Sunday, October 18, 2020
GEM Desktop Music
Friday, October 16, 2020
Evasion II
Ignore the looks - play it!
Evasion 2 was developed by Chris Skellern for Budgie UK and is a maze game where we run around collecting pills whilst being chased by the nasties. Yes, I know this sounds all too familiar but the structure of the gameplay's mechanics is different for a frantic rush. Each level offers a chance to collect power-ups - to freeze the baddies, drop smart bombs and gain extra lives. Heck, you can even drop mines in their path which is a brilliant touch I thought. The enemy's AI is really good and makes the game demanding.
There might only be 8 levels but completing them grants the chance to do it again - with insanely zippy baddies!! You know, this is a perfect example of how cool Atari ST retro gaming is. Evasion is maddening and I enjoyed the frenzied challenge. It's brilliant and I'm sure you will love its adrenaline rush. Highly recommended!!
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Dave Semmens
Wednesday, October 07, 2020
Into The Vertical Blank
The boys are back in town
If you love retro gaming, especially using the world's best 16-bit computer, then check this out. These guys are Atari 8-bit masters and also prove their knowledge of ST. Into The Vertical Blank has recently released two new compilation videos that feature a ton of Atari ST games - Photon Storm, Rainbow Islands, Stunt Car Racer, Sideways, Scooby-Doo, Fire & Ice, Oids, James Pond, Bubble Bobble, and lots more.
Hold your horses, there's also a hefty wedge for the overlooked Atari STe!! Stuff like Rock 'n' Roll Clams, Asteroidia, Uridium, Prince of Persia, No Buddies Land and other (Atari STe) upgraded titles.
Both videos feature fast & fluent presentation; ie, they don't drag on with overly long clips. This means you get to watch many games within a short time. I also enjoyed the varied range of games, along with the fact the Atari STe was used whenever possible. I hope there are more in the pipeline! Both videos are on YouTube but don't forget to check out their excellent website with ST games, Podcasts and more.
My greetings to Fultonbot and 8bitrocket. Keep up the fantaSTic work lads and STay Atari.
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Helpful because I'm not a massive fan of text adventures if I'm brutally honest. Though I have enjoyed a few over the years on both my ZX Spectrum and Atari ST. And, more recently, I bought a couple of crackers - Hibernated 1 and The Curse of Rabenstein so I felt confident with Ooze to see what kind of horrific journey might be on offer.
Ooze has a good sense of humour. Wait too long and a panicky message appears asking if you're still there. Don't leave me here alone, it whimpers lol. Just try sitting on the porch chair for an eye-opening experience that I did not expect. The characters are excellent and I laughed when rescuing Marie: "Marie EnToilet"!! However, Murx is an oddity which made me chuckle and scratch my head. Oh, and when you die, the game pranks you - by banning you from the RAM!!
Each area has a vivid description that is extremely longwinded so it's possible to overlook something blatant, like the lance - which was totally infuriating. I know, I know, all adventures require that you read the room's description but it's apparent that Ooze takes this to the extreme thanks to the amount of detail mixed with subtle hints. Thankfully, that feature can be changed by using the 'brief' command, which I did from the moment I entered the Abbey!
The parser is good but I fear something was lost in translation (German roots). Simple commands are often confused by a pedantic requirement for correct input. Try unlocking a door, searching a trunk or switching on the lights. Well, light... Irritating!! Level 9 quality this is not. Whatever you read in the description, examine that said object fully because nothing is obvious. Find the chalk if you can (agony that). Or suss out what you're supposed to do with the Parlor rope.
Those with a crisp monochrome monitor will be happy to know Ooze works in high resolution. The text looks wonderful but the images... hmm... not so much. It's as if the low-res images have simply been converted on the fly, rather than drawn specifically for this particular display mode. Which is a shame.
I found it impossible to explore upstairs otherwise. There ends my one and only hint!
This isn't something you can easily pick up, not without spending a lot of time. But, if you fancy a break from those fancy Magnetic Scrolls, then I am sure you will love this game which is worth the effort. Ooze offers a sarcastic twist on the horror genre with neat puzzles. Plus it has a fantastic sense of humour: give Marie a juicy kiss! Go on, do it... Brilliant!!
Monday, September 28, 2020
The Atari ST cannot scroll
Don't be too eager to assume that's right!! This is Recovery, a shooter by New Deal Productions, not something I heard of until recently. It takes us on a *Fantastic Voyage* through the lower parts of some poor soul in need of medical assistance. I presume we're trying to help him recover from something nasty as we begin at the bottom, working our way up through the liver (I think), and then onto the heart before finally smashing through the old grey matter.
Recovery is much in the vein of something like Menace or R-Type but runs at a far slicker pace with many of the patient's body parts whizzing around the screen. It's like Anarchy and just as tough - almost nigh on impossible when trying to dodge everything. But our ship is spritely and we're armed with a laser so shoot first and never ask dumb questions.
I love finding something 'new' to play and this is an exciting game so let's see a screenshot...
It's a shooter so, shoot!
Each body part is a separate stage, and incredibly long, almost to the point where you think it will never end! However, they all feel much the same with a vast array of "aliens" to avoid or kill. These use a variety of attack patterns but touching any reduces energy levels, so bad pilots ultimately end up losing yet another life. Strangely, there is no end-of-level boss. A beastly tumour would have been nice to destroy - now there's a sentence I thought I would never say!
The joystick controls are excellent - very swift and responsive without any sluggishness. Our main weapon is a laser beam and quite effective too - pressing and holding fire shoots this laser and kills anything in front of you. Sadly, there are no other types of upgrades or special weapons so all we have is one laser and nothing more.
Thankfully, our sleeping patient appears to have popped many pills, which you'll see floating through his body just waiting to be collected. These can boost your weapon's rate of fire, energy and shields which are all displayed in the status bar. I never figured out what "LIGH" is for - I hit every key but nothing, nada, zip. Does anyone know?
Okay, let's take a break from the boring reading and view another lovely screenshot...
Visually, this is a mixed-body bag that isn't quite as healthy as you would hope. Don't get me wrong, a scrolling shooter needs to scroll. And this game scrolls smoothly with parallax layers. Sadly, the backgrounds are sometimes bare-bones. Although, there are tons of funky sprites zooming around the screen at impressively speedy rates!
Hitting F4 flips between 50/60Hz which speeds things up even more - if you can handle it?
Sonically, this is going to appeal to lovers of chip music. To be blunt, it's simply fantastic and foot-tappingly awesome - makes you realise just how cool your ST is. However, any insane people might wish to turn it off for the sound effects. No problem, just hit F2/F3 but why would you ever wanna do that? I know, because you're stupid.
Okay, you've guessed it - stop reading and enjoy another gorgeous screenshot...
The CryptO'pinion?
Recovery is technically impressive and a damn good shoot 'em up. It slaps the faces of those lazy programmers who said the ST cannot scroll. However, the gameplay could be better, each stage feels overly long with zillions of frantic 'aliens' constantly buzzing about. This static style doesn't progress so it gets samey after a while. Also, our weapons cannot be upgraded which is a massive disappointment but not as much as having no bosses to fight.
I'm sure you can tell that this isn't the greatest shoot 'em up but it's far from the worst. I've enjoyed blasting through some fella's intimate body parts all in the name of science fiction. Recovery is definitely worth booting up for a quick game or two - especially to see who can survive the longest!! Good luck with that because you will deffinetly need it.
Check out my screenshots before deciding whether to download for hard disk or floppy...
Friday, September 25, 2020
Ambermoon Music Demo
Let's kick back and enjoy some toons!
I've had this gem on my hard drive for ages and finally got around to recording what is nothing less than a jaw-dropping collection of chiptunes converted by Gunnar Gaubatz aka Big Alec. It was (eventually) released for Sommarhack 2019 by Grazey of Psycho Hacking Force and features several tunes. I've recorded snippets from each track but it's advisable to download this to enjoy it properly. Remember, nothing beats real hardware. Certainly not YouTube!
But what about Amberstar?
Well, Thalion may not have released the ST game but, this got me thinking of its prequel, Amberstar. A game I've never actually played - not ever! I remember seeing it featured in magazines and the graphics looked very nice. So, today, I downloaded the pre-configured HDD version by 8BitChip and had myself a playtest...
Stonish has the floppies but there's three of 'em. Good luck with that disk swapping!
We begin with an overhead view of a graveyard which is a dead interesting place (sorry). This leads onto the City Of Twinlake which flips our view from 2D to 3D, ala Dungeon Master. Now the adventure begins with plenty of places to explore and folk just waiting for a good natter. The first thing that grabbed me was the aesthetics that look and sound brilliant. However, I was unsure by the clunky user interface which initially feels a little cumbersome and messy.
Amberstar is quite difficult to get into from the start, and I'm perplexed that I wasn't able to create my own characters - but that's something to do with a dodgy installation program the Thalion boys made? Tut Tut Tut... Anyhow, the world of Amberstar appears huge so I'm wondering if I should add it to my ever-growing list of Atari ST games to play over a quiet weekend. Yeah, I often say this a lot... sigh... I think we all know how that plan will go. Hmm.
An early CryptO'pinion?
Considering I only played for half an hour, I'm quite taken aback by what appears to be an in-depth RPG. There's so much to initially overcome from the interface and characteristics, as with any new game. Graphically, it's amazing and the storyline is interesting with dread and captivation. Although I'm wondering if I need another life-sucking RPG especially as I still play Temple of Apshai, Rogue and the mighty Shadowlands. Not to mention the obvious ST classic!
Hey, have you played it? Are there any fans out there? What can you share about this Thalion RPG? I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think because it looks intriguing. Well, for now, it's something for me to ponder over.
Until then, take a gander at these screenshots and try not to drool at the gorgeous pixel art...