Well, today is your lucky day because we are a fiercely-looking dude who loves to jump on all kinds of nasties. This violent act kills and splatters the baddies and they fall off the screen dead. Sound familiar?
Released in 1994 by Cybernation Software, it was developed by Simon Scott and is a platformer created using GFA Basic. Well Ard is a cracking game and to think it was developed in GFA Basic is incredible. Earlier levels are easy but it certainly becomes challenging later on - some of those jumps are insanely tricky!
The scrolling is smooth, with fast action and large sprites - I love the snowman. Controls are accurate and responsive with many tight jumps on interesting levels. Strangely, there are no optional methods to kill enemies - no weapons. Instead, reap violence by leaping and using our red booties. It's weird but who cares?
This is one of the most enjoyable platformers I've played in a long time. Addictive gameplay that has you coming back for more so put on your red boots and play it. Downloads can be found for floppy or hard disk.
Here are some more screenshots to whet your appetite...