and feels trickier than it should at times. You are able to move in all four directions with attacking and blocking moves. Just bang on the fire button whilst moving in a particular direction:


Pressing the fire button and moving left/right plunges your sword in their chest.
Pressing the fire button and moving up + left/right pokes them up their noses!


Pressing the fire button and pushing up performs an upwards block.
Pressing the fire button and pushing down performs a downwards block.


Pressing and holding down the fire button turns Red Eye around.
I even managed to stab backwards once or twice in my blind panic!
Apparently there are a couple of special moves which I never managed to suss out. 

A few hopeful, unresponsive jabs and poof!! Yep, a pirate goes up in smoke.

Argh, I'm dead. Again!

Now that you're clued up in the art of battle, you should practice because this is a tough game to master. Each enemy often attacks in turn, which prevents the screen from getting cluttered or confusing. Killed enemies drop a little treasure to reclaim. However, the bigger guys are really hard to defeat like the executioner and an annoying pirate hiding inside a barrel. I found both of these irritatingly difficult and managed to lose many lives!

Keep your eyes on the health meter; the more hits you sustain the more blood pumps out from your bleeding wounds (which is actually pretty cool). What's not cool is the game's terrible difficulty thanks to its cumbersome and sluggish controls. Attacking is quite basic but gets rather repetitive after a while plus I didn't care for the defence moves which offer little benefit. However, I guess there's only so much a one-buttoned joystick can do?

The concept is enjoyable and follows the arcade rather well. Killing pirates is fun but I felt that the difficulty was too high from the second stage. Those soldiers are tough nuts and seem to attack with great speed which feels unfair. Enabling a trainer helped, and I managed to reach the third stage which was a painstaking journey.

16-bit games seem to be made for tough people? Perhaps I'm too soft? Hmm, let's see another screenshot...

Eventually, I'm back up on deck and there's a girl who needs rescuing. Yep, I'm in!

Graphics and Sounds

To look at, Skull And Crossbones is cartoony with lots of colourful locations and detailed sprites. Sadly, it bombs when actually playing thanks to jerky scrolling and dreadful animation. The scrolling often works against the player from the start - jumping onboard the wizard's ship leaves you open to attack by pirates still offscreen!

Sound effects are basic but the music is quite literally brilliant with excellent chiptunes by Matt Furniss.

We're now plundering a castle and this big fella is nigh on impossible to kill. I'm losing interest...

The CryptO'pinion?

Skull & Crossbones looks the part and could have been a great release with a little more effort. Sadly, the stodgy controls ruin what might have been; not only is it incredibly sluggish but One Eye is often awkward to manoeuvre. I had some fun but the difficulty, later on, is way off and ruined any chance of progress.

The best thing about Skull & Crossbones is the two-player option, which is a brilliant addition and certainly helped compensate for its shortcomings. Unfortunately, I'm getting a distinct whiff of a lame port which is incredibly disappointing. Golden Axe, Guardian Angel and Double Dragon III are all far better choices.

~~~ California Games ~~~

BMX? Nah, I'll stick with my Grifter!

I remember the advert with the girl's legs for this sporty Epyx released back in 1989. Sadly, I never played the game as I'm not really a fan of such things, so I must admit I'm quite sceptical about booting it up today.

Athletic events aren't something that I particularly like and I remembered breaking my Quickshot II joystick playing Daley Tompson's Decathalon back in the mid-80s. How pointless! But, upon booting up California Games, I was presented with an array of alternative games which was a pleasant surprise for this couch potato!

In light of that revelation, I think we should take a gander at the first screenshot...

Practice! Otherwise, you'll fall flat on your face only to be hit by the rolling skateboard!

Run, Jump and Throw Something... Yawn?

No, none of that boring stuff here, California Games has taken a different approach with a handful of unexpected events. All are completely different from each other, which is something I liked the sound of. I mean, frisbee throwing? I never saw that one coming but I gotta admit I like the style of these Californians!

One to eight players can take part in six extreme events like surfing, skateboarding and BMX biking. Executing each event properly earns you the most points and it's all about the highest scores in this tournament.

Half Pipe Skateboarding

Here we push up when the skater is going up the ramp and push down when, well, I think you get it? Moving left/right or pressing the fire button just at the right time will perform stunts like a hand plant or kick turn. It's all rather childish and probably one of the least stimulating games imaginable yet, I quite liked it!

Foot Bag

This is one of the most peculiar sporting games I would never have imagined to be real. Imagine a soccer player keeping the ball in the air - but with a little bag. And that's about it. What a lame event but the ST does a grand job of trying to make it fun. It's all rather silly and quite difficult timing your movements just at the right moment. Oddly entertaining and I enjoyed it, but try not to his the seagulls (lol brilliant!!)


Now we're talking. This is about the only sport I associate with California and it doesn't disappoint. The learning curve is possibly the highest of all the games but, don't give up because riding these waves is exhilarating. Who would have thought that balancing on a board in shark-infested waters would be enjoyable? Plus we don't need to worry about trying to slip into a wetsuit on a beach of perfect bodies.

Roller Skating

I expected this game to suck, but it didn't. As an event, it's pretty weak and possibly the easiest but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. Pushing up/down gains speed and then you need to avoid or hop over hazards like pavement cracks! Yeah... Okay, this is nothing special but I possibly played it the most?

BMX Racing

Now we're talking, blokes with bikes in the dirt! A game with easy controls to master and a course that's fun and great to play. Sometimes it gets a little too tight, which is unfair, so that's when my man ends up eating the dirt. The physics are pretty terrible but I kept on coming back for more and I'm sure you will too!

Flying Disk

Somehow this kiddy game is now a serious event? Anyhow, along with Surfing, this is a tough one to master thanks to the controls - it took ages to stop dropping the frisbee on my feet!! Not to mention the art of successfully throwing it far enough. Hmm, feels like Frisbee version of Leaderboard to me!

This event sets a great example for the kids as she kicks and screams like a baby. Brilliant!!

Joystick Waggling Fun?

Thankfully, you won't break your joystick with this game as each event requires a specific control with precise timings to perform certain actions or stunts. However, you should ignore any temptation to jump straight in to win a trophy. It won't happen. Practice first and learn what to do with each event, it's harder than you realise.

However, because each event is so different, so are the controls. There is little consistency, each has its own style and technique to master. I admit to being a bit of a geek(!) so I made notes to remind me what to do and when. This worked, but I admit the irregularity makes for a massive learning curve greater than I imagined.

I'm not sure about over-complicating anything. Especially the controls! So let's have another screenshot to view...

Now we're talking! Great controls and dodgy physics make this so much fun.

Graphics and Sounds

Graphically, it's okay with summer backdrops and interesting locations but I got the impression it was limited by its 8-bit roots. Summer Olympiad is much nicer but the BMX and Frisbee stages are good with decent scrolling. I enjoyed the attention to detail that makes each background entertaining - seagulls flying dangerously close, people boating, sharks and creepy critters lurking underneath the skateboarding pipe. Lovely little touches!

The in-game sound effects are often a weird mix of chip and samples which works fine albeit without blowing you away. Music is by the late, great Ben Daglish and is something that proves chiptunes will live forever.

It's okay fella, nobody looks good in shorts but what's with those ape arms?

The CryptO'pinion?

The concept of "extreme" sports for the Atari ST has proved itself to be a cracking idea and is something I feel Epyx executed well. The sheer variety of mixed events is a splendid change from the usual sorts. Getting grabs with each game's controls is the biggest challenge but, stick with it and make yourself some basic notes!

California Games will appeal to everyone, whether you enjoy sports games or not. Trust me, I'm a couch potato so I know. Ultimately, it will shine brightest when the family are gathered around your Atari ST compared to plodding through solo. What an excellent game and also a nice surprise to boot up something different.

~~~ The Ultimate CryptO'pinion? ~~~

The Bad Brew Crew never released a dodgy disk as they always have quality intros and BBC #48 is no exception. As for content, this is a decent floppy disk which I've thoroughly enjoyed from the moment I heard the intro's music. Although there are only two games on the disk, each is huge and offers a fantastic opportunity for multiplayer fun.

Of course, Skull & Crossbones was pretty much a dreadful Amiga port but it's actually a million times better with a friend. California Games is superb even though a part of me still cannot believe it's based on real events! Anyhow, I think Epyx produced an excellent game which I highly recommended, especially with friends & family.

And now y'all gotta scroll all the way back up to the top for the download links... :^)

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