Sunday, June 12, 2016

ATARI STM (...continued)

I thought it was time I followed up on my previous article concerning my Atari STM. I have opened it up for a good clean and it powered on perfectly. Sys Info reports: 1mb Ram / TOS 1.2 / GEM 0.13 / AES 1.20 and I have successfully connected up my external floppy disk drive to play games. Yes, I'm a happy bunny :)

This is such a cool-looking computer and super-compatible for games. I now need to buy myself a pair of midi cables for Midi Maze against my 6-year-old daughter. Yes, I sense so many easy victories ahead!!

1 comment:

  1. Go on... get an EPROM burner and a cart port adaptor and see if some of PP's cartridge conversions can run on it without a floppy connected...


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