Monday, July 02, 2018



Feeling the need for speed, I booted up Overdrive by Ross McNaughton which he developed in 1996 using STOS. It's an overhead racer similar to Super Cars or Power Up and features 25 GEM-green tracks!

After listening to the horrendous title music [nails on a blackboard] you're asked for your initials before viewing a diagram of the first track. The physics are pretty dodgy but controls are easy to learn so it's not long before you're tearing up the asphalt. However, that's about as deep as it gets because your opponents are like Sunday drivers! Plus there are no differing road surfaces, weather conditions, car repairs, etc...

I'm probably being too harsh because Overdrive isn't commercial and there is a level of fun to be had. Sadly, it's too easy so gets repetitive and that green colour hurts the eyes. It's not long before things feel monotonous. Hence why I abruptly ended my recording. Enjoyable for a few minutes but nothing more...

Go on!! I dare ya to download Overdrive and play it. Let me know what you think!

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