Saturday, June 22, 2019

Boogey Man

Bogey or crow?

Scouring through the ST archives, I found something silly called Boogey Man, by Anthony Hamilton. The screenshots reminded me of an old 8-Bit game but, if I'm honest, it really isn't anything close to what I expected.

This is a tough one to describe... but... we are Burt, a guy who loves to collect snot. Yup, you heard me - snot. And there is plenty of that popping up all over your screen in both small and large doses. There are nine levels in all which might sound too easy? It's not because the controls are super-sensitive which makes the entire experience very chaotic as you agonisingly attempt to carefully navigate, avoiding the nasties. Yes, it's as mad as it sounds but, great fun.

There are bad guys which come in two flavours, a Blob and a Spike. Touching either kills you instantly so beware. Watch the timer, which is just another way to lose a life - and you can see that happen to me near the end of my recording. A boogeyometer is shown bottom/right of the screen to display how much snot remains to be collected. Once accomplished, an exit door appears on the right and we can leg it to the next level for more snotty fun.

Right, it's time for a screenshot so let's begin with an informative one...

Burt seems to love snot for some peculiar reason but look out for the nasties who wanna stop you.


The visuals are basic and very 8-bit, which is something I often admire because it works very well from a more simplistic time. Well, it works here too. Interestingly, this game runs in Medium resolution which explains the fine details and lack of colour. I liked the sprites, especially Blob, but there's nothing here pushing the old ST of course and that's fine.

However, the audio will certainly entertain - the kids. Ohhhh, and the big kids too - like me. I absolutely loved it but I should say nothing more to spoil your surprise other than Anthony made excellent use of MasterSound!!!

Struggling to understand just why I played this game? Better check out this screenshot then...

Gameplay relies on fudgy controls to make it feel quite chaotic. Can you beat level nine?

The CryptO'pinion?

Whatever you're thinking when you see the screenshots - stop. Since when did cinematic visuals ever matter? The idea and gameplay are simple but humorous and incredibly entertaining. Yes, the controls initially feel too snappy, but you will get used to that and anything different would just make the game far too easy. So it's perfect as is.

Boogey Man is a ridiculous game and one I'm sure your kids will love for all the obvious reasons. I know that I loved every second of it and I've just heard there's a Boogey Man II listed on AtariMania... dare I try the sequel? LOL

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Faster Than Light: The Atari ST

Kick back and enjoy another Atari ST book

Jamie Lendino of ExtremeTech has released a book dedicated to the world's best 16-bit computer. I've only just got the digital edition tonight but I've enjoyed flicking through some pages and to say I'm impressed would be a huge understatement. This is seriously good stuff. Heck, even my little website gets a mention which is mind-blowing.

Faster Than Light is crammed full and covers many different topics: from the history and range of different computers plus the various uses we got from this incredible beast. The book is available on (your local) Amazon store right now for less than a tank of fuel!! I'm buying the paperback edition and I hope you ST nutters do the same.

Hey, shall we see some nabbed screenshots and text? Why not! Here you go then...


“Power Without the Price.” Every Atari fan remembers that slogan from the 1980s as the rallying cry for 16-bit computing in the form of the Atari ST. This groundbreaking computer brought previously unimagined power to the home user for the first time—and transformed an industry or two along the way.

Author Jamie Lendino offers a fresh, vital look at the history of the Atari ST, guiding you from its inauspicious genesis at the centre of a company known for its gaming consoles to its category-defining triumphs in music, desktop publishing, and video gaming. And he doesn’t stop there: He then leaps to the present to pull back the veil on the thriving software and mod communities that aren’t just keeping it alive today but taking it to places its creators never could have imagined.

Whether you’re a longtime devotee who wants to relive the magic of the machine that unleashed the wonders of Dungeon Master, Time Bandit, and Starglider, an intrepid DIYer on the hunt for new ideas and resources to take your homebrew system to the next level, or a newcomer hungry to learn the ins and outs of one of the most important computers ever created, this book will get you there just as the ST did its long-ago digital pioneers: Faster Than Light.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


1983 has come knocking!

A brand new remake of Don Priestley's Maziacs is being released by Bello Games with coding by George Nakos (aka GGN) and graphics by Niels Kleine (aka Tinker) and Kevin Dempsey (aka SH3). At the moment, this is an unfinished port but I loved the ZX Spectrum original so much that I couldn't wait to get my grubby mitts on this olde classic.

I expected differences but, right from the start, this feels authentic and with a remake of the old DK'Tronics loading screen. Surprisingly, there is a good reason Bugziacs feels so much like the original - "This version actually runs the original Spectrum code translated to 68000 using a custom tool and then some routines replaced with ST-specific code". Wow. Extremely interesting and I hope many more Spectrum conversions are in the pipeline?

Check out the first few screenshots! Yep, I feel like I'm 12 again looking at these Speccy delights...

Ohh, the menu system is just like the original. Even the font...

...and these silly sprites too. Comical and I love it.

I wish more games had an intro detailing what to do. Brilliant idea.

Wow, it really is Maziacs!

Once the game begins, things feel familiar but the look (and movement) are a lot better than my favourite Z80 computer could ever manage. The goal remains the same: explore a maze looking for hidden treasure. And then make your escape. It sounds easy - but it's not - especially as you cannot carry both a weapon and the treasure at the same time.

Like the original, each maze is randomly generated which means a different game each time you play it. But the one thing that remains constant is those angry Maziacs who roam the corridors looking for a scrap with our plucky hero. Thankfully, some kind soul has left swords scattered throughout. However, these can oddly only be used once per battle! So this is where the map feature comes in handy along with your memory for those you've already walked past.

This might sound a little weird and rather limiting but it works perfectly to keep you on your toes. The ST game plays like I remember and, unlike most 16-bit updates, it doesn't feel like it's lacking that certain 'je ne sais quoi'. This is authentic yet also an improvement, which is very unique. That in itself is impressive because I'm tired of classic games being spoilt by better graphics or unnecessary changes. I'm thinking about the terrible Chuckie Egg II as an example!

What, you don't believe how good this is? Well, you better check out some more screenshots then...

The Atari ST version looks amazing. Authentic, yet a cracking advancement too.

Of course, you could step back in time and use the original Speccy graphics?

Whatever you decide, it's always best to use the map. Don't get lost!

Don Priestley would love this!

One thing to remember when playing is that you're not Superman! Keep an eye on your energy levels (displayed using a vertical bar) because that ticks down as you explore. Fear not, whoever left the swords has also kindly left energy drinks. Also, I advise chatting with the prisoners who are usually willing to aid you on your travels. Although it's odd they know so much yet never ask to be freed? Finally, use the map which will be more than helpful at crucial times!

Yes, I am really enjoying Bugziacs!! This is well-balanced and incredibly playable. Sure, it's got some quirks/bugs as those randomly generated maps can sometimes be rather unfair: more than once, I began with a Maziac standing beside me!! But let's not forget this is a work-in-progress so I'm extremely eager and excited to see the final product.

You can probably tell how thrilled I am to play a classic game like this on my Atari ST!! Hey, it's screenshot time...

Maziacs... oops!! Bugziacs has the most helpful prisoners you could ever imagine.

The swords are necessary but probably made in China - they don't last very long!

Hang on a mo, three monsters and only one sword? Oh no!!

The CryptO'pinion?

Bugziacs has taken me back to my roots in the earlier 80s. What an absolutely fantastic version this is and being able to switch between Atari ST and ZX Spectrum visuals is just too good for words. It's always great to see a "new" game InDev for our computer. I hope GGN can put this tool to use in the future and get other Speccy games converted? GGN - please develop Chuckie Egg 2 next as this is my favourite 8-Bit platformer but I have a massive list too :-)

Whether you're old enough to remember the original game or not, Bugziacs is a bundle of frantic mayhem. It's a simple idea that has been perfectly executed. What a rush it is to hunt down the treasure before panicking to quickly escape. Yes, it's tough but it's so much fun. This is a brilliant game and one I cannot help but highly recommend to everyone.

Maziacs is brilliant on the ZX Spectrum but guess what? So is Bugziacs for the Atari ST. Absolutely superb!!

Both AtariMania and Demozoo have Bugziacs to download.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

ST Collection #8

Ignore the name, this one is cool!

Here's another menu disk that I really like, ST Collection 8 by Typhoon. As you can imagine, it features loads of intros by the likes of Cynix, Fuzion plus also a few other oddities: I love the strangely funny Sonic Demo and Dune's Faith features spectacular artwork, stunning effects, and audio to die for!! MJJ's Trisogames is always great but I must admit it was Pascal Ganaye's Strip Tetris that caught my attention (naughty boy)

As you'd expect, it's just Tetris but we're also treated to a 4-bit glamour girl who removes her clothing the better you perform. Hmm, that didn't come outright, but I'm sure you know what I mean? Gameplay is pretty good and my old man reactions did pretty well in the video recording. This is a nice conversion of the boring old classic!

There's lots of cool stuff on this disk and Demozoo has the credits and download. Check these out:

Thursday, June 06, 2019


Rule Britannia!!

Okay, ST nutters, a couple of years ago I managed to buy myself a mint copy of D-Day by US Gold. This is a war game and comes on four disks, so is a pain to someone (like me) who's been spoiled by the luxury of an Ultrasatan. However, I couldn't find a hard disk version anywhere so I did what any sane person would do - I asked Peter Putnik.

Later, during the World Cup (and after a couple of beers), I finally had myself the hard disk adaptation of this wonky old war game. Launching it from my satan is a dream compared to the floppies and I'm really grateful for Peter's commitment to the ST scene. Anyhow, what did I think of US Gold's take on this historic moment in time?
Before we begin, June 6th 1944 is a moment in time that we are unable to comprehend but will never forget. This video recording and game review is just my humble way to say thank you to those who have served.
Righto, I think we need to see a screenshot so let's kick it off with the topography of this historic area...

Overlord offers a crude yet incredible insight into the situation on the day. Quite frightening!

Operation Neptune

D-Day is represented by a map of Normandy during the period and shows just where the enemy is located and the missions which can be planned and executed. This is like a campaign mode for the entire Overlord Operation and has each event featured by time as they unfolded. However, it's quite confusing to newcomers and even the manual recommends you start by playing the individual missions first. I love their honesty so I did exactly that and began each part in turn.

The idea of these mini-games is actually pretty cool. They are broken up into four categories: Tank, Bomb (flying the most sluggish planes ever!), Paratrooper, and Infantry soldiers. Splitting them up is brilliant and allows you to skip directly to your favourite parts. Also, no matter the game, there are always several missions to choose from.

Wanna hear more? Of course, you do. So let's take a look at each of the mini-games right now...

There is a wealth of information and statistical detail to check out in the main game.

Mission #1 - Tank

Okay, the first game is Tank which is a WWII twist on the Battlezone format and looks like another ST title, possibly because they share the same programmer, Pascal Jarry! There are lots of different missions and the first instructs us to destroy every bunker on the beach, which is a lot harder than it sounds! There are a load of other missions but the game is quite buggy and I suffered a few crashes. At one point I even managed to get myself stuck in a tree. Yikes!

Performance is sluggish and also lacks any kind of engine noise (which is just weird) but I have to admit that I had a bunch of fun driving the little tank. Make sure you hit the function keys for the different modes of operation and also a cool outside perspective. Overall, it's worth playing a couple of missions but sadly, feels like a rushed add-on if I'm honest.

My rating for Tank would be above average as it could have been far better. So, I rate this 5/10.

The big boys are here and we're taking no prisoners!

We're out roaming the countryside - looking for a fight.

Mission #2 - Bomb

This next game is an eye-opener alright. How on earth this got by the US Gold Quality & Control debt I do not know. I think they didn't have one? lol. Again, there are lots of different missions and I chose to fly at night to bomb a bridge. Well, that was theory anyhow but I literally had not even the slightest chance of hitting it. Not in a million years!

There are some basic instruments and controls to help you with your noble adventure but you're left feeling blind which makes completing any mission nigh on impossible. Also, to say its 3D engine is sluggish is a major understatement - I reckon an old Oric 1 could do better. Definitely, the weakest game of the lot so I can't say I'll be playing it again.

I'm struggling not to be too cruel here but I cannot help myself and I must rate Bomb 2/10.

Wow, I really don't know how to describe this part of the game... So poor.

Mission #3 - Paratrooper

This game is silly in execution but actually damn good fun. We are parachuting either solo or with other troops through a series of missions. Wind can obviously play a factor (no jokes please) but guiding your men downwards to the ground is peculiarly enjoyable. Sure, it's ludicrously bad but I still loved it. My daughter thought it was superb - bonus!

Overall, unlike the Bomb game, this is something you need to play. Well, at least a couple of times!

I don't really know why I enjoyed this game so much? Perhaps for its silly mechanics? Well, I give it 6/10.

Weeee one man gets tangled and falls to his death but the others land safely!

Mission #4 - Infantry

This is the final game type and easily my favourite. I've always liked overhead strategy games and this is styled in a similar fashion to some action games I've played, such as Cannon Fodder and Rebellion. However, don't be fooled, it might look similar but is more a slower-paced tactical wannabe where stealth is the key to your survival.

There are a bunch of missions that involve us guiding stickmen through the fields avoiding enemy bunkers, tanks, and so on. It plays as crudely as it looks with enemy AI that's more like a robotic turret. Each enemy unit has its place on the map and, once you're spotted, they constantly bombard that area forever. They never stop!! So it's your job to sneakily find an alternative route and pick 'em off with your machine gun, grenades or mortar.

The controls are quite shocking and fairly imprecise - trying to get the soldiers to stand exactly where you need them is half the battle. Also, it's annoying when they take the long route around an obstacle, which often means that they are then in the line of fire - and die! The graphics are quite umm Cannon Fodder'ish but of a very crude standard. Now, I might be a really bad pixel artist but I honestly think I could have done better? Sound effects are made from crunchy samples and certainly, add to the atmosphere but that constant noise might give you a headache after a while.

However, I should stop my snowflake whining because, in spite of all its faults, this is incredibly great fun (it reminded me of Stonkers on the ZX Spectrum). Infantry is nothing more than finding a safe route through the map and picking off the enemy one-by-one. Very simple and not much more to it, but I genuinely enjoyed myself. Yes, I know, I'm mad!!

It's crude and ridiculously unrealistic but I've strangely had many hours of fun so I'm giving it 9/10.

We're on the beach in one mission and then raising everything to the ground on another!

The enemy won't move but they're sure out in great numbers. Can you kill everyone and escape?

The CryptO'pinion?

If there was ever a mixed bag of goodies then this is it. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to have this in my collection but D-Day feels like it was programmed by amateurs, which is odd when reading the credits [AtariMania]. Technically, this fails to make any decent use of the Atari ST hardware - and is riddled with sluggish, buggy code - which is quite shocking.

So, it's crude, it's buggy and it's a little silly but I gotta admit that this is still a decent war game. Plus the Operation Overlord parts have so much depth and can offer the eager gamer a unique historical insight into the events. D-Day is tacky but I thoroughly recommend playing the better parts, especially on what is such an important day in history.

Grab the floppies via Old Games Finder
8BitChip has the new HDD version!

Looks pretty good, right? Well, this was recorded using my beefy Mega STe. I'll say no more...

Sunday, June 02, 2019


Menu Disks!

One thing I love is trolling the ST's massive archive of menu disks and Golden Dawn #44 features quite a few unexpected crackers. The first is Pop! by Manuel Castrillo of Bit Culture, a 1993 shareware game. The instructions are quite difficult but we're on Skuiskie Island and armed with a gas gun to kill lots of nasties!

Pop! is a platformer that feels kinda like a weird mix of Pang and Monster Business. Actually, it's rather odd if I'm honest, and certainly not what I expected to play. Right from the start, you're thrown in at the deep end which means instant death. Why game developers think something like this is a good thing, I do not know.

Stick with it and, after many pointless deaths, you will get the hang of things. Use your gun to gas these critters to Hell - they take a few hits! Enjoy their cute expressions but hurry up because they need to die before the time limit expires. The controls feel nice but are too slow, especially when trying to turn around in the frantic heat of battle. Interestingly, there is support for two players which adds a whole new level.

So what about the graphics and sounds? Well, I couldn't ever be too judgmental about the aesthetics of any shareware game but Hoog has already set that bar impossibly high. However, Pop! does have nice graphics and there are some neat touches - like your death. The colours are a little off so I think a better use of the palette should have been made, especially when monsters blend into the scenery and your gun's bubbles are invisible against the background sky. Music is DMA and in stereo but sadly very little audio is heard during gameplay...

This is a shockingly silly game but quite addictive too. With a little more thought, I'm sure Pop! could have been far better but it's spoiled by sluggish controls and a terribly harsh time limit. Having said that, I obviously thought it was good enough to feature - so either I'm going soft or I had myself some fun on this rainy morning?

Go on, grab yourself Golden Dawn's disk via Demozoo, and take a look at this screenshot...

Instantly eaten alive by something oddly cute. Must try harder...

Kudos to them for putting most commercial companies to shame by making use of the STe!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Time Slices by Defence Force

It's time to dig out your SM125

I often receive requests for game reviews or demos to record, usually from someone and today, I was asked by STS to make a video of Time Slices by Defence Force for his awesome demoscene blog. Check that out!

Anyhow, this is a monochrome demo for the Atari STe that was released at STNICCC 2015. However, emulation (and my old Mac) play a good part in destroying the quality so I apologise for that. The lesson here is real hardware is always best. Thankfully, after a few minor adjustments, the sound improved and the darn thing stopped flickering long enough to give you guys an idea of how cool this demo actually is. Especially for something Commodore-themed!! ;-)

Time Slices by Defence Force
Credit: Dbug for all coding and design

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sam Nasty

A nasty new game!

It's a pleasure to see a new in development for our beloved Atari ST but Sam Nasty is different. This puzzle-based platformer was developed back in the early 1990s using STOS by Jerome Mahieux. Oddly, he never released it but found the floppy disk so here we are in 2019, playing the game. How cool is that!!

Upon loading, we're greeted with a title screen for help and other options to disable the sound effects/music. The game itself is a static-screen platformer and, for each level, we find ourselves trapped inside a prison and must find a way to escape. This might sound familiar but it's also got some rather unique features.

But first, let's check out a couple of screenshots with some rather cute & dodgy characters...

The coppa is seeing stars like in a cartoon. I love that!!

Talk about antagonising the enemy by sticking out your tongue! lol ace!!!

The Great Escape!

As you might imagine, the earlier screens are quite humble to break you in gently. So escaping is easy whilst you learn the basics. But it's not long before Sam finds himself inside prisons that must put Alcatraz to shame. There are always a variety of cunning pitfalls to avoid, so look out for things like laser beams that will zap you into an early grave! Also, there are patrolling coppers and some are even armed...

It's a good job our thug has the ability to punch. The screenshots prove how entertaining that is!!

Escaping is always going to be different for each of the levels. So look for anything that might help, like a switch for example. Today, my gaming skills excelled and I reached the fourth prison - not bad at all for a fella with terrible gaming skills (sometimes I wonder why I bother running a gaming website lol). Yep, a joyous occasion that sadly didn't last all that long, as you will see in my YouTube video recording.

Let's pause the reading and check out a couple more screenshots...

It's a tight fit there, so get down and crawl in silence.

Stars and tongues! That's this game to a tea and I love it!!


The graphics are nothing like I expected and I mean that in a good way. Tiny design but, with superb attention to detail for each of the prisons. However, it's the sprites that I love the most: the laughing policeman, Sam sticking out his tongue, and those punched faces with their broken teeth. Fantastic pixel art and something that will make even the most miserable gamer smile with joy. Throughout, you will be impressed by the humour.

The music is chip and nice but Sam Nasty has the ability to disable that. So I did. Now, just listen to the sound effects and tell me you're not reminded of countless ZX Spectrum platformers!! Anyhow, I enjoyed the music but I absolutely loved the amazing sound effects. Seriously, just get this game and listen for yourself!!

This is something else! I love how it looks and sounds so let's see some more screenshots...

Okay, things are getting tough now and that copper has a gun!

The death scene is great and a little Rick Dangerous too... Can you see me?

The CryptO'pinion?

I'm impressed by the demo and, never in a million years, would I have imagined breaking out of prison could have been fun. Sure, there are a few bugs (that Jerome is in the process of fixing). Plus a few niggles that I'd like tweaked - like overly sensitive joystick controls and the desperate need for more lives. (WIP)

Sam Nasty is a fantastic concept and I'm gobsmacked he didn't release this back in the day. I'm sure it would have gone down a storm! So please take time to download the demo, have a play, and consider sending him your feedback and support. A thoroughly enjoyable and addictive game and well worth buying for pennies!!

2 euros for the full game - support Jerome & the ST scene!

Friday, February 08, 2019

Missile Command

[ my video recording shows both colour and monochrome games ]

Let's take a big step back in time

Straight out of the golden age of Atari's retro gaming archives is Missile Command, a phenomenal shooter which I played a lot, but more so on my old Speccy thanks to Ocean's Armageddon, a fantastic conversion.

This cold war era shoot 'em up was all about protecting the cities of Zardon from a constant ballistic missile attack: aliens from Krytol noticed how prosperous Zardon is so want to free-roll in and take everything for themselves. You are Zardon's only hope so grab hold of the mouse and use your arsenal to defend us all from annihilation!

Doesn't matter whether you run in colour or mono so check out these screenshots...

Angry aliens, again?

Anyhow, this has always been a cool game and the ST received a faithful conversion that feels just as good as I hoped. There is support for one & two players which can be configured to enable/disable other features - like the enemy's multiple warheads and smart bombs. Initial attack waves start off slowly at and sedate pace (can be skipped) but the war soon gets crazy when the Krytolians use their faster missiles and dreaded smart bombs. Trying to detonate them is tricky, especially during the heat of battle when you don't wanna run out of ammo!

Unlike other home conversions, the ST game makes convenient use of its tank mouse for perfect and precise control. Both mouse buttons are used to fire a limited supply of ammo - the left button fires from the left base and, well, I'm sure you've guessed what the right button does? The controls are simple and genius.

Okay, it's time to view some apocalyptic screenshots of doom...

8-Bit graphics and they rock!!

Ok, visually, don't expect to be blown away. The graphics are typically crude for such an early arcade game - with most of the screen is simply a blank canvas. However, that's the charm of early retro games when gameplay mattered most and I feel they captured that (ahem) very well. You know, I do admire those blocky cities (which I'm supposed to save from an explosive death) but I also love the whacky colours and font. Yep, it's silly but so am I :)

Sound effects are fine but I am a little disappointed Atari didn't roll their sleeves up and go that extra mile! We have heard far better from the YM chip and the game is hardly pushing the Atari ST so why not use samples? Hmm, it's a little bland in the audio dept and definitely needed something with a little pizzazz.

Yes, the audio needed to use samples but that won't stop me from throwing out a couple of screenshots...

The CryptO'pinion?

Missile Command is such a simple game and also one of the best from that early era. Fans of the original should appreciate what is an authentic arcade conversion and one which certainly brought back lots of great memories for me. This is fast, frantic and bucket loads of fun so that's a thrilling win in my book. A timeless classic.

Grab a floppy or hard disk version.
Defend Zardon from its inevitable annihilation!

I hope you last longer than I did in my video recording? Not hard, is it... lol

Monday, February 04, 2019

TOS Legends


It's funny the things you find when surfing on the waves of the interweb. Today, I somehow ended up finding TOS Legends by Sébastien Claret. From the moment I booted it up, I was gobsmacked because it's absolutely fantastic and something every Atari ST guy will surely adore? Mac/PC downloads are available or you can play inside a web browser.

Check out these screenshots below and then grab the download from Sébastien's website.

This is what happens when Turrican invades Rick's world!

But that damn boulder still chases lol

Hang on, everything changed! Where have I seen her before? Hmm...

Friday, February 01, 2019

Hibernated 1 - This Place is Death

The postman has been!!

I've taken delivery of what is the latest game released for the Atari ST, Hibernated 1 by Stefan Vogt. I feel like I've waited years for this to pop through my letterbox but here it is! I'm ecstatic to report a fantastic product that's beautifully made to a high standard. I'm unsure whether to remove its plastic seal... (lol)... Of course, I've already unwrapped it!!

Hibernated was reviewed back in August (click that link!!) and I included an animation to demonstrate the game's awesome sense of humour during my exploration. You shall find all links and a download/purchase available using that link.

Wanna see the box and what goodies are inside? Of course, you do...

Taken right before ripping off the plastic!

Check out these lovely goodies!! :D

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas

We're almost at the end of yet another year so here is a cute Christmassy slideshow I found whilst digging through the AtariMania archives. It's from a disk magazine by Effect and is stuffed full of text and even features the most annoying rendition of "The 12 Days of Christmas" I've ever heard - but at least it supports the STe audio!!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and ST commitment over the past year. Once again, I've met some great people and seen things which I thought would never happen after the ST "died" in the mid-90s. There are so many awesome games and demos recently released but my personal favourite is, of course, Manic Miner which is a fantastic remake of Matthew Smith's ZX Spectrum classic from 1983. Absolutely brilliant.

Also, I'd like to thank: Tom/Karim for all their sharing across various social media. Peter for adapting these merry ST games (and my requests for more!!). AtariMania for always being my go-to place. Atari Legend for being ace and getting me addicted to Ultima V. And, course, every one of you guys visiting my website throughout the year :-)

All the beST and Merry Christmas †

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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