Thursday, August 15, 2019

Stunt Car Racer

Cunning STunts

Stonish are having a fantastic year with tons of new additions to their database. I downloaded a few of these cracking disks (see what I did there?) and ended up loving the goods on Supremacy #7: James Pond, a Steve Bak classic. Action Fighter, hey this is good. The Mystic Well, one for geeks! But it was Stunt Car Racer that had me hooked. So, here we are!

I remembered friends telling me about this 3D racer by Geoff Crammond - I was told a mix of Evel Knievel and (a playable version of) Hard Drivin'. However, I simply couldn't control my buggy for love nor money and failed to see what the attraction was. I placed it in the same category as the above or even Powerdrome. Yep, nice ideas but impossible to control.

With that in mind, two things become apparent. 1) how wrong I can be about so many different things (as the wife often reminds me). 2) Like a fine wine, my gaming skills have bettered with age. 3). Maths ain't my strong point.

Okay, enough! Let's take a peep at all the drivers. A weird bunch although High Flyer looks cute...

Genius track design with incredibly cunning tricks and a motley crew to race against!

30 years later...

Well, thanks to Stonish (now Atarilegend - see link below) for this floppy disk - I booted up Stunt Car Racer and attempted a couple of practice laps like it was 1989 again. To my surprise, I didn't crash or fall off the track!!! So I played another game and even participated in a league challenge - which I won. Now, I began gleaming with pride because this wasn't like me at all. Yup, this success went straight to my head and I started to get very excited - not easy at my age!

So I dared myself on and practised several different tracks, with varying degrees of success. Well, I'm being kind there: The Stepping Stones is a killer which I think everybody should foolishly attempt, Kamikaze style!! The Draw Bridge looks easy but has a nifty trick up its sleeve... and The Big Ramp features a ginormous monster gap which can only be jumped by going over 200mph. There might only be 8 tracks but they are all beauties and this game was proving itself a classic.

Right then, I wanna see some gameplay screenshots. Are you up for that? Of course, you are...

I love the way you are dropped in!

Now the fun begins against a blocky opponent.

I thought I was catching him up...

Sigh, I skidded into the dirt - only to watch him zoom away!

This game is fun fun fun!!

Stunt Car Racer is controlled using the joystick: pushing up accelerates whilst fire enables turbo boost for bucket more speed. Pulling down breaks and can also reverse - which comes in handy after falling off the tracks. Turning left or right isn't overly sensitive but precise and feels perfect - very natural and comfortably realistic. Thus instantly playable and mastering the buggy's controls isn't tedious like so many other similar games. In fact, it's rather rewarding.

Practice mode is great for learning the ropes and mastering those difficult parts of most tracks but I found myself jumping straight into the league to compete against a computer-controlled opponent. These guys are well-balanced - the computer ain't no slouch but nor is it Jimmie Johnson. Additionally, you can compete against friends and even hook up your ST to another glorious Atari computer. Maybe you have an Amiga friend? Nah, I didn't think so but it is an option. ;)

Success will come because this game is playable! A simple trait often overlooked and here I triumphed...

You win some, you lose some... Stick with it and you'll be their hero (click 'em)


Graphically, this racer lacks the polished flair and pizzazz of Lotus 2 or Crazy Cars 3. Thankfully, that is actually a good thing because the framerate doesn't suffer from unnecessary aesthetics. The graphics may look rather bland but this simplicity is what keeps the motion smooth. I'd rather have that any day compared to nicer aesthetics.

Sadly, the sounds aren't exactly the best I've heard from my ST: there are numerous effects but that engine noise could have been better (I found myself turning the volume down a bit). In fact, I'd love to see this game improved with STe DMA effects just like we've seen in other games over recent years [subtle hint directed at Jamie, Jon, and Peter!!]

So it looks & sounds weirdly acceptable but moves like a dream, which matters the most. Screenshot time...

This is always a cool glimpse at the next track which I love.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying that these images are some of the best in the entire game ;)

The CryptO'pinion?

Stunt Car Racer is fast and furious with wonky tracks which are a thrill to compete on. Whether you choose to master the tricky stunts (in Practice mode) or jump straight into a league battle, I guarantee hours of fun. The physics are spot-on perfect and that's something you need to experience. The stunt aspect is very addictive, unlike Hard Drivin. Dear Mr Crammond, you did it again and delivered a racer which is both exciting and bucket loads of fun!!

Overall, this is one of the very best Atari ST racers and is worth nothing less than a glorious rating of 10/10.

I suggest you bob over to Atari Legend
and download this plus many more ST goodies!!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Atari STe games [part two]

Making use of that enhanced hardware!

I'm sure you were expecting this video :@) I've put together a second recording that features even more Atari STe games from the Crypt archives. Once again, just a few seconds of each is shown accompanied by the same groovy background tune by Tomchi. Greetings to all my fellow STe Nutters out there!

Let's check 'em out

 Uridium - Peter has performed his usual magic and transformed this old clunky shooter into a beauty.
 Operation Garfield - I dare you not to laugh at this silly shoot 'em up!
 Zool - Good on the ST and even better on the STe. Different to Sonic and fun for a few hours.


 Giana Sisters - This is what the original should have been like all along! One of the best-enhanced games.
 Chronicles of Omega - More colours on the STf but smooth as silk on the STe and with DMA audio.
 Substation - Doom for the ST? Well, no it's very different but it's still a BRILLIANT fps game.


 Stardust - Now we're talking, play this Asteroids and tell me it's not mind-blowing. Superb shooter!!
 Heartland 2000 - An Easter Egg with legs but look how smoooooth it runs!!
 Zero-5 - The STe goes all Star Wars on us and it's utterly brilliant too. What a cracking game this is.


 Pac Mania - The original was good but this blows it out of the water!!
 R-Type Deluxe - Good old Bod did us proud right until the end. I miss him and thank him for the pics.
 Team - I ain't a soccer fan but check out this in overscan. Wow!!


 Sliders - Looks weird, scrolls like silk, but can you play it? One odd game this. Very odd...
 Obsession - Best pinball game on any ST? Very possibly because this is a jaw-dropper Christmas cracker!


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Atari STe games [part one]

Let's get ready to rumble!

I've put together a video recording of 14 Atari STe games. Of course, this isn't complete because there are more games. In the interest of keeping things short and sweet, my video shows a few seconds from each game. With a groovy background tune by Tomchi, which is just gorgeous! I hope you enjoy my humble presentation?

Come on, man! Get to the games...

 Bombaman - Everyone loves Bomberman and this is a Christmas cracker we both loved.
 Escape 2042 - I bought this and so should you. This is incredible. Frustratingly incredible :)
 Pacman On E's - The little yellow fella pops ecstasy pills for a furious take on the classic!


 Alien Blast - Skip by those old bugs to enjoy a tremendous Alien-infested shoot 'em up.
 Death Chase - Quite possibly one of the best games I have ever played. Pure gold this one, folks!
 Ultimate Arena - Punch like Chuck Norris and kick like Bruce Lee in this beat 'em up.


 Pole Position - A near arcade-perfect conversion of one of the best racers ever. It is superb.
 PouifOuf - Those graphics might look familiar but the gameplay is furiously different - Wow!!
 Top Banana - The graphics make your eyes bleed and the sounds are... different... but it's weirdly good.


 Crackman/Dealer - A different twist on the old pill popper and something you will love instantly love.
 Whitewater Madness - Ignore the demo that's been around for years. Play the full version - an AtariCrypt first!
 Roger - The STe shows us exactly what it's capable of and Spot shines for a truly superb game.


 Jinks - Something my mind cannot fathom and PP totally destroys that jerky STf original.
 R0X - Zoom through the heavens, scaping giant rocks, all for a massive arcade adrenalin rush!


Friday, August 09, 2019

Volume 3: Return Of The Borders!

Return of the... book

How time flies, it was only last October that I remember giving Marco's planned project a Crypt-push and today (YES) it became a reality. After several days of resentfully watching many ST nutters flaunt their Trilogy collection, I finally have my own copy!! Yup, this morning I received that familiar brown parcel which I excitedly opened.

I've just had a flick through and love what I've read so far, I'm sure to enjoy reading it properly over the coming weekend. If anyone missed out on the support & funding of this project, then don't despair because you can still purchase any or all three volumes. My gratitude goes out to Marco and everyone involved in this hiSToric achievement!!

And you thought this book was just about demos? Yeah, it's Jeff Minter!!

Stardust is one of the best 16-bit games ever released and a divine Atari STe release.

Say hello to Jan, one of our amazing Patreons!! Hello Milhouse :-)

Iron Soldier is outstanding, what a game that was/is. I wish I still had my copy...

I love Scavenger so I'm really looking forward to reading this interview.

I cannot afford one but that doesn't stop me from loving the Atari Falcon!

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Mole Mayhem

Monty Mole is back!

Er, no. Mole Mayhem is an Atari STe platformer by Croft Soft Software. The city of Moledonia is under attack from a dictator who intends to blow everyone to kingdom come. We are Philby, an agent working for the Moledonia Underground Intelligence Corporation who must destroy all bombs before everything goes BOOM!!

Each screen has bombs that need to be neutralised by Philby and there's usually a particular route through which you need to figure out. Also, look for hazards like electricity and hidden ledges - which you either can't see or might first appear as part of the background. Some levels have teleporters to blindly transport you to another area - so make sure you have that route planned!! Once all the bombs are exploded you can exit.

Controls require precise timing for the wider gaps otherwise Philby falls to a bloody death. Humorously, falling short of that fatal threshold has him squeaking - to let us know how close he came to dying? Philby can jump upwards or sideways (depending on how he stands) and detonating a bomb is done by pushing up. This mole ain't daft, he will protect himself using his superhero cape as a shield of steel - Batfink style!

Graphically, there's little to write home about but I like the humble appearance which is functional and works well. Sound effects are played using the DMA for jumping, detonation, death, etc. Sadly, there's no background chip music so it's more or less silent when not leaping about. I expected more from my STe...

Mole Mayhem is simple and progressively challenging, but I ran out of lives before I could reach the later levels. Thankfully, it has that "just one more go" appeal, but I wanted a password system because it's frustrating having to restart from the beginning. Overall, an addictive platformer that I have thoroughly enjoyed!!

Oddly, there are limited sites to download this but the mighty Demozoo has it safely archived.

Detonating bombs is easy when wearing a cape but sometimes it can be a faff just to reach them.

Some obstacles require good timing... whilst others take you where no man has gone before!

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